Spray Bars from fleas for cats and dogs

Spray Bars from fleas is one of the products of the product line of NEC Agrovetzashchita LLC against ectoparasites. The feature of the tool is its ease of use, low cost and high protective properties against a flea, ticks, lashing in dogs and in catslice parasitic in the fur of the animal.

The composition and properties of the drug

Spray Leopard is available in plastic bottles of 100 ml and 200 ml, equipped with a spray head. The active substance is Fipronil insecticide, its share is 0.3%.Alcohol, castor oil, glycerin, hydrochloric acid and distilled water are used as auxiliary components. The liquid has a yellowish tinge and a characteristic specific odor of fipronil.

Spray Leopard against fleas and ticks is applied to the animal's hair, after which the active substances accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis, in the hair follicles, sebaceous glands and create a protective barrier against fleas for 4 weeks, and from ticks for 14 days. Components do not penetrate into the blood, so there is no reason to fear for the health of your pet. The active substance fipronil inhibits the nerve receptors of insects, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite.

Flea leopard
Flea leopard

The instructions for use of the Leopard spray are attached to each bottle. The drug is used to kill parasites in the larval stage, adults in dogs, cats, and domestic ornamental rodents. The tool has a contact and prolonged action. If a tick is found in the pet's coat, it is enough to spray it on it and in a few minutes it will disappear.

The leopard forte spray for dogs differs in longer duration of action.It provides protection against ticks for 28-30 days, and against fleas for 60 days.

Drug advantages:

  • ease of use, it is enough to spray the spray on the skin of the animal;
  • low cost in comparison with other means of similar action, the price of one bottle varies within 200 rubles;
  • long-term effect of protecting the animal from ectoparasites.

Of the disadvantages are quite sharp smell and age restrictions.

Features of application of spray Leopard

Spray Bars for dogs and cats is contraindicated if the animal is under 10 weeks of age, lactating and pregnant to females, sick and weakened pets. When handling an animal, it is necessary to observe safety measures and carry out the procedure in a respirator and rubber gloves.


Spray Leopard against fleas for cats and dogs should be applied to the pet in a well-ventilated area or on the street.

The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the pet and the thickness of the coat. To protect the animal from fleas and ticks, the dose is 0.5-1 ml per 1 kg. If a 100 mg vial is used, this corresponds to 2–4 presses, and if a 200 mg vial is used, there are respectively 1-2 “fluffs”.

Application features
Application features

The procedure for applying spray against parasites:

  1. Pet skin and coat must be dry. It is not recommended to bathe the animal 2 days before treatment.
  2. Put on the dog's neck collar, muzzle or fasten the jaws with a special braid. Such a measure will prevent lick off from the body.
  3. Shake the spray and process the animal's skin, pushing the fur apart. If the pet is very mobile and can not sit quietly during processing, it is more expedient to carry out the procedure together, not forgetting about the means of individual protection. The entire body of the dog is treated. During application in the area of ​​the eyes and ears, the organs of vision should be covered with a hand so that the drug does not penetrate into them.
  4. After drying means comb the pet's coat.
  5. In the first two days after treatment, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not get wet, is not subjected to water procedures and is not in contact with other animals and children.

The leopard spray for dogs from fleas and ticks is also used to treat dog litter, cat accessories. The consumption of the preparation is 2 ml per 1 m². After disinsection, items are kept for 2-3 days in a place inaccessible to a pet, after which they are washed.

Flea and cat litter processing
Flea and cat litter processing

For the treatment of sarcoptosis in dogs and notohedrosis in cats, the affected areas are cleaned of crusts, scabs, and then spray applied. The dosage in this case is 1 ml of the product per 10 cm² of skin. The interval between treatments from a week to 10 days. For complete cure may need 2-4 procedures.

Side effects

Reviews of the Leopard spray for cats and dogs testify to the safety of the remedy. With strict adherence to instructions negative effects have been identified. The exceptions are individual intolerance to the drug and overdose. For both cases, the symptoms appear the same. The animal begins to vomit, excessive salivation, tearing may occur. If one of the signs is present, the treatment should be stopped and the product washed off.

Reviews on the application of the spray Leopard

In the summer we love the whole family to travel to the Volga with tents. Last year, got a dog and acutely the question of protecting the animal from parasites. After reading reviews about different tools, they opted for the Leopard spray. Bribed its low cost and lasting effect.For 2 weeks of our stay on the banks of the Volga, no insect came close to Harry.

Arthur, Moscow

Our grandmother has three cats in the village. They lead a free life and walk where they want. Therefore, pick up a flea and ticks for them is no difficulty. We decided to try the Leopard spray for cats. Honestly, I was pleased with the price of the drug. After all, the treatment of three animals with expensive means would cost a lot of money. Together with the granny we coped quickly. To prevent cats from licking insecticide, dress them in collars. 2 weeks have passed, but insects and their bites have not been noticed.

Julia, Novocherkassk

Our neighborhood is bordered by forest, which is very convenient. The only drawback is ticks, which, after the onset of heat, do not allow my dog ​​to live in peace. I have purchased the Leopard Forte spray, because it acts against ticks and fleas longer and does not need to be treated so often. Now we can safely walk in the forest.

Pavel, Kharkov

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