Drops Rolf Club 3D from fleas for dogs and cats

Countless attacks of parasites pets exposed throughout the year. Pliers, fleaslice in dogs and in cats able to infect an animal, even if it does not go out at all. Bloodsuckers can penetrate the house from the basement, the next apartment, and also on the person’s clothes or shoes. The permanent stay of your pet in the apartment does not guarantee him protection from insect pests that are carriers of dangerous diseases.That is why veterinarians recommend regular treatment of animals with antiparasitic agents. Thus, the use of Rolf Club 3D drops for flea cats has already been appreciated by many owners of baleen pets.

Drug description

Rolf 3D Flea Drops - an insecticidal and acaricidal agent made on the basis of fipronil, pyriproxifen and etofenprox. It is a transparent, oily solution of a yellowish tint intended exclusively for external use.

Rolf Club 3D
Rolf Club 3D

Reviews of Rolf Club 3D drops are only positive, because the tool has a lot of advantages:

  • Efficiency - insecticidal components that make up the composition create 3 protective levels, affecting both adults and their larvae at different stages of development. In addition, the three-component formula has a repellent effect, without causing addiction in parasites.
  • The presence of a knock-down effect, which lasts about 2 minutes, prevents the parasite from biting during an attack.
  • A wide range of applications - droplets are effective not only against fleas, but also ticks, lice, lashing jaws, midges, mosquitoes and even mosquitoes.
  • The drug is safe for cats, as the active substances do not penetrate into the blood.They accumulate in the sebaceous glands and epidermis, evenly distributed over the pet's skin.
  • A long period of protection - drops protect against ixodic ticks for 30 days, fleas for 60 days.

Release drops of Rolf 3d for cats in polymer tubes-pipettes, the volume of which is 0.5 and 0.8 ml. In addition to the ampoules, each blister package contains instructions for use, the recommendations of which must be strictly followed. The line of products of this brand also produces drops of Rolf Club 3d for dogs, the dosage being a distinctive feature.

Terms of use

Applying flea drops
Applying flea drops

Rolf Club 3D drops for cats are designed to handle animals older than 3 months. It is enough to apply them once to a healthy and dry skin in a place where the pet will not be able to lick the medicinal solution. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the tip of the pipette with scissors, then push the cat's fur and apply the agent to the pet's skin with a dotted method. Usually the solution is dripped between the shoulder blades or on the withers of the animal.

The dosage of drops is selected in accordance with the weight of the pet:

  • 0.5 ml of the solution will be needed for cats and kittens weighing up to 4 kg;
  • 0.8 ml - for animals whose weight exceeds this mark.

For treatment of dogs use other dosages:

  • 0.5 ml drop of Rolf Club 3D for dogs will be needed for pets that weigh less than 4 kg;
  • double dose (1 ml) is necessary for dogs whose body weight does not exceed 10 kg;
  • for pets weighing up to 20 kg you will need 1.5 ml of the solution;
  • dogs up to 40 kg - 2.5 ml;
  • 4 ml - the most dimensional animals weighing more than 40 kg.

In order to rid the cat of the sucking tick, it is necessary to apply the drug directly to the body of the parasite. After 15-20 minutes the insect spontaneously disappears. In the absence of such an effect, you need to pull it out with tweezers.

Rolf Club 3D-1
Rolf Club 3D

Drops Rolf Club 3D is also used to treat ear scabies. To do this, you need to clean the cat's ears from dirt, crusts and scabs, and then drop 1-3 drops of the solution into the ear canal (depending on the age and size of the pet). Then the auricle is folded and massaged with movements trying to evenly distribute the medicine. It is necessary to process both ears in this way. To achieve the maximum effect, the procedure is repeated after 5-7 days.


It is contraindicated to take drops of Rolf Club 3D with others insecticidal preparations for cats, drops for dogs or accessories - collars for cats and dogs. This can lead to intoxication of the cat or dog.

Side effects

At observance of rules of use of a drop of Rolf Club for cats do not cause side effects. They are possible only with the individual sensitivity of the pet to the active components of the product. In such cases, skin irritation or excessive tearing may occur. If such symptoms occur, rinse off the medication.

It is necessary to know

Working with drops requires compliance with the rules of safety and personal hygiene.

  1. The treatment of a cat or dog should be done with rubber gloves.
  2. It is not recommended to eat, drink or smoke during the procedure. At the end of the process, wash your hands with soap and water.
  3. A cat (dog) treated with an antiparasitic solution should not be bathed or stroked for 2 days.

The market offers pet supplies and other effective drops that help destroy fleas:


Not once used drop Rolf Club 3D for cats. With a small degree of contamination of the animal, the effect can be observed the next day. If the parasites are too many, then you may need to re-treatment. In principle, the cost corresponds to the quality. Recommend.

Alla Vasilievna, Krasnodar

For more than 3 years I have been using my dog ​​Rolf Club 3D drops for dogs. Just awesome medicine. For almost two months, you can not worry about such a problem as ticks or fleas. Droplets are easy to use and do not cause allergic reactions. Both me and the dog are happy.

Natalia, Kamyshin

When choosing a vehicle for fleas, I read a lot of reviews for my cat and also consulted with a veterinarian. She chose a drop of Rolf Club for cats. But before applying them, I was advised to use Rolf Club shampoo for dogs and cats. Having done the processing in accordance with these recommendations, it was possible to rid the cat of the suffering caused by parasites. The drug is very effective. Recommend.

Galina, Alushta

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