Frontline flea drops for cats
- Flea frontline
- Flea frontline
- Applying flea drops
- Security measures
Every owner of a domestic cat is obliged to pay attention to the health of his pet: comb out, bathe, give a balanced feed, treat in case of illness and do prophylaxis to keep the animal healthy. Often have to fight insects like fleas, pincers and worms. French manufacturers, the company Merial S.A.S., developed a frontline drop from fleas for cats.They are an effective and high-quality external tool, as evidenced by the reviews and comments of customers. Recommendations for the use of Front Line will be given below.
Total information
A series of drugs Frontline (Frontline) is produced by the manufacturer in the form of a spray or drops, which contain the active substance - a new generation pesticide called fipronil. Its dosage ranges from 0.25 to 10%. Therefore, the composition includes auxiliary substances, as well as high quality solvents.
Frontline drops from cat fleas are a popular and effective tool that help get rid of parasites. They are packaged in pipettes made of polyethylene and placed individually in blisters in dosages from 0.5 to 4.02 ml.
The droplets used for pest control are transported and stored in the manufacturer’s packaging in a closed form, protected from light. Storage temperature should range from 0 to 30 ° C.
When properly stored, they can be effective for three years from the date of manufacture. Overdue frontline use for the treatment and prevention of cats and dogs is strictly prohibited.
Operating principle
Frontline flea for cats is not a repellent, but refers to an effective insecticide-acaricide drugs, so instantly get rid of fleas, ticks and worms will not work. During the day, it is evenly distributed throughout the body, does not enter the bloodstream and accumulates in the upper layers of the skin and sebaceous glands.
Fipronil (the main active substance) is used to cause paralysis and death of parasites. This is due to the fact that the transfer of impulses from pests is blocked by this active substance. Frontline drops are effective in combating not only fleas, they are capable of destroying Ixodes and scabies, mosquitoes and lice.
If the cat is processed only once, within one or two days ticks and fleas will die.
On a note!
Protective properties against ticks and fleas can last up to four weeks, and for other insects, they increase to one and a half months. To avoid re-infection of the pet from fleas and other parasites, you must regularly clean the room where the animal is kept, wash the bedding on which the cat sleeps.
Frontline drops are moderately hazardous substances.According to GOST 12.1.007-76 they belong to the third class of security. If you follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, they are not capable of irritating the skin of the animal and do not have a toxic effect. The cat may experience mild irritation if the droplets fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is removed by washing with plenty of water.
Mode of application
In order to treat a sick pet with Frontline drops, it is necessary to break off the tip of the pipette, spread the cat's hair at the withers and put them at one point in a dosage corresponding to the weight of the animal.
Drops are applied to dry, clean, without damage to the cat's fur. Before using them, you need to weigh the animal to know exactly what dose is required for its treatment or prevention. With a cat weighing up to 5 kg, one pipette containing 0.5 ml drops is enough. If the weight exceeds 5 kg, Frontline should be used in a higher dosage - from 0.7 to 1 ml.
As soon as the treatment will be carried out, you should not touch the animal's hair during the day, you also can not bathe it for 2 days.It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not lick itself, as if ingested, although the drops are safe, they can cause an unexpected reaction of salivation in case of intolerance of one of the components contained in them. But this phenomenon disappears in a few hours.
After handling your pet with Frontline, wash your hands with soap and water. If they are used to treat earwash, then a few drops of the solution is recommended to drip directly into the ear. The dosage should be calculated by a veterinarian. In order to prevent re-treatment of cats should be carried out after 60 days, and dogs - after 3 months.
Despite the fact that the drops are not toxic, there are certain conditions when their use is prohibited:
- individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
- sick, weakened, convalescent animals;
- animals that are less than eight weeks old;
- cats that weigh less than one kilogram and dogs less than two kilograms.
Drugs for fleas are certified in Russia, they have been clinically tested.Reviews of Frontline drops can be read on the manufacturer's website or on forums on the Internet. Customer opinions are mostly positive and they talk about the advantages of this drug over other similar means, namely:
- one of the most effective drugs with a 98–100% result;
- it is safe for humans and their beloved pet, even if the ingestion of the drug is inside, as there are no side effects;
- Frontline does not cause dermatitis or allergies in cats and is used to treat these diseases;
- has a very wide range of action, is effective even in the fight against scabies;
- simple method of use by applying to the withers of an animal;
- operates even after four to six bathing using special detergents, and the protection is quickly restored;
- long residual life;
- it is convenient when processing several pets at the same time: although the tool can get into the stomach of kittens or puppies while nibbling or licking each other, you can be not afraid for Frontline for the health and well-being of your pet;
- allowed to use for lactating and pregnant cats,since the drops do not enter the bloodstream and cannot harm the developing fetus, the active ingredient does not penetrate into the milk either.
Precautionary measures
Frontline flea medication is declared by the manufacturer to be safe for use, but since the preparation contains active chemical components, it is necessary to work with it while observing the following precautions:
- processing cats spend in gloves;
- do not store near food;
- Keep packaging out of the reach of children.
Frontline drops of the French manufacturer are distinguished by proven quality, proven efficiency, uniqueness, as they are designed to take into account all the features of cats. Instructions for use, which is attached to the drug, gives clear guidance on how and at what dosage to drip the drug to achieve a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. Some buyers believe that the price of Frontline is a bit high, but any other low-quality product, with side effects, can seriously affect the health of your pet and do more harm than good.
On a note!
Since the drops are very effective, their popularity is growing rapidly, which in turn provokes the emergence of low-quality fakes on the market. Frontline is quite an expensive drug. The low price should make you doubt the originality of the proposed remedy.
Frontline drops are sold throughout Russia. When purchasing a pet owner, you should ask for a certificate confirming its country of origin. When making an order via the Internet, it is better to go to the official website of the company representatives.
If Frontline still has a place in your home, you can be sure that it will always quickly and effectively help your pet cope with any parasites. On sale there are many other drops, including domestic producers. They are commercially available. If for some reason Frontline has not approached, it is recommended to choose from such drip drugs:
- Barrier;
- Dana Ultra Neo;
- Blohnet;
- Celandine;
- 4 with a tail;
- Rolf Club 3D;
- Stronhold;
- Advantage;
- Inspector;
- Delicious;
- Leopard;
- Helminthal.