Flea spray for the apartment

A flea indoor spray is one of the best forms of insecticide release. Convenience when processing a large area, cost effectiveness, high penetrating power, safety make the spray popular and in demand. Many companies produce flea spray for home and for pets. Insecticides are used in both cases the same, but the concentration and balance of the components are different.

Characteristics of used insecticides

Flea spray contains one or more insecticide species. The most effective are those means that include 2-3 active ingredients. The use of complex means exclude the appearance of resistant species of blood-sucking insects. According to studies, synanthropic insects are most prone to resistance - fleascockroaches, ants , bed bugs.


In order to relieve the home of fleas, it is necessary to first destroy the parasites on their carriers and the most attractive objects for food, which is the pet. Only then can you proceed to cleaning the pests of the room itself. When choosing a spray, it is necessary to know the characteristics of insecticides in order to find the most effective means.

  1. Pyrethrin or pyrethrum is a natural substance that is obtained from dry plant materials - Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile. Used as an insecticide for blood-sucking insects, not addictive to them. The disadvantage of a substance is its instability due to light.
  2. Synthetic pyrethrin derivative - permethrin.There are its isomers Deltamethrin, Cypermethrin, Talstar, Tetramethrin, which are more resistant to external influences, more toxic to insects and arachnids. The most used group of insecticides and acaricides, which is included in the flea spray in the apartment.
  3. Fipronil - a substance that is part of the spray for the treatment of animal hair and to clean the room from fleas and other synanthropic insects. The substance acts on the transmission of insect nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of adults and larvae.
  4. Benzyl benzoate is a substance that contains a flea spray for humans, as well as anti-pediculosis drugs and skin aids. In high concentration, it effectively destroys crawling and flying pests in the home.
  5. Piperonyl butoxide - most often used in complex means, since its introduction contributes to the effectiveness of the components on the principle of synergism. When piperonyl butoxide is added to pyrethroids, it accelerates the onset of paralysis in fleas 4 times, facilitates the transport of insecticides through the cuticle, enhances the effect on the nervous system of pyrethroids.
  6. For processing non-residential premises it is recommended to use Diazinon,Dichlorvos, Karbofos possessing high activity, but also toxicity and an unpleasant smell.
Flea remedies
Flea remedies


The first insecticide in an aerosol package was produced by the German company “Bayer AG”. The drug did not enter the Soviet market, but the domestic chemical industry released its counterpart, with the same formula under the trade name Dichlorvos. The tool is so firmly established in the life of urban and rural residents that it began to be mentioned in folklore.

Modern Dichlorvos has nothing to do with the tool 50 years ago. The formula, the smell of the spray has changed, but the popularity of the name “dichlorvos” made it appropriate to assign it to a modern insecticide.

Sprays and aerosols from fleas create a film on the surfaces, which allows you to prolong their action and the struggle is carried out by contact. Means used to treat apartments do not leave spots and stains on furniture and textiles, do not spoil carpets, and often have a pleasant smell, which has an additional repellent effect - lavender, orange, cedar, etc.

Flea spray requirements

The spray should include an effective insecticide complex against fleas and other synanthropic insects, as well as other characteristics when choosing a product.

Flea spray for people should be safe, as some funds are used only for professional treatment, because they require special protection and a long period of "insisting". Sprays use substances devoid of these disadvantages. They are safe, if used correctly, do not cause allergic reactions, they exclude poisoning. Some types of spray can be applied even in children's rooms.


Sprays have a different effect:

  • instant "knockout";
  • prolonged, which contributes to the destruction of the entire population;
  • barrier, which does not allow the parasite to enter the apartment from the outside - from the basements, from attics, from neighboring apartments.

When choosing an effective remedy for fleas should pay attention to these characteristics.

The cost effectiveness of the tool is also important when choosing a spray for treatment at home. If in order to process the whole apartment you need to buy a lot of bottles or cylinders of the drug, then the owner will be unprofitable to carry out the processing himself.Often, expensive drugs are used without complying with the recommended dosage, which only leads to the "disease" of insects, without destroying them. As a result, they have offspring resistant to this group of insecticides and able to pass this feature by inheritance.

When analyzing the existing diversity of flea drugs in the apartment, the best sprays that meet the listed requirements were selected.

List of popular flea sprays

Flea spray in the house-1
Flea spray in the house

Spray or aerosol from fleas in the apartment can be selected, focusing on the following characteristics of the most popular tools:

  • Control Home Flea & Tick Killer, production of the Hartz company (USA), works immediately: within 5-10 minutes 98% of adult insects and larvae die. The spray contains tetrachloroviphos and S-methoprene, which paralyze fleas, ticks, destroy parasite eggs, damaging the juvenile phase of insect transition. Effective for 30 days.
  • Flee from the Spanish company - the spray contains cyclopentasiloxane and dimethicone, instantly destroys fleas, dust mites, reduces the activity of allergens. It is active against insects at all stages of development, does not cause resistance, and retains its effectiveness for up to 6 weeks.Economical, since the tool is enough to spray on the surface, directly in contact with infected animals, and not in the whole apartment.
  • Kombat aerosol series (Combat Spray) Korean-made includes several varieties of spray - Multispray, Superspray and Superspray Plus. Multispray includes permethrin and its isomer tetramethrin, which are capable of destroying even flying pests. Super sprays contain insecticides cyphenothrin and imiprotrin, which are active against a broad spectrum of synanthropic insects. The drug can be used for processing upholstered furniture, textiles, clothing, as it does not leave stains and does not spoil the fabric.
  • Clean house (Russia, Moscow) - the spray contains isomers of permethrin: tetramethrin and cypermethrin. Substances disintegrate to inactive under the influence of external factors, after a few hours the treated apartment is safe for people even without wet treatment. Not active against insect eggs. Therefore, repeated processing is required over time.
  • Flea Remedy Hangman - German drug. Contains fenthion - an effective insecticide. The executioner is produced in the form of a concentrate, which is easily diluted with water and used in household sprayers.One of the most effective drugs.

    Flea spray in the house
    Flea spray in the house
  • Raid - contains an effective and safe insecticide cypermethrin. Available with flavoring or odorless. Economical, since one Reid bottle is sufficient to handle about 50 m2 houses.
  • Raptor - the insecticide complex cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide ensures the elimination of blood-sucking and synanthropic insects. Raptor - inexpensive, but effective means, safe for warm-blooded animals.
  • Beaphar - a product of the Dutch company with the same name, contains a complex of insecticides: piperonyl butoxide, methoprene and pyrethrum extract. It can be used for the treatment of the apartment, and for animals - dogs, cats. Keeps efficiency after damp cleaning of the room.
  • Butox 50. This is a universal tool used for the treatment of premises and pets.


Even if the spray is safe, care should be taken when handling the apartment. Wear rubber gloves, a respirator or a bandage. Clothing should protect the entire surface of the body. It is impossible to apply means in the form of spray to the people inclined to allergic reactions or ill with bronchial asthma.

When observing the rules of personal safety, the means for protecting against fleas in the form of a spray perfectly cope with blood-sucking insects, as evidenced by consumer reviews.


Anyone who suffers from fleas and other "living creatures" in the apartment, I advise you to buy a hangman. For the first time I was advised, as an excellent remedy for cockroaches, with which the drug successfully coped. So he took it without hesitation, when fleas were brought down from the basement. I don’t know what made them leave their homes, but after processing I didn’t see them anymore. And not only fleas died, but the mole, which occasionally flew around the apartment. So in one fell swoop he destroyed all the parasites.

Konstantin, Saratov

I live immediately above the damp and dirty basement, from where fleas often move to our apartment. Previously used Gett, and now switched to Beaphar. Very good drug. Even better than my usual one - it acts faster and longer, even for about 2 months new insects did not climb into my house. I am very glad that I purchased this spray.

Larisa, Slavyansk

I use the Combat in all cases, no matter what insects have climbed into my house - the Combat has never failed. Yes, and I like the smell, not that old aerosols - deodorizes, kills, does not let new pests. Immediately 3 in 1. And in the country I always have a balloon with the means.He not only destroys fleas and cockroaches, but also relieves of annoying flies and mosquitoes.

Valery, Novomoskovsk

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Bed bugs

