Drops frontline from fleas for dogs

To prevent ticks and fleas from annoying the four-footed friend and not becoming the cause of dangerous diseases, various antiparasitic agents are used. One of these drugs that can kill insects on the body of an animal is Frontline drops for dogs.

Features of the drug

The production of the drug Frontline for dogs and puppies is engaged in the well-known French company Merial. Frontline drops are an insecticoacaricidal agent designed to combat various types of parasites: ticks, lice, lashing. It is based on fipronil - an insecticide, the effect of which leads to paralysis, and subsequently to the death of insects. It does not penetrate the blood of the animal, accumulating in the sebaceous glands and cells of the epidermis.

Frontline combo drops for dogs of a similar property that, in addition to fipronil, contain S-methoprene (an active substance that is dangerous to fleas, as it destroys their chitinous integument). Also included in antiparasitic drops are auxiliary components in the form of polysorbate, polyvidone and other components.

Already after one day after use, the drug is distributed over the surface of the pet's skin, killing the parasites living on it. This tool is also used for prophylactic purposes: it protects dogs against ticks for a month, against fleas for 3 months.

Frontline drops
Frontline drops

Most often, Frontline and its variation Frontline combo are available in polyethylene pipettes with different dosages. The required amount of funds is selected in accordance with the weight of the dog. For pets from 2 to 10 kg it will need 0.67 ml. A double dose (1.34 ml) is necessary for the treatment of animals weighing 10-20 kg. For dogs weighing 20–40 kg, 2.68 ml of product will be required.And for animals whose weight exceeds these values, the required dose will be 4.02 ml. The combination of two pipettes will be needed if the dog weighs over 60 kg.

Rules of application

To obtain the expected effect, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules indicated by the instructions for using Frontline drops for dogs.

  1. Choose an appropriate weight of the animal dose of the drug. Wear protective gloves.
  2. Break off the tip of the pipette on the notch. Drops are applied directly to the animal's skin in a place inaccessible for licking (usually the drug is dropped on the withers). It is important that the skin was dry at that moment, without wounds and abrasions.
  3. To achieve the maximum effect, the frontline treated with drops should not be bathed for 2 days. Otherwise, the wool will clog, and the medicine will not have time to be absorbed into the skin. Contact of the treated pet with small children is also unsafe, therefore it is better to limit it.

    Applying flea drops
    Applying flea drops
  4. The period of impact of the funds on the parasites lasts for 60 days. The death of arthropods is observed after 1-2 days.
  5. Frontline drops are also used to treat dogs infected with an ear mite. Dripping 4 drops into each pet's ear, the auricle is flexed and massaged, trying to evenly distribute the medicine.
  6. During the procedure, you must take precautions. It is very important to prevent droplets from falling on the mucous membranes. If such a case did occur, it is urgent to rinse the insecticide with plenty of water. At the end of the process of treating the dog with Frontline drops, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap.
  7. During the procedure is not recommended to eat and drink. Cigarette smoking is also contraindicated at this point.
  8. Repetition of vetpreparatom made no earlier than one month. As a preventive measure, you can process your pet once every 3 months.
  9. It is contraindicated to use Frontline drops in combination with an anti-parasitic collar.


You can not use used pipettes from drops for domestic purposes, they are only recyclable.

What you need to know more

Kinds of Front Line Drop
Kinds of Front Line Drop

Drops Frontline for dogs, reviews confirm this, are in great demand among consumers.After all, they can even be used for pregnant and lactating dogs. However, the drug has some limitations. The tool is contraindicated for processing:

  • puppies under the age of 2 months;
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg;
  • pets suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Drops Frontline for dogs can not be used for the treatment of cats. For whiskered pets, Merial releases similar drugdiffering dosage. For dogs in vetaptekakh you can buy other drops, well proven in the processing:


We purchased Frontline drops on the advice of our veterinarian. The dog is allergic, and besides, he had liver problems with some antiparasitic drugs. Therefore, the choice of the drug was given special attention. The result of the drug is very impressed - one hundred percent effect and no negative effects. In addition, the fact that the medicine retains its properties, even when taking water treatments, is also encouraging. After all, we often go to nature, and our pet loves water very much. Front Line - super! Recommend.

Evgenia, Sochi

This summer we had a real attack, not only ticks, but also fleas and flies. Perfectly coped with them drops Frontline combo (Frontline Combo). In my opinion, they are even more effective than the usual universal variation of Frontline. The dog's ears are clean, neither parasites nor allergies. The only downside for me is the cost of the drug. But if you look at it differently, it is also wrong to throw out even less money without a result. Therefore, leaning towards Frontline.

Leonid, Anapa

Tried a lot funds in the form of drops. Started with inexpensive < shampoo, sprays, but the effect was short-lived - after a few days the fleas were again found in the pet. Tired of such experiments, she decided to buy the front line means for dogs. It is expensive though, but the result is simply colossal - not a single flea was found, and the dog stopped scratching. I recommend not torturing yourself and your pet with various samples for those who are faced with the problem of searching for an off-drug. Buy Frontline drops, you will not regret!

Larisa Vladimirovna, Irkutsk

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