The best drops on the withers for cats from fleas and ticks
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Funds from fleas and ticks for cats come in various forms. One of the most commonly used is drops. Today, various companies that produce products for the care and treatment of pets, produce droplets for cats from fleas and ticks with an improved formula. They are not only more effective, but also much safer than those that were produced before.
Benefits of Drops Drugs
In order to objectively evaluate what is better from a flea and ticks for cats, it is necessary to consider the advantages of the means in the form of drops over other drugs. Drops applied to the withers of animals have:
- a high degree of safety, since the concentration of insecticides in them and the place of application prevent overdose and poisoning;
- The complex of active ingredients is selected to destroy fleas, taking into account possible resistance to the main groups of insecticides;
- lyophilic insecticides in topical medications act in such a way that a prolonged effect and a permanent barrier-free barrier for cats is created;
- drops are more economical and do not require large consumption;
- can be used both for the destruction of mature individuals and for the control of larvae and eggs of fleas and ticks;
- easy to use - do not require assistance in applying and special skills in the application;
- act on a wide range of blood-sucking insects with different morphology.
Drops against fleas and ticks for cats have long established themselves among pet lovers and professional breeders,as an effective means for the treatment and prevention of infection with the most dangerous types of ticks and other blood-sicking insects.
Fleas are carriers of a huge number of dangerous diseases, and their bites in former times, whole epidemics were caused, in which most of the population died. Now with the development of medicine and the invention of the vaccine, the danger of "mora" has passed. But it was replaced by a new one - allergic reactions caused by proteins from the salivary glands of fleas lead to severe dermatoses and dermatitis, asthma, and intoxication. Often flea allergy observed in cats. Therefore, scientists have created an anti-flea vaccine that protects against the effects of bites.
Developed new formulas of chemicals of a wide spectrum of action, which have not only insecticidal properties, but also have a repellent and barrier action.
Description of the main groups of insecticides
Fleas appeared on Earth long before the first man tamed animals. In ancient tombs, along with jars of grain, oil, wine and incense, clay tanks with medicines for fleas are found.Modern pharmacology creates new types of synthetic insecticides that are resistant to environmental factors, safe for warm-blooded animals and have a higher efficiency than natural remedies.
Preparations from fleas and ticks for cats contain insecticides belonging to four large groups of compounds:
- Organophosphate - in terms of production occupy the first place. They have a low toxicity class, are not able to accumulate in tissues, are rapidly eliminated from the body, belong to contact and intestinal substances, and do not have a systemic effect. Chlorophos, diazinon, malathion, fenthion, etc. belong to this group. Insect resistance to this group of substances is produced more slowly and less resistant.
- Chlorinated hydrocarbons - hexachlorocyclohexane, dilator, activated creolin, mesox, CK-9. This group of insecticides is resistant to external factors and is highly effective. Organochlorine compounds are previously widely used in the fight against insects DDT.
- Avermectins - substances created on the basis of neurotoxins produced by the soil bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis. They are the most effective insectoacaricides. In veterinary medicine is used as a means of combating blood-sucking arthropods. They belong to the 4th class of danger.
- Pyrethroids - Fipronil, cypermethrin, alphamethrin, phenotrin, permethrin, fenvalerate, deltamethrin, S-methoprene. Pyrethroids - synthetic analogues of the natural insecticide pyrethrum, more resistant to sunlight, have a high degree of safety (class 3), the selectivity of action. More than of all insecticides produced belong to the pyrethroid group.
Both other chemical compounds and substances based on natural components are used as activators of the action and to increase the synergistic effect.
Avermectin, obtained in the late 70s of the 20th century, is a complex of 8 closely related substances, due to which preparations based on them have high activity and a wide spectrum of action. Avermectin and its most active isomer, ivermectin, have not only a neurotoxic effect on insects, helminths and nematodes, but also prevent the formation of chitinous cover.Due to its properties, preparations based on avermectin are called “veterinary drugs of the future.”
Modern flea remedies and ticks in cats are created on the basis of safe and reliable synthetic and bio-organic substances, which replace organophosphorus and organochlorine substances. In order to defeat flea dermatitis, special antihistamines are injected into the droplets.
Flea drug requirements
When choosing a pet medicine, the basis for the purchase of the drug should be instructions on the use of flea drops for cats. The owner of the animal should pay attention to whether the product meets the requirements for veterinary insecticides. According to modern standards, drops must meet the following requirements:
- to have a wide range of actions - to destroy not only fleas and ixodid ticks, but also to show a high degree of activity in relation to ear, subcutaneous, scabies mites and lashes;
- have a prolonged action. Most blood-sucking insects have a long development cycle.The protective action of the droplets must act throughout the entire growing season so as to destroy the entire population of parasites;
- be active in relation to the maximum number of forms of insect development (imago, larvae, eggs), which is achieved by a combination of different groups of insecticides with a different mechanism of action;
- low toxicity class for warm-blooded animals. Modern drops on the withers from fleas and ticks for cats have an index of 30-70, which allows them to be used for the treatment of kittens, aging cats and animals at the stage of pregnancy and lactation;
- The main active ingredients are selected to be deposited in the sebaceous glands of the skin, without penetrating into the body. Lipophilic properties make it possible to form a protective film against arthropod bites with the sebum. Such a mechanism allows for a long time (about 4 weeks) to maintain the effectiveness of the drug and restore its properties even after bathing the cat;
- the release form should be convenient to use for the owners, and the treatment should not cause stress in the animal.
Drops are released in labeled disposable tubes-pipettes, which facilitates the application and dosage of the drug, depending on the age and weight of the animal.
When purchasing drops for cats, you should carefully consider the presence of instructions, labeling tube, logos of the manufacturer. Acquisition of unlicensed funds does not accurately calculate the dose of the drug and may lead to poisoning and death of the pet.
It is also necessary to apply the drops correctly and follow the safety rules when working with insecticides when processing. The cat, due to the anatomical features of the skeleton structure, cannot get the medicine applied to the nape. Therefore, only this region of the feline body should be treated for flea bites. Drip on the back and in the tail area is strictly prohibited. The pipette contains a strictly measured dose of the drug and its excess is unacceptable.
Rules for using drops
Treatment of cats from fleas and ticks should be carried out in a room isolated from the free access of other pets. Do not allow contact with the treated cat children. You should be especially careful when choosing drops for treating kittens that are not yet weaned from the mother or are with other kittens.
Drops are applied only on healthy skin, without scratching and damage.If there are wounds, abrasions or skin diseases, other forms of drugs should be preferred - choose flea and tick tablets.
The cat should be fixed, diluted to the sides with the hair on the withers and between the shoulder blades and, using the tip of the tube-pipette, apply the necessary amount of the drug. Fingers protected by rubber gloves, gently rub the drug into the skin.
Do not bathe the cat for 3 days and do not allow the wool to get wet.
Re-processing should be carried out only in the periods specified by the instruction. It is not recommended to combine several forms of flea and tick remedies at the same time in order not to cause an overdose.
Can not be applied dog treatment drops for the destruction of insects in cats, even if they are designed for identical by weight representatives of the breeds. Flea drops for cats are designed with regard to the species and breed sensitivity of the animal. It has been established that preparations for dogs containing permethrinum (permethrin) can cause cat death.
It is necessary to strictly observe the method of using drops for cats, because due to the high flexibility of the spine, they can lick the remedy from the back.Abroad, non-compliance with instructions for preparations against fleas and ticks is considered as a violation of the law on the protection of animals.
List of best ectoparasite products
According to the analysis of consumer reviews and sales of veterinary drugs, the best drops from ticks and fleas for kittens and adult cats are:
- Celandine - a drug developed on the basis of a complex of insecticides (permethrin and fipronil) and plant extracts introduced as repellents. It belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity and can be used to treat kittens from 2 months of age. The disadvantages include high allergenicity. Effective against bloodsucking arthropods, affordable, always on sale.
- Beaphar (Biafar) - produced by a Dutch company based on a natural component - neem. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Additional substances included in the composition, can affect the parasites in the larval stage. The lack of a line of drops Biafar - can not be used for the treatment of kittens, weak and pregnant cats.
- Leopard against fleas for cats releases LLC Agrovetzashchita (Moscow). The medicine contains 3 insecticides.The preparation Bars from fleas has a different effect on the body of arthropods, which allows you to destroy them at different stages of development. The complex prevents the formation of resistance to the drug in insects. Differs in long (up to 2 months) effectiveness against fleas.
- Advantage - the drug is produced by the German company “Bayer” in two dosages - for adult cats and kittens from 2.5 months. The effect lasts for a month after a single treatment of the animal. Can be used for the rehabilitation of pregnant cats under the supervision of a doctor.
Also, according to consumers, the following drops have an effective effect:
- Barrier;
- Dana Ultra Neo;
- Blohnet;
- 4 with a tail;
- Front line;
- Rolf Club 3D;
- Stronhold;
- Inspector;
- Delicious;
- Helminthal.
How quickly do the listed funds work? The first signs of mass death of fleas can be seen in 20-30 minutes after application. If you put a drop on a mite immersed in the skin, then after 10-20 minutes it can be safely removed.
Drops on the withers from fleas and ticks for cats are in demand, which dictates the need to increase the volume of production and development of new drugs.The logistics of the production of this form of insecticides are constantly changing, contributing to the production of safer, more efficient and user-friendly means. The frivolous attitude to the treatment of pets from exoparasites can lead not only to serious diseases of cats, but also infection of the owners.
I have been using drops for fleas to treat my pet, Masha and Muska, for a long time. I tried domestic ones, but they didn't like my “purrs” - they began to itch, but the German drops of the Baer company came to taste. Very effective, albeit a little expensive tool.
Marina, Moscow
I regularly use flea and tick drops for my cat. We often leave for the summer in the village, where he goes on the outside as much as he wants. If it weren't for Hartz drops, you wouldn’t know what to do with the living creature he is dragging on himself. And so one treatment is enough just for the whole vacation.
Galina, Bryansk
My children love kittens very much, they feel sorry for homeless babies and drag fleas and sick people into their homes. And in the family, and so lives our favorite - the cat Matroskin. If it were not for drops from Advantage fleas, then all insects would nibble not only kittens, but also us with a cat.And so, it is worth putting drops to the cat and no “aliens” are afraid of him. And the kittens, if they are older, I process with shampoo, and after a while - with drops. Such neat kittens is very easy to attach.
Elena, Perm
Even before the “hunting season” of ticks begins, I buy and process my cat with Stronghold drops. He's a lover of "go left" in the spring. Where just did not find it! But against the drops, not a single “bloodsucker” has survived.
Svetlana, Odessa