
Flea essential oil in cats and dogs

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Essential oils from fleas
Lemon, Orange and Lemongrass

Appearance a flea in the house is a very unpleasant surprise. This problem is most often faced by people in the summer, when they can be carried on their feet or shoes into a room. Another thing is when a dog or a cat lives in an apartment, constantly walking on the street. Here you will face the problem of unpleasant insects biting on the legs.

Means to get rid of fleas, quite a bit of.These can be professional insecticides, kerosene and other substances with a pungent odor. But here you can survive from the apartment, not only fleas, but also the owners themselves, but what about pets that are particularly sensitive to odors? Even our great-grandmothers knew that herbs with a pungent smell could get rid of unpleasant neighbors, sagebrush, mint, chamomile, thyme. Now it is not necessary to go after them to the forest, it is enough to visit a pharmacy and purchase essential oils against fleas.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Fleas, their eggs and larvae

The principle of action of essential oils from fleas

Aromatic oil can be used not only as a means to impart a fragrance to the room, but also as an insecticide. Fleas, like all parasites, do not tolerate harsh odors. Essential oils from fleas in the apartment contain volatile substances that repel insects. They do not kill them, but only scare them away from the place where they used oil.

What essential oils are able to scare away fleas:

  • sagebrush;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • peppermint and Japanese mint;
  • thyme;
  • lemongrass;
  • Pine;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • cedar virgin.

The listed aroma oils from fleas will relieve your room from uninvited guests.But they need to treat pet hair with great care, because they can lick her tonguegetting severe poisoning. It is better to use special shampoos for dogs and catscollars for cats and dogs.

Excellent proven drops that are applied to the withers of the animal:

On a note!

Essential oil from fleas in cats causes a violation of the receptors responsible for the perception of odors, citrus fruits are especially unpleasant - lemon, orange and lemongrass.

Lemon, Orange and Lemongrass
Lemon, Orange and Lemongrass

How to use aroma oils

If you decide to get rid of parasites oils, acquiring them, you will note that some of them are not cheap. But this does not mean that the entire bottle should be used immediately. You only need a few drops to fill the apartment with fragrant aromas.

You should consider that when you start process the room, the fleas will jump on you and bite. Therefore, it is recommended to take a spray, pour 50 ml of water, 5 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of oil. Shake well, spraying the contents on your clothes, hands, feet.

Instructions for the use of aromatic oils from fleas:

  1. To carry out the general cleaning, to wash the floors, to vacuum. Wash the bedding on which your pet sleeps.
  2. For five liters of warm water, add 20 - 25 drops of oil. Wipe with water the floors, baseboards, furniture, shelf for shoes. Carpet will be better washed, but if this is not possible, also treat it with a solution.
  3. Pour the product in the sprayer, handle curtains and hard to reach places.

The action of essential oils will continue until you feel their scent, if fleas reappear, you need to re-process.

To make pest control more efficient, it is necessary to use not one type of oil, but several at once:

  • lavender and mint;
  • tea tree, clove and lavender;
  • cloves, lavender and peppermint;
  • eucalyptus and lavender.
Essential oils from fleas
Essential oils from fleas

Tea tree oil is an excellent tool to help get rid of fleas, fills the room with a pleasant unobtrusive aroma, a positive effect on the nervous system, helps with frequent colds. But a strong concentration can cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness.Tea tree oil from fleas in a cat can be applied by diluting it with water and causing a few drops not withers. The first time, apply just one drop, see how the animal will feel, and then you can use a more concentrated solution.

In order to prevent the appearance of insects, you can use the oil burner. If it is absent, you can put two drops of flea essential oil on the candle and light it, the fragrance spreads throughout the house.

Security measures at disinsection by aroma oils

Essential oils, though natural, do not contain impurities and chemical compounds, but when working with them it is necessary to adhere to certain safety measures.

  • It is not recommended to apply if there are small children and pregnant women living in the apartment.
  • read the instructions attached to the bottle. Use a small amount of oil, not in its pure form, especially for the aroma lamp, dilute it with water. Severe concentration can cause nausea and headache, and oil does not evaporate for a long time, you will have to endure an irritating smell for several days;
  • if you decide to buy oil for the first time, you do not need to immediately process the whole room. No one has canceled the individual intolerance of the drug, which can occur not only in humans in the form of allergic reactions, but also in domestic animals;

Advantages and disadvantages of using essential oils

Essential oils from flea-1
Essential oils from fleas

The main advantages of the use of oil include the natural composition of the drug, a pleasant aroma filling the room. To purchase it does not need significant financial costs. It can be used not only as an effective means of helping to get rid of fleas, but later, to improve the state of health. A pleasant smell does not compare with insecticides. The use of special masks and gloves is not required, it is quite simple to prepare a solution.

The main disadvantages:

  • oils will not help get rid of insect eggs, so after a few days you will need to repeat the procedure of working out the apartment;
  • may cause allergic reactions in the form of sneezing, headache and lacrimation;
  • cannot be used in the room where children live the first year of life.

Essential oils help you quickly get rid of blood-sucking fleas.They will fill the room with the fragrance of herbs, citrus fruits, restore mental balance and calm the nervous system, which suffers rather severely when pests are present in the home. Do not be afraid to experiment, combining oils, they will give the house a unique and unique aroma, where you want to return again and again.


Fleas appeared in the house after we arrived at the dachas: they were brought by our beloved cat. My daughter and I are allergic, so we decided to try folk methods instead of chemistry. We bought essential oils at the pharmacy and treated the apartment with eucalyptus and lavender. Fleas disappeared after several treatments. And the cat helped the tea tree oil. Tper for the prevention of dressing his flea collar.

Elena, Omsk

Clove oil was advised by a neighbor from the ground floor. Fleas appeared after our sister brought us a cat for the weekend. Bloch bred Raptor, and oil treated apartment for prevention.

Olga, Moscow

For several months on a business trip he lived in a dormitory. To my surprise fleas lived there! Chemistry did not help: and the money was spent a lot, and the effect was zero, all the same from the neighbors again appeared. Helped folk remedies.But it was necessary to process from time to time so that the "new" parasites did not take root.

Sergey, Samara

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