How to get a flea from a Yorkshire terrier

Fleas - tiny champions by high jump, can become a big problem, both for the dog itself and for its owner. Parasites are especially dangerous for the elegant coat of Yorkshire terriers, destroying healthy skin cells and scattering the products of their stay. The resulting scabies and redness on the skin cause great discomfort to the animal.Therefore, each owner of this amazing breed of dog will not be overly aware of how to get fleas from York.

What danger are parasites

More often attacks by the fleas of Yorkies are exposed during a walk in the spring-summer period. An insect bite can cause an allergic reaction in a dog, which is accompanied by redness, swelling and severe itching. Scratching the affected area leads to ulcers, which can later fester.

Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier

On a note!

When festering wounds are found on the skin of York, it is urgent to contact a veterinary clinic as they may be a symptom of a dangerous viral disease. After all, fleas are carriers of many infections, such as typhoid, plague, hepatitis, salmonellosis, brucellosis. Parasites can also spread a variety of helminths and cucumber tapeworms, which is a mortal danger to the Yorkshire terrier.

Signs of infection

Many owners of fluffy indoor creatures are wondering if yorks have fleas if the dog does not go out for a walk. To answer this question, you must carefully examine the animal.Understand that fleas have got a Yorkshire terrier can be on the following grounds:

  • the pet is restless and often itches;
  • the presence on the skin of the animal wounds and abrasions;
  • the presence of flea eggs and feces in the wool of York, resembling salt and black pepper;
  • it is possible to detect bloodsuckers while bathing a pet: fleeing, insects huddle around the neck and head, and also jump in water en masse;
  • you can verify the presence of animal parasites in the fur of the animal by combing with a fine comb;
  • with a high degree of infestation of York by parasites, even hair loss is possible.
Fleas have yorkshire terrier
Fleas have yorkshire terrier

What to do when a flea is found in York

Having ascertained the presence of bloodsuckers with your pet, it is necessary to urgently take measures to combat pests. Should to process not only York, but the room itself, since fleas can represent danger to humans. All blankets and bedspreads are best subject to washing and, if possible, to heat treatment. Carpet products should be thoroughly vacuumed, and you should also do a wet cleaning of the whole house.For the treatment of a pet, special agents are used, having insecticidal substances in their composition. Particular attention should also be paid to the bedding and york stuffed toys.

Due to the fact that fleas can multiply very quickly, in 10-15 days a whole swarm of bloodsuckers will “feast” in the wool of York. For an animal that will tolerate the painful bites of bloodsuckers, as well as the resulting itching and irritation, even a watch is important. Therefore, the timely detection and treatment of parasites will greatly alleviate the suffering of your pet.

Equally important in the fight against pests is the choice of means, as well as the strict observance of the conditions of its use. In this case, will help not only the advice of a veterinarian, but also the advice of experienced canine.

Means of struggle

Every caring owner wants to know how to get fleas from York at home. It is important that the fight against bloodsuckers was complex. Today, there are many effective means of fleas, which are very popular among consumers.

  1. Chemical preparations containing insecticidal components. These include sprays, drops, powders, balms.
  2. Detergentswith antiparasitic properties.
  3. Special collars.

Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages. Do not buy the first available drug, it is better for advice to contact the veterinary clinic.


Flea drops in dogs
Flea drops in dogs

An excellent antiparasitic effect is found in the preparations of Bolfo, Advantage, Frontline or Bio-Groom. Dogs are also in great demand at the facility. Front linewhich comes in the form of drops and sprays. To rid york of fleas, it is preferable to use drops of this brand, since sprays are very toxic for small dogs. The tool is applied to the pet's skin at the withers. The advantage of the drug is that it is not absorbed into the blood of the animal, and is reserved only in its sebaceous glands. A treated pet should not be bathed for 2 days. Frontline drops are allowed for use by puppies over 2.5 months old.

Stronghold - not less effective means not only from fleas, but also other blood-sicking insects. It is also produced in the form of drops, which are applied in a similar way. It is necessary to correctly calculate the dose, taking into account the age and weight of York.It is recommended to pay attention to such drops:

If york itches, but there are no fleas, the presence of other blood-sucking insects in the fur of the animal can be the cause of the itch. An example of this can be dog lice, which are able to spend their entire lives on the "host". Their females lay their eggs right in the fur of a four-legged friend. After 5-6 days, young offspring appear from them, which already in 1-3 weeks reaches maturity. Accurately determine in York lice or fleas specialist will help.


Shampoos with antiparasitic properties are one of the important components in the fight against parasites. However, to achieve the perfect result, they still can not. More often, such detergents are used for the mechanical removal of bloodsuckers from York, as well as for prevention. Often owners of dogs get shampoos for them. Meadow and Leopard, well proven in practice.

Flea shampoos
Flea shampoos


You can get York from fleas using a special collar, such as: Celandine, Beaphar, which is a textile tape impregnated with an anti-parasite agent.Perimethrin, a toxic component that paralyzes and causes the death of all blood-sucking insects, acts as an active ingredient. Pick up an accessory in accordance with the age and weight of York. The convenience of the collar is its moisture-proof properties, which is especially important for Yorkshire terriers, who need to be bathed often. For the complete destruction of parasites, the collar is not removed from the dog.

There are also flea collars soaked in essential oils. They have a deterrent effect and are absolutely safe even for pregnant and lactating dogs.

Regular inspection of the animal, washing its litter, cleaning and processing facilities should become a habit of each owner of the four-legged friend.


Quite by chance I found fleas in my York. I was very puzzled, as the dog does not go outside at all. The doctor advised Frontline drops. It has been 3 weeks, while there are no insects.

Lida, Balabanovo

I buy fleas for collars from my fleas - once I put them on and I don’t have to look every day. Very comfortably.

Yaroslava, Kaluga

Breeding fleas is easy with drops. Leopard is a great tool. It can be used for both small and large dogs.

Evgeny, the Volga region

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