Drops Gelmintal on the withers for cats and dogs
- Drops Gelmintal on withers
- Apply a flea drop
If you have become a happy owner of a cat, you should know that you need not only to feed and care for your new friend, but also to fight with such parasites as worms and fleas.
For a long time, you can not see signs of infection of your pet, but he himself becomes the carrier and transmission link of his tenants. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures to improve the health of your animal.There are a number funds for cats and effective drops for dogsaimed at combating helminths. One of them is Gelmintal K.
I used to give antiparasitic drugs before. I decided to change. I turned to the vet and he recommended me to buy Gelmintal K.
I want to advise cat owners to pay attention to the dosage, as it is different. Therefore, before you drip Gelmintal, you need to consider the weight of your pet. The instructions are all very detailed.Alina, Murmansk
General information about the drug
The manufacturer of this drug, the unpatented international name of which is indicated as moxidectin or praziquantel, is a domestic company ZAO NPF Ecoprom, Russia, Moscow region. Available in the form of drops for external use and in the form of a suspension for internal use. In the composition they contain substances identical to its name.
Gelmintal drops on the withers for cats is an oily liquid, colorless or light yellow, packaged in a pipette of a polymer material of 0.4 ml (for cats weighing up to 4 kg) and 1.0 ml each kg) The pipettes are packaged by the manufacturer in blisters and packs of cardboard.
The suitability of Gelmintal K, when stored in a dry, dark place and temperature from 0 to 30 ° C, is 3 years. Instructions for use does not recommend using it over the specified period. Do not use empty pipettes in the home, they must be disposed of in the manner specified in the instructions. It is forbidden to store the product on the cat's bristles near food.
The action of the drug Gelmintal
Drops for cats Gelmintal are considered as a combination drug aimed at combating parasites, pincers and fleas. Substances included in its composition, effectively act not only on mature, but also developing nematodes, trematodes and cestodes, causing paralysis, and then the death of the helminth.
Helminthal is given to dogs and cats with nematodes (trichocephalosis, toxasariosis, toxocariasis, untsinariosis, ankylostomiasis), cestodoses (echinococcosis, mesocetosis, teniosis, mesenocenosis, teniidoziosis, iztoshiosis, anesthesia, hemorrhoidosis, anesthetics, anesthesia, ankylostomosis) For puppies and kittens it is used from the age of 3 weeks.
My cat got fleas after our trip to the country. I bought for her a drop of Gelmintal. Very comfortable, pokapal on withers and all.Fleas immediately disappeared. Now we do prevention only by this means.
Tatyana, Moscow
Mode of application
Gelmintal drops are applied with a pipette in 3-4 places on the withers, so that the substance is not licked by animals. The exact dose is calculated based on the weight of the cat. All information is described in detail in the instructions for the tool. Processing is carried out 1 time per month. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 30 days. As a preventive measure, it is better to start using Gelmintal in the spring, when all parasites and insects are actively developing.
Precautionary measures
Treatment of pets should be carried out in gloves so that the tool does not fall on the open skin of the hands. You can not use the tool on the wet coat of a pet, as well as bathe it for 4 days after the application of gelmintal.
Do not apply Gelmintal on the damaged skin of the animal. Use it carefully for sick or debilitated cats.
Strictly follow the instructions regarding the amount of the substance on the body weight of the animal, since overdose can be observed tremor, apathy, general weakness.
I have been using drops of helminthal for cats for a year.Periodically I do the necessary prevention. There are no problems with fleas and parasites. Very happy.
Tatiana, Bryansk
Helminthal is a modern and quite popular means to combat ticks, internal and external parasites. Reviews of Gelmintal drops confirm the efficacy and effectiveness of the drug. To destroy fleas in cats, you can also buy effective drugs in the form of drops:
- Barrier;
- Dana Ultra Neo;
- Blohnet;
- Celandine;
- 4 with a tail;
- Front line;
- Rolf Club 3D;
- Stronhold;
- Advantage;
- Inspector;
- Delicious;
- Leopard;
According to numerous reviews of cat owners, they have proven themselves very well.