How often can I wash with flea shampoo

When a small kitten appears in the house, the first question becomes does he have fleas? This is especially true of kittens brought from the street, in which these "residents" may be a myriad. You need to immediately wash the cat with flea shampoo, otherwise they will jump over the whole apartment.

How to treat a cat?

Nature has created a cat breed in such a way that they themselves try to maintain their cleanliness, constantly licking their fur and maintaining personal hygiene. However, there are many situations when it is extremely necessary to bathe an adult cat or a small kitten. One of these problems is the presence of a large number of fleas in an animal brought home.

For animals created a large number chemicals, allowing to destroy fleas, but most of them are very highly toxic drugs, and for a little kitten is very harmful to health and life. Therefore, the best way to get rid of fleas is to bathe the kitten with a special flea shampoocontaining insecticides.

Such chemicals (permethrin, etofenprox, phenotrin, etc.) are designed specifically to combat parasites and harmful insects.

Shampoo insecticide

Flea shampoos
Flea shampoos

When buying a flea shampoo in a store, you need to carefully read the label, production time and warranty of this chemical agent. Also, they are always added to the instruction, telling in detail about its composition and principles of action, for cats of what age it can be used.

It is possible to bathe kittens with a flea shampoo only special, specifically intended for feline babies, because in high concentrations chemicals can have a harmful effect. Well proven Meadow, Leopard and other shampoos.

In addition to the basic elements, various oils, plant extracts and minerals are also added to the shampoo, contributing to the improvement of the structure of cat hair and its shine, and its beneficial effects on the skin.

Insecticide shampoos have varying degrees of exposure to the parasite, depending on the age and weight of the cat.

The question of how often a cat can be washed with a flea shampoo can be answered like this: “depending on the situation”. Often it is possible to wash and process an animal only if there is a large number of fleas in the coat. It is also necessary to consult the instructions of the purchased funds, which indicates the minimum period of repeated processing.

How to bathe a cat or a kitten

Bathing shampoo cat
Bathing shampoo cat

Before starting this procedure, it is necessary to take into account that both small kittens and adult cats are often afraid of water procedures, and bathing for them is very stressful (although there are exceptions,when they love to squish in the water and even jump into the sink for bathing themselves).

How to wash a kitten with flea shampoo - sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare: a small basin and a bottle of shampoo;
  2. Water should be warm (in no case hot);
  3. Plant the baby in a bowl, holding it with one hand (so as not to run away) and moisten the fur thoroughly;


    During washing, water and an anti-flea shampoo should not be allowed to enter the ears or eyes of a cat so that there is no irritation.

  4. To begin with, squeeze out a little of the product on the hand and rub it, lather the animal, then carefully disperse the shampoo over the hair and lather the agent;
  5. In accordance with the time specified in the attached instructions (usually 5-10 min.), Hold the soaped kitten for the required number of minutes, better talking to him and soothing (some at this time howl, bite and scratch);
  6. After a certain time, the wool must be rinsed, washed thoroughly, rub the muzzle with a wet hand;
  7. Squeeze the hair with hands, smoothing and pressing it, then wrap the baby in a towel.


My daughter and I found in the courtyard a small and very flea cat-beauty, brought home.The first item on the agenda was the removal of fleas. They bought an inexpensive special shampoo and arranged water treatments that evening. There was a lot of shouting and fleas too, then combed out in dozens. After a week, the treatment was repeated, since there were still a few unkilled individuals. And now we have a clean and well-groomed fluffy beauty that our daughter loves very much.

Valeria, Petersburg

How often can I wash

Flea shampoos
Flea shampoos

To understand whether shampoo has worked and whether re-treatment is needed, if there are fleasWool should be carefully inspected within 1-3 days. If dead fleas come across, then it is better to gently comb and discard them.

You also need to make an inspection of the animal on the subject:

  • Allergic reaction to a chemical agent (usually manifested by rashes on the skin);
  • The presence of surviving fleas;
  • How well done processing.

According to the results, you need to make a decision whether you need to re-bathe the kitten with flea shampoo, or you need to change the flea shampoo and try another one. Manufacturers usually indicate on the bottle, after how many days you can repeat the treatment - most often it is 10 days.

If a certain number of fleas survived, it is better to repeat the treatment.


If, after bathing, a rash appears on the skin of the kitten, this means that the shampoo components caused an allergic reaction, and subsequently it is better not to use this remedy.

Handling adult cats and cats

Adult cats and cats also often acquire fleas, especially in the summer. It is necessary to wash the cat with flea shampoo depending on the situation:

  • The cat forgets to lick itself in some places (pop, ears, tail);
  • A cat or a cat regularly go out into the street, therefore they get dirty and bring new flea "tenants";
  • Even clean (not going out) domestic cats can acquire fleas that penetrate into the apartment from the basements, stairs, on the shoes of incoming people.
Cat fleas
Cat fleas

When a cat or a cat brought fleas to the house, it should be washed with a special agent as soon as possible. To wash a cat from fleas should be in a manner similar to the water procedures with kittens, only shampoo is bought on the basis of adult cats.

Also before bathing it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  • The presence or absence of heating (in the cold season), drafts;
  • You can bathe only a healthy animal with normal immunity;
  • Do not wash animals that have been vaccinated the day before;
  • During pregnancy, the cat (especially if it is very afraid of water), you need to bathe only because of a strong need, otherwise you can provoke a miscarriage.

Bathing with shampoo as a flea prevention

In a situation when parasites in the animal's fur are not met during visual inspection, then it is often not recommended to wash the cat with flea shampoo. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of cat skin.

Epidermis in cats does not have sweat glands. To protect against dry skin cells, the sebaceous glands secrete a very small amount of secretion lubricating the skin. With too frequent bathing procedures with ordinary tap water (which has greater rigidity), the protective layer on the skin is washed off, it dries out, begins to peel off and crack, which can lead to partial loss of the animal's hair.

Experts recommend prophylactic treatment of cats and cats from parasites 2-3 times a year.

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