Are fleas transmitted from dog to man
Fleas are wingless parasites that can bring a lot of trouble to pets and their owners. Despite their species, ectoparasites can change their carrier and move from a cat, bird, any mammal to a dog. How true is the statement that fleas are transmitted to humans, let's understand.
Appearance of dog fleas
All members of the flea family differ in miniature size. The length of their flattened elongated body varies from 2 to 5 mm. The chitinous cover of brown color is equipped with a set of bristles, thanks to which the insect moves freely in the dog's coat. Fleas jump well, the length of their jump is three times their zone of visibility, that is, in fact, the parasite cannot accurately determine the landing site.
Dog fleas characterized by incredible stamina. They are able to adapt to changes in temperature, humidity, quickly get used to the effects of chemicals and develop resistance to insecticides.
Are fleas transmitted from dog to man
Dog breeders and lovers pet four-footed friends are worried about whether fleas are transmitted to humans. Such a question is somewhat incorrect, since bacteria, microbes, and diseases can be transmitted. If considered in the context that animal fleas can cause harm to manthen there is certainly a potential danger.Parasites feed on warm-blooded blood: cats, rodents, dogs. Human blood for them is no less attractive, so fleas can bite people and move from one food source to another.
When in contact with an infected animal or in the case when the dog lives in an apartment or house, incidents happen when fleas pass on to people. Due to its size, relative immobility, man is an easy prey for parasitic individuals. Moreover, it is much easier for an insect to bite through human skin than a thick skin of dogs. The only argument why a person rarely undergoes attacks from jumping insects is the absence of hair, in which a flea can hide and remain unnoticed for a long time. Dog parasites do not live on the human body. After the meal, they jump off and search for secluded places to lay eggs.
“My son cannot ignore the homeless cats and dogs. Recently brought into the house a little flea puppy. Because of the fear that fleas in dogs are transmitted to humans, they were afraid to leave the animal in their home, but after long persuasion, the son was still allowed.I had to run to the nearest pet store for special shampoos and collar. After the course of procedures, it was possible to remove all parasites and fortunately, not a single flea bit any of the household members. ”
Alexandra, Nizhny Novgorod
How to bite dog fleas
The specific device of the insect's mouth apparatus is adapted only for blood supply. Fleas in dogs and cats have a good sense of smell and the smell of carbon dioxide that a person or an animal exhales easily determines their prey. Once on the body, the parasite bites through the skin and begins to suck blood. Because of the short proboscis, he has to insert his head and part of the body into the wound, so during the bite the flea is almost upright.
Unlike clumsy bed bugs or tickswhich, during a human bite, inject an anesthetic agent so as not to be noticed, fleas do not disguise their presence on the body of the victim in this way. therefore for a man flea bites very painful. During a puncture, they inject saliva, which contains an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting.It is this saliva that harbors potential dangerous harm, since it carries thousands of bacteria, including deadly ones.
After drinking a dose of blood from one wound, the insect moves a few centimeters and continues to feast. During one feeding, the flea makes three to five bites, after which it leaves the body of its victim.
Dangerous neighborhood
The fact that fleas in dogs are dangerous to humans is beyond doubt. Infection of a dog with parasites is fraught with negative consequences for its owner. In order to bring dangerous insects into the house, it is not necessary to keep pets, it is enough to stroke, caress a stray dog on the street. In addition, fleas can move from one type of animal to another, and if before the insect was parasitic on a sick rat, it can infect its prey with a whole “bunch” of viruses and diseases.
The danger of fleas of dogs for a person directly depends on their species, and who their previous "carrier" was. The harm of blood-sucking insects is as follows:
- The occurrence of allergic reactions in humans to the parasite saliva,which manifest as itching, dermatitis, exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, fever, respiratory complications, intestinal disorders.
- The development of brucellosis - damage to internal organs.
- Transition to its victim of endoparasites - worms, tapeworms and other varieties of helminths.
- Blood sucking bites can trigger the development of diseases such as encephalitis, anthrax, plague, typhoid.
“I live in a private house, and I always had a few cats and dogs. Previously, somehow I did not think about the fact that fleas of animals can bite a man, until she found strange traces on herself. Once accidentally swatted an insect on herself. After comparing with the descriptions, I came to the conclusion that these are fleas. Called the vet and he determined that my animals are infected cat fleas. It was necessary to carry out a grandiose work on the removal of parasites from all my pets and professional pest control in the House."
Evgenia, Kostroma
Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of fleas
Preventing the appearance of blood-sucking insects in a man’s house is much easier than getting rid of them.Given the fact that fleas are transmitted, it is possible to avoid their appearance. The most likely cause of parasites in the house are unprotected animals that transport dangerous insects on themselves. A dog can pick up bloodsuckers while walking, playing with other infected animals, in the stairwell.
After each walk, you must check the coat of your pet. If a jumping insect is detected, the dog should be immediately bathed with the appropriate shampoo. Periodically check the dog accessories: bedding, mats, toys. Parasites do not use their host’s body for permanent habitat. After saturation, they mate and lay eggs near their prey. As a prophylactic safe agent, animal litter can be filled with pine sawdust.
The most optimal preventive measure is to purchase a special collar that will protect the dog not only against fleas, but also against many other insects. Proved its effectiveness collar of celandine.
Well proven drops that are applied to the dog's withers. They consist of insecticidal agents, thanks to which no parasite will approach your four-legged friend. On sale there is a wide choice of similar means. The best drops are:
If you have stroked a dog on the street and suspect that it is infected with blood-sucking harmful insects, immediately take a shower upon arrival and wash your hair.
In cases where the pet is infected with fleas, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures, which includes the removal of dangerous insects from the pet and processing of the whole room, the apartment in which the dog lives.