How to get rid of fleas in a puppy

The unpleasant fact is that pets can have fleas. Especially if it concerns small puppies, since pulling fleas from a puppy is 1 month old or even younger is problematic. There are very few drugs from blood-sucking insects that would be suitable for such babies. Fleas puppies Not only cause discomfort, but can also be a source of serious infections. Flea bites cause allergies and dermatosis, so it is important to get rid of parasites in time.

What are dangerous fleas for a puppy?

Flea bites cause pain to the puppy, and when severely infected, they can lead to apathy, refusal of food and nervous breakdown. Fleas in a puppy threaten serious health problems:

  • the immune system is not yet formed, therefore infections that carry fleas are much more dangerous for small pets;
  • flea saliva contains a large number of biologically active substances that cause allergic reactions;
  • with a strong infection and a small dog size, feeding on fleas can lead to significant blood loss and cause anemia;
  • fleas can become carriers of worms that deplete the animal's body.

Therefore you should pay attention to the fact that the pet is itching and take action in time. Funds for a flea puppy should be chosen taking into account the conditions in which it lives and other factors.

How to protect against flea puppies in litter

Puppies are weaned from a bitch at the age of 1.5-2 months.But it happens that the baby is sent to a new family at the age of one month. Crumbs are infected with insects from the mother and choose flea drugs for puppies that are in the litter, more difficult. Even a small amount of insecticides applied to dog hair can lead to bitch poisoning. When licking all puppies, the dose of the drug entering the digestive system may exceed the permissible safe limit. Therefore, you should choose flea products in puppies, which contain not insecticides, but natural-based repellents to reduce the risk of poisoning the dog family.

To remove fleas in a nursing dog and puppies that are kept in an aviary or in a room separate from human housing, it is possible to arrange bunches of grass repellents around the stove - wormwood leaves, lavender, tansy, flea closures, klopovnika, clover or scatter powder of these plants. For dogs, they are safe, even if the kids decide to try them on a tooth, and the smell of herbs scares bloodsucking insects.

If the puppies with the mother live in the house, then the litter and the area next to it can be treated with water with the addition of a few drops. essential oil lavender, lemon, clove, menthol, eucalyptus. In addition to the repellent effect, this solution has a deodorizing and antimicrobial effect. A flea puppy or dog can also be sprayed with this solution, dried and combed out.

Plants for fleas
Plants for fleas

If the puppies with their mother live in the house, then the litter and the area next to it can be treated with water with the addition of a few drops of lavender, lemon, cloves, menthol, and eucalyptus essential oils. In addition to the repellent effect, this solution has a deodorizing and antimicrobial effect. A flea puppy or dog can also be sprayed with this solution, dried and combed out.

On a note!

To protect the dog from insects, you can use anti-flea collar with essential oils without the addition of insecticides, or to make such protection yourself - apply a few drops of essential oil on a scarf and tie it around the neck of a dog before a walk. For dogs older than 4 months will do. collar of celandine.

You can use special pillsthat are added to the bitch's food. Once in the blood, they poison the blood-sucking insects, but you should carefully read the instructions so that the drug does not get into the milk.

It is necessary to closely monitor the litter in order to detect the "bloodsuckers" in time and to prevent their strong reproduction. Dog water treatments with special shampoo contribute to the complete destruction of a small number of insects.

The smaller the baby, the more difficult it is to choose a remedy for fleas.

Puppy handling up to 1 month

Even eminent companies do not manufacture preparations from “blood suckers” for babies under 1 month old. Therefore, to combat insects, you can only use mechanical methods:

  • Wash the dog in a strong decoction of herbal repellents. Pour warm broth into the basin, immerse the puppy in it for 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not get into the eyes, ears and the tip of the crumbs. Then dry and comb the wool over a white cloth. If the kids are all together, then it is required to process all the dogs in turn.
  • Bathe the crumbs in tar soap. Lather the dog and wrap in a towel for 5-10 minutes. Then thoroughly wash off the foam, dry and comb the hair.
    Tar soap from fleas
    Tar soap from fleas
  • Use a special bath shampoo for the little ones. Shampoo Doctor Zoo can be used for pets older than 2 weeks.When choosing a shampoo, you should read the instructions, which should indicate the age at which the baby can be safely used.
  • Frontline spray Recommended for babies from the first days of life. They can handle pregnant and lactating dogs.


In order to effectively exterminate insects, you must act in a complex. Before deciding how to remove fleas from a puppy at home, you must carefully treat the dog bedding, the bedding and the whole room. Means from fleas for puppies choose especially carefully.

Funds for fleas puppies aged 1-2 months

Bringing fleas from a monthly puppy is difficult, but starting at 1.5 or 2 months of age, you can find a much larger number of drugs in different forms to rid the puppy of fleas. These include:

  • sprays;
  • drops;
  • collars;
  • shampoos

Consider the most popular and effective means that will suit the crumbs to protect against parasites.

The sprays

Flea spray for puppies - the most popular form of drugs. It is simply applied, has high efficiency. When applying the rules of application and age restrictions, sprays are safe and can quickly get rid of"Bloodsuckers". You should choose certified products that have passed quality control and safety. These include:

Flea Sprays in Dogs
Flea Sprays in Dogs
  • Stronghold - is used for dogs from the age of 1.5 months. The drug contains selamectin and destroys the larvae and imago of blood-sucking insects.
  • Frontline is an excellent tool for even the smallest. The number of clicks on the spray bottle depends on the weight and length of the pet's coat. There is a table in the preparation, according to which it is easy to calculate the required dose of the preparation.
  • Leopard - recommended for the destruction of insects from 1.5 months of age. The spray contains fipronil and protects the baby for 30 days from all types of bloodsuckers. Domestic drug from LLC NEC “Agrovetzashchita” (Moscow) is not inferior to more expensive foreign funds.

It is recommended to apply the spray against the growth of wool until it is slightly moist. Then it is dried and avoid wetting or bathing for 2 days. Spray is not recommended if the animals are not yet separated from the mother and are in litter.


Drops have a longer effect, but for puppies of this age they are released very little. The safest are:

  • Front line spot contains fipronil, which is active against fleas and ticks. Allowed to use drops for flea puppies from 2 months of age, with the condition that the weight of the animal is more than 2 kg.
  • Celandine drops Flea drops for puppies of small breeds from 2 months of age based on extracts and essential oils of repellent plants. Additionally introduced insecticides fipronil and permethrin.

Flea drops
Flea drops

Suitable for puppies and other drops, such as:

They are applied taking into account the age of the puppy, so you should carefully read the instructions. Handling a flea puppy with drops is as easy as spraying. It is enough to apply the drug on the withers - on the skin under the hair and rub in gently to ensure maximum penetration into the hair follicles of the insecticide. It is not recommended to use if the baby is not yet taken away from the mother and is with others.


Options for collars for puppies aged 1.5-2 months are few. Dog breeders and veterinarians recommend these:

  • Beaphar - this flea collar for puppies can be used from 1.5-2 months of age.The active substance is tetrachlorvinphos, which belongs to safety class 3.
  • HartZ - puppy collar with the same characteristics and age restrictions. Able to remove parasites and prevent infection.

The collar will help get rid of fleas in a puppy if you first bathe the animal in a special shampoo. This will increase processing efficiency. It is not recommended to use a collar and another type of flea medication at the same time.

Flea shampoo

Flea shampoos
Flea shampoos

Flea shampoo for puppies is also chosen according to age. This is the safest removal agent, so there are more types of shampoos than drops and sprays:

  • Phytoelite - a complex of an extract of medicinal herbs and a small dose of permethrin.
  • Beaphar is a product from a line developed for animals by a Dutch company. It includes permethrin and is suitable for shorthair and longhair dogs.
  • Celandine - contains not only an insecticide, but also essential oils that have a repellent effect.

If a puppy has a flea, then the shampoo should be applied to a damp coat, lather and hold for about 5 minutes. Wash off the shampoo with plenty of water, dry the wool.The essential oils and other components that make up the skin purify, strengthen and care for it and the delicate skin of the baby.

When choosing means for fleas, you need to take into account the weight, age and length of the dog's coat. If the puppy is itchy, but there are no fleas, then the wrong means that caused the allergic reaction and itchiness can be the cause.

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