Means Solfisan for fleas

With such an unpleasant phenomenon, as the presence in the house of parasites, faced almost every pet owner. Household pests: cockroaches or mole, can spoil the food and personal items. Parasites living on the body of animals and feeding on their blood (fleas, pincers or dog eaters and cats) in addition to discomfort can cause serious harm to the health of the pet and the owner.In this situation, chemical preparations designed to kill pests will come to the rescue. One of them is Solfis from fleas 10 ml.

Features of the drug

Solfisan is a unique insecticidal agent produced by Ali San in our country. It is designed to cleanse the premises of various pests. He is not only afraid of fleas, but also bed bugs, ixodic tongscockroaches ants, and even mosquitoes and flies. Means Solifan 10 ml of fleas is a concentrated oily emulsion of yellowish hue, which the manufacturer produces in plastic bottles. Also available in packs of 100 ml. Before use, the concentrate is diluted with water.

Means Solfisan for fleas
Means Solfisan for fleas

Cyfluthrine, a powerful insecticide that blocks the nerve fibers of insects, acts as an active ingredient in the preparation of Solfis from fleas. This happens when the parasite comes into contact with the treated surface. In order for the insecticide to take effect, even one touch is enough. As a result, paralysis occurs, and then the death of bloodsuckers.

Compared with other antiparasitic drugs, Solfisan has a number of advantages, which many consumers have estimated, according to reviews, have been appreciated.

  1. A high level of efficiency is ensured by the insecticide that is part of the emulsion, to which the parasites have not yet developed immunity.
  2. Long period of exposure - the manufacturer guarantees protection from pests for 12 weeks.
  3. The tool is absolutely safe for human health and pets.
  4. Lack of smell and side effects.
  5. Economical consumption - 50 ml of the finished solution is designed for 1 square. m square for a smooth surface, 100 ml - for rough surfaces.

Rules of application

Before using the drug Solifan against fleas, you should be familiar with the rules for its use (instructions for use are on the back of the bottle). The solution prepared from the emulsion, which is made in accordance with the proportions indicated, is used to treat the rooms from domestic as well as exotic insects. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use special spraying devices.

The prepared solution retains its properties for 24 hours, so it is better to prepare it immediately before the start of treatment. The contents of the open bottle must be used within 28 days.

Means Solfised for fleas-1
Means Solfisan for fleas
  1. To get rid of cockroaches, should be diluted with 1 ml of concentrate in 100 ml of water. The resulting solution is carefully sprayed the places of the greatest accumulation of insects, as well as the ways of their penetration into the apartment.
  2. To get rid of bedbugs, Solfis emulsion is diluted in a proportion of 1 ml of emulsion per 400 ml of water. The resulting solution is used to treat the surfaces of furniture, walls, floors, as well as crevices and cracks. Similarly, make a solution for baiting fleas. However, taking into account the jumping ability of insects, the panels must be processed at a height of at least 1 m above the floor level.
  3. For processing the room from ants and flies, the imago concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1: 200. All surfaces are sprayed with mortar, paying special attention to favorite habitats and the movement of pests.

The applied insecticide is removed by a wet method from the treated surface after 24 hours.

Security measures

When using emulsion Solfisan, you must follow the rules of precaution.

  1. Before processing, it is necessary to remove from the room all products, dishes, children's things and toys.
  2. All households must leave the room before it is processed. Also, pets and houseplants should not be there.
  3. When processing the room, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator, a robe or a suit, as well as the most closed headgear.

    Processing protection
    Processing protection
  4. It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink or smoke during processing.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the face and hands should be cleaned with a soap solution, and the mouth cavity should be rinsed with water.
  6. If an insecticide comes into contact with the skin, it is quickly washed off with water. Similarly come in a situation if the chemical composition got into the eyes. In case of accidental ingestion of funds, you must drink at least 2 glasses of water and take activated charcoal. If the condition worsens, immediately seek medical attention.

The effectiveness of the concentrate Solifan from fleas depends on the conditions of its storage. Store the emulsion in a closed form in a dry and protected from sunlight place at a temperature of from -4 to +40 degrees for 5 years. Such preparations will also help to destroy fleas in the apartment:


I picked up a kitten on the street, it was too bad for him. The animal turned out to be flea. For him, I bought anti-flea droplets, while the parasites that remained alive switched to me. All the bitten woke up, until she acquired a flea emulsion Solfitan. Spread the concentrate, according to the instructions and sprayed them the whole apartment. The result struck - dead flea were almost everywhere. The tool is very effective, and besides, the manufacturer assures that it is safe for health. I recommend to anyone who is faced with the problem of fleas in the apartment.

Tamara, Saratov

When a dog got fleas, it itched without tire. The vet advised to drop her a drop Stronghold, but for the treatment of an apartment to buy Solfisan - a tool well, just unique. I prepared a solution and sprayed them an apartment, after which not only fleas but also cockroaches were gone.In general, the drug has a very wide spectrum of action. Therefore, it is very convenient and beneficial to use. I advise.

Elena, Bataysk

We live on the first floor. Therefore, the fleas are quite frequent guests, as they periodically appear from the basement. I tried a lot of tools to process the apartment and chose Solfsan concentrate. The drug is very effective. The next day you can see for yourself. In addition, the poison has a multi-action, bugs, ants, Prusak and even flies are also afraid of it. It is important to wash everything thoroughly afterwards. Therefore, I recommend only Solfisan for fleas.

Valentina, Nikolaev

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Bed bugs

