Drops the Leopard for cats and dogs from fleas and ticks

Fleas, pincers and other blood-sucking parasites cause a lot of trouble not only to homeless animals, but also to pets. In order to prevent, as well as to combat insects, veterinarians recommend the use of special insecticidal drugs. They are used to get rid of fleas. in cats, dogs and other pets.

The most popular and effective are the drops from fleas Bars, which are produced by the domestic company Agrovetzashchita. They contribute not only to the destruction of existing bloodsuckers, but also provide protection against infection by new insects. In the line of anti-parasitic drugs used to fight fleas, there are four types of insecticide-acaricides:

  • medicinal drops Bars Forte for adult cats;
  • Bars Forte drug treatment-and-prophylactic for kittens;
  • drops Bars from fleas and ticks;
  • complex tool Bars spot-on with arachno-entomozah and helminth infections of cats and dogs.

All of these drugs are intended only for external, skin use. Consultation of the veterinarian and instructions for use, which is provided with each tool will help avoid confusion.

Drops Bars
Drops Bars

The composition and mechanism of action of droplets from fleas Bars

The drip preparation the Leopard is issued in two modifications - for cats and flea leopard drops for pet dogs and puppies. Both preparations contain the same active substances, but in different percentages.Drops are packaged in convenient polymer bottles-droppers, tubes-pipettes or droppers-pipettes, which are packaged in blisters or sachets of special materials. All packaging is supplied with detailed instructions.

In appearance, Bars drops are an oily odorous transparent liquid of light yellowish tones. The drug is able to destroy the larvae and adult parasites living on cats and dogs. This effect is explained by the presence of three active components in the drops - fipronil, diflubenzuron and dicarboximide.

Fibronil is a systemic, contact-intestinal insecticide. He effectively copes with ticks, fleas, lice and lashes. The drug has a neuroparalytic effect, blocking the transfer of impulse between nerve cells. As a result, paralysis and death of the insect occurs.

The composition of the drops also includes diflubenzuron, which inhibits the ability to produce chitin by parasites. As a result, all the major vital processes in the body of the insect are disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the population.Dicarboximide - increases the activity of the previous components and enhances the toxicity of the drug for bloodsuckers.

According to the degree of impact on a living organism, leopard ’s flea and tick drops are moderately hazardous. As a result of application to an animal, the active components of the drug are evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, but are not absorbed into the circulatory system. The drug accumulates in the hair follicles, subcutaneous sebaceous glands and in the epidermis of pets. By fleeing the skin of a cat or dog, fleas feel the presence of an acaricidal insecticide in the body and do not parasitize them. Reviews of drops Bars confirm the effectiveness of the drug.


“They gave a kitten, which she had long dreamed of. But it turned out to be fleas. I tried to remove the parasites using special shampoobut nothing helped. I turned to the vet, he advised to buy a drop of Leopard Forte for kittens. The result is wonderful. We are very pleased with the kitten. "

Svetlana, Voronezh

Terms of application of the drug

Applying the drug to the withers
Applying the drug to the withers

The expected result from the use of insectoacaricidal drug can be achieved only if the elementary rules are followed:

  • Putting drops is carried out by means of the special pipette containing means.
  • The amount of the applied drug is determined according to the standards specified in the instructions. They are set according to the age and weight of the animal.
  • The drug used should not be overdue.
  • It is necessary to store the insecticide in closed packaging, in a place protected from moisture and light, away from food, animal feed.

Bars drops from fleas for cats are applied once by droplet onto the dry, intact skin of the pet, spreading the hair in the back area between the shoulder blades or at the base of the skull on the neck, that is, on the withers. The drug retains its activity for several months. It is not recommended to wash your pet after applying insecticide for two days.

Important! Do not allow children to stroke the treated animal until the medicine is completely dry.

In most cases, a single application of the Leopard for cats is enough. If the pet has already had parasites, then it is advisable to re-disinfect, but not earlier than in a month.If there are several pets in the house, then to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to process all of them at the same time.

Drops Bars for dogs from fleas help get rid of insects that can parasitize on the body of an animal. Bringing your pet for a walk, you cannot guarantee its complete safety. Therefore it is necessary to inspect the animal. At the first signs of the presence of parasites, treat the dog with medicine. It is recommended to drip the preparation at the withers, after having parted the wool. After that, gently massage the treated area for better distribution of the drug. Dog, it is desirable to wear a muzzle so that it can not lick the medicine.

The use of insecticide caries for kittens

The developers of the trademark Bars have taken care of the health and safety of the smallest pets. Drops a leopard for kittens from fleas will reliably protect fluffy creatures. Before using the drug, make sure that the animal is healthy and has good immunity. But if the kitten is not eight months old, then this remedy is contraindicated.

Drops the Leopard for kittens
Drops the Leopard for kittens

Having decided on the weight and age of the kitten, you can purchase the appropriate dosage of the drug in a veterinary pharmacy. Break off the tip of the pipette, the tool should be drip applied to the withers, pushing the fur of the animal. After that, place the drug application slightly to massage for better distribution of the drug. The kitten will not be able to lick it and not harm itself.

The insecticide is well tolerated by adults and small pets, but there are certain limitations that should not be forgotten:

  • Bars drops are strictly forbidden to be used with other flea products;
  • do not treat weak or ill animals;
  • it is undesirable to use drops on nursing and pregnant cats;
  • if the pet has an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, wash it off with water and contact the veterinarian.

Compliance with all the recommendations will allow you to maintain the health of a small pet, because the Leopard drops in a cat with good health practically do not cause negative consequences.


“My cat lives in the apartment all the time, but once she jumped out into the porch and stayed there for a while.After talking with street animals, she plucked up a decent fleas. In the veterinary pharmacy advised to buy drops of leopard from fleas and ticks. The price was pleasantly surprised. Has done all the manipulations in accordance with the instructions. The remedy helped. The cat feels great, there are no fleas. "

Irina, Yekaterinburg

Personal safety measures

Personal safety measures
Personal safety measures

Insecticide and acacia drops from fleas and ticks Bars fall into the third class of danger, that is, they are moderately harmful. Despite this, working with him requires compliance with basic precautions:

  • it is necessary to put means from fleas in well aired room;
  • during the treatment of the animal, do not drink, smoke or eat;
  • wash hands thoroughly after working with a flea drug;
  • keep small children away from animals for at least 48 hours;
  • if the preparation Leopard for cats got on the skin, it should be washed off under running water;
  • the ingestion of an insecticide is strictly prohibited in order to avoid poisoning;
  • Dispose of used packaging according to the instructions.

In case of unforeseen situations, you should seek the help of a doctor.

Side effects

Despite the fact that droplets from fleas Bars have low toxicity, are well tolerated by dogs and cats, undesirable effects may occur. Failure to follow the basic rules for handling the drug, which are described in the instructions, can lead to an overdose of the latter. This happens if:

  • applied collar for cat or dogs flea and other insecticide;
  • treat the cat by dog ​​means;
  • at the same time give the pet a worming drug and treat it for fleas.

The first signs of poisoning in an animal that can cause a leopard’s flea remedy are

  • general weakness;
  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • intensive salivation;
  • increased tearing;
  • lack of appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • skin irritation at treatment sites or a rash all over the body;
  • muscle cramps, turning into convulsions.

If there is at least one of the listed symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Prior to the arrival of a specialist, it is necessary to wash the pet's stomach, give a cure for poisoning and no longer use means that cause such phenomena.

Useful information

Application drops Leopard against fleas and ticks for cats is quite diverse. They can be successfully used for the treatment of otodektoz. This disease is caused by scabies or ear mites. Its danger lies in the fact that it has a negative impact on the central nervous system of the animal. In the process of treatment, insecticidal acaric drops are buried in the auricles of a pet.

Research scientists and the practice of using drops from fleas Bars proved their effectiveness in combating Ixodes ticks. The animal can bring this parasite, walking on the grass on the street or in the country. If a tick is found on the pet's body, a drop of the agent should be applied to the insect. If the site of the bite is swollen or the bloodsucker cannot be removed, you should immediately seek medical help.

Ear and ixodic ticks
Ear and ixodic ticks

If your pet has fleas, it is recommended to check the premises for the presence of parasites and conduct processing in the apartment. For this purpose, the industry produces modern effective drugs.
Good results are obtained from the use of such funds:

Manufacturers of the trademark of veterinary drugs Bars offer a variety of tools to effectively combat bloodsucking. Each of them has a fast, fairly persistent action. Drops from fleas Bars can be bought in Moscow and other regions at an affordable price of about 150 rubles in any veterinary pharmacy. Do not stock up for future use, because the drug, for one reason or another, may not be suitable for a pet.
Do not be indifferent to animal problems. Treat them with proven, approved and effective means.

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