Drops Inspector for Dogs for Fleas

Many insects parasitize animals: fleas, pincers etc. You need a powerful tool that can cope with these problems and protect your pet from attacks for a long time. Experienced owners use drops Inspector for dogs, eliminating problems with bloodsuckers.


Inspector Total has no color and has a weak aroma of alcohol. Does not give sediment. It is packaged in the capacity with the pipette allowing to put a preparation quickly.

How do drops work?

Drops on withers The inspector is intended not only for dogs, they are successfully used to eliminate cat fleas. Their use is justified in the attack of insects:


Total C Inspector for dogs and cats successfully fights with many types of worms.

A large number of positive feedback means owes its versatility. Experts recommend it when it detects many external and internal parasites.

The composition of the drug

Drops Inspector
Drops Inspector

There are two active substances (components) in drops: moxidectin and fipronil. These are low toxic substances that do not harm animals.

Fipronil is a phenyl compound. It impairs the absorption of chlorine by organisms, damaging the transmission of nerve impulses, blocking the body's system of the parasite. This condition quickly leads to death. Moxidectin affects the functioning of nerve cells.As a result, the activity of the muscles of the insect is broken, there is paralysis and early death. In the composition of the drops is 2.5% moxidectin and 10% fipronil - this amount is enough to destroy a significant number of pests.

Toxicity level

Drug Inspector for dogs is deadly to arthropods, but practically does not harm warm-blooded animals. Studies have shown that when using drops, there is no irritation, there is no effect on the embryos or the immune system. The amount of substance required for the destruction of parasites cannot harm any animal.


As with most medications, the Inspector may use drops with certain reservations. So, contraindications to the use of the drug is:

  • age up to 7 weeks;
  • illness or recovery period, time after whelping or taking drugs with lactones;
  • intolerance to the drug.


For dogs prone to allergic reactions, the drops should be applied only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

Drops Inspector-1
Drops Inspector

If the instructions for use drop the Inspector for dogs is observed exactly,the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal. If you exceed the dosage may cause itching or redness of the skin. These symptoms go away on their own.

Allergy sufferers may show a reaction to the drug, although it happens in exceptional cases. If this happens, you need to wash off the drops, give your pet an antihistamine.

Application in various diseases

Depending on the type of parasite, the technique or the frequency of application may vary.

  • For the treatment of ticks, lice, fleas and eaters, the Inspector must be applied once. As the prevention and maintenance of the state in the summertime, secondary use is acceptable after 30-45 days. When infected with fleas, treatment is carried out once a season.
  • To get rid of ear mites should be applied once. Before use, the dog’s ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs, removing dirt, grease and feces mites. If the disease was detected in the advanced stage, it is necessary to process the ears again in a month.
  • For the destruction of subcutaneous and scabies mites, the preparation is applied twice, with an interval of 30 days.


Increase the amount of application can only be a doctor.

Application procedure

Drops Inspector for dogs, instructions for which are enclosed in the package, should be applied according to the recommendations of a specialist.

  • The drug is applied to dry, healthy skin. Most often it is dripped to the withers, where the dog will not be able to lick the agent. In order for the Inspector to get on the skin without remaining on the wool, the hairs are pulled apart and put drops on the skin exactly.
  • For the treatment of dogs of small breeds enough to drip into one place at the withers. Large dogs dose should be divided into 4-5 points.

After processing, do not wash your pet for at least a week. If the animal lives in the apartment, it is necessary to hold processing.

Applying flea drops
Applying flea drops

Rules for working with the drug

Drops Inspector for dogs, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness, are packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette. But during the work it is necessary to follow safety rules with chemicals.

  • do not handle the dog in the kitchen;
  • wash your hands well with soap and water after work;
  • during the use of the Inspector can not eat and drink;
  • 4 days do not allow children to stroke the dog so that they do not touch the drug;
  • in case of contact with skin, rinse thoroughly with soap and water.

Storage method

Drops should be kept in dark places inaccessible to children. The medicinal properties of the Inspector are maintained for up to three years. Drops Inspector - low-toxic means a new generation. The mixture of safety and efficiency makes it so popular with owners of dogs and other animals.

Not bad results in the fight against fleas in pets showed such drops:


Aisa had never had a flea before - yet an exhibition dog, followed him right. And after moving to the village, he began to spend a lot of time in the company of simple "nobles", he met with cats. Combing it once again, I found a lot of insects in the wool. Ran to the store, they offered the Inspector. I processed it at home, I did everything according to the instructions. A few days later in the wool there was not a single flea! Plus, the store said that Ice is now protected from ticks.

Olga, Birobidzhan

An inspector from fleas recommended a neighbor in the country. In the summer, this problem is very relevant for our dog, since we spend all the time outdoors. I liked the tool: it acts quickly, it is easy to handle.Now we go home without fear of bringing these parasites home.

Irina, Perm

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