Human fleas: how to look and how to get rid
- Human flea
- Dog fleas
- Flea protection
- Flea bites
- Flea bites
Fleas - dangerous insects, which are mostly parasitic on cats, dogs and other animals. However, in this family there is a species, like a human flea. This type of bloodsucker has spread throughout the world from South America and is now found where there are people. Insect in appearance and lifestyle is a little different from its relatives, but it does not constantly live on humans either after bite, immediately, returns to the shelter.
Features of the human flea
Pulex irritans - the human flea is quite large, approximately 3 mm in length. Like her relatives, she has good jumping abilityovercoming the distance to half a meter. Bloodsuckers move freely in a person’s hair, but they cannot be there for long.
Human fleas have the following characteristics:
- flattened body, making them hard to crush;
- the presence of multiple hooks and hairs placed on the body and limbs;
- torso color from brown to black-brown shade;
- lack of wings.
An adult individual lives on average for several months, but theoretically lifespan insect can be calculated for 500 days. During this time, the female is able to lay up to five hundred eggs. The human flea in the photo posted on the site will allow you to visually get acquainted with a dangerous parasite. They look almost like other species. Only professional entomologists using a microscope can distinguish this species from their relatives. Human parasites can look like small grains of brown color.Thanks to natural selection, fleas on humans have become almost invulnerable. Therefore, they do not care that their bites are painless, but they dig deep into the skin of their victim, causing pain.
Bloodsucking human parasites spend most of their lives in secluded places near their victims. Here they lay eggs, from which worm-like larvae emerge, feeding on decaying organic matter or adult flea excrement. Hungry, human fleas attack humans or nearby animals and feed them with blood. After the bite, they immediately leave the body of their master.
Varieties of fleas attacking humans
More than 1,500 species of parasites that are not distinguished by attachment to their host can choose a person as their victim. There are such types of fleas in humans in the hair:
- dog bloodsuckers;
- cat pests;
- rat;
- rabbit;
- parasites that inhabit herbivores.
They attack people in the absence of the owners. Protect yourself from the bites of dangerous parasites can be quite simple methods:
- going to nature to put on clothes covering hands, legs, hair;
- avoid visiting unhygienic places;
- maintain order in the house;
- use a special remedy for fleas for humans - Off-Extreme, Biban, Gall-Ret, Gardex;
- Do not touch stray animals.
Such elementary protection against fleas will allow you to avoid the unpleasant consequences caused by their bites.
By the nature of their activities have to contact with homeless animals. It is possible to protect themselves from the bites of bloodsuckers using Gardex. Recommend.
Victor, St. Petersburg
It has been established that almost 90% of ectoparasites live in basements of residential buildings, from where they settle in apartments. The most affected by bloodsuckers are the tenants of the lower floors, although they can also appear in apartments located on the last levels. This is due to the proximity of the attics, where birds live, in the nests of which pests love to live. Therefore, when they ask a question whether a person can get a flea, the answer may be unequivocal - yes. Since they can penetrate into people's homes in a variety of ways:
- be brought on shoes and clothes;
- move from neighbors, from basements and attics;
- go from cats and dogs.
At the first suspicion of the presence of ectoparasites, it is necessary to take immediate measures to remove them from the premises.
Signs of dangerous pests and the effects of their bites
The fact that fleas can be a man in the house, first of all, indicate bites. They are found not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body. Pest bites are very painful, so it is impossible not to notice this moment. A reddish stain with a diameter of up to 5 mm or a blister is formed at the place of the “meal” of the insect, in the center of which a bloody point is located. Flea bites on the human body do not pass within 3-5 days. People with hypersensitivity may develop allergic rashes or urticaria.
Scientific studies have confirmed the presence of more than 200 dangerous viruses and bacteria that are able to spread bloodsuckers if they bite a person. If there are fleas in human hair, then there is a high probability of becoming the owner of such diseases:
- encephalitis;
- salmonellosis;
- Siberian plague;
- brucellosis;
- tularemia and others.
Most often, fleas in humans cause pulicosis, which is characterized by such symptoms:
- swollen lymph nodes;
- increased body temperature;
- headache, irritability, insomnia;
- poorly healing wounds on mucous membranes and skin;
- allergic reactions in the form of heavy rashes in the area of the bite.
All these manifestations indicate that it is urgent to get rid of fleas in humans. The fight can be divided into two stages. The first is the elimination of the effects of bites from dangerous insects, the second is destruction of human fleas in domestic conditions. In order to remove the discomfort from the attack of parasites, simple manipulations should be carried out to alleviate the suffering. Since there is no cure for fleas for a person, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations yourself:
- Treat the flea bite site with a bactericidal soap or any antiseptic.
- Attach ice to the wound to avoid inflammation.
- Relieve itching with ointments or other medicines.
In case of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment with sedative and antihistamine medicines.
How to get rid of fleas in a person’s head is the next step in solving a complex task.This will require a full range of activities that will protect the human dwelling and its inhabitants from pests.
- If fleas are noticed in a child’s head or other household members, they can be removed by treating the skin tar soap.
I had to worry a little - the human fleas bit the kid. They advised him to wash his head with tar soap. The result is good.
Anastasia, Omsk
- Maintain cleanliness in the house and regularly carry out general cleaning using the available and effective insecticidal flea products, among which the most popular are Hangman, Combat, Raptor, Raid, Get, Dobrokhim, Zifoks, as well as Dusts Clean House and Feverfew.
- Treat with special preparations of pets and their habitats, since fleas can very often infect due to their fault;
Fleas appeared in the house. We treated the dog with anti-flea medication, Frontline, but fleas continued to bite. Disinfected apartment Raptor. Now everything is calm.
Victor, Vladivostok
The final step in solving the problem of how to remove fleas in humans at home is the professional cleaning of carpets, palaces, upholstered furniture, textile coatings from human pests and their larvae.Processing of mattresses, beds and bed linen are also necessary in the complex of activities.
Knowing how a person’s fleas look and what needs to be done at the first sign of appearance, you can quickly and efficiently prevent the spread of infection in an apartment.