How to get rid of carpet fleas insecticides and improvised means

Fleas - These are the smallest insects that deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations to humans and animals. What kind of a flea does not exist: bird's rat, doggy, feline, genital. And they all bring only inconvenience, itching, redness, pain.Noticing the parasites in the apartment, do not panic, first you need to see what carpet fleas look like in the photo, so as not to confuse them with lice. It is very easy to get rid of parasites and for this there are many ways.

How do fleas get into homes and apartments

Carpet fleas got their name due to the chosen habitat - these are carpets, decorative coverings, baseboards, upholstered furniture, toys, wall carpets. Most often, they annoy residents of private houses and people living on the ground floors. Bring home the parasite it is very easy, just after visiting the street or basement, immediately go into the apartment - and the fleas become another owners of your home. If there are pets that are walking outside, they can also bring various parasites, including carpet fleas, on their fur.

Flea eggs and larvae
Flea eggs and larvae

On a note!

The size of fleas is no more than 2 mm, but they jump in height up to one meter and more. They do not tolerate cold, so they are constantly in the fur of animals, in warm and damp rooms. Having noticed the first insects, you need to immediately think about how to treat a flea carpet.

How to get rid of carpet fleas using a vacuum cleaner

The very first way to help get rid of fleas in the palace is to take a vacuum cleaner and clean the apartment thoroughly. But in order to get the result from this procedure, it is necessary to follow simple rules.

How to get rid of carpet fleas in the house with a vacuum cleaner:

  1. Before cleaning you need to clean the contents of the bag or trash can, rinse the filter.
  2. Turn on at full capacity, it is good to vacuum all surfaces in the house, paying special attention to carpets, corners and places under the furniture.
  3. Put on a special narrow nozzle and walk under the sofa.
  4. Vacuum all upholstered furniture and toys in the house.
  5. Cleaning should be carried out at least twice a day, for two weeks.

If you didn’t manage to bring carpet fleas out of the house with a vacuum cleaner, then it is necessary to apply folk or cardinal methods using chemistry.

Folk remedies for fleas

Remove fleas from the Palace can be long proven folk remedies: forest herbs with a pungent smell, soda, heat, steam or cold. Consider in more detail each of them.

Wormwood and tansy - worse than fire for carpet fleas


Sagebrush It has long been used as a remedy for fleas, it has such a strong smell that almost all parasites rush to leave the house faster. As an auxiliary component is used tansy. Previously, it was decided to lay fresh herbs on the floor, but now in the conditions of urban life it is difficult to get them, so you need to buy dry grass at the pharmacy and prepare a special decoction:

  • take a jar, pour two tablespoons of wormwood, one tablespoon of tansy, add a few sheets of eucalyptus to soften the smell of wormwood;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • close the lid, let it brew for 12 hours.

Ready broth to fill in the sprayer and process the room, focusing on carpets, corners and baseboards. To the solution acted instantly, you can pour it into the steam cleaner.

Cold, steam and sun

Fleas do not tolerate cold, so if for some reason they started in the winter (after visiting the cellar, you can put them on your feet or clothes), you need to open the window wide if it is outside and below zero to ventilate the house. A few hours is enough for all the fleas to die.

On a note!

In the summer after processing rooms, carpets need to hang out in the sun - under the influence of ultraviolet rays, parasites and their offspring die.

Steam and cold
Steam and cold

It is recommended to use a flea steam cleaner - this is a fairly effective way against parasites. It is necessary to draw water into it, then steam all surfaces. If there is no steam cleaner, you can rent it, or even better just buy it, because it is an indispensable thing in the apartment that will help to process the carpets and remove fleas from them.

Baking soda

A good tool for cleaning carpets is baking soda. To do this, mix a packet of soda with a small amount of salt. Well process soft surfaces, carpets, and after twelve hours to vacuum.

Coniferous chips and herbs

Faced at least once with carpet fleas, hardly anyone wants their return visit. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is possible to collect wormwood in the summer, chips from coniferous trees, put it in a beautiful bag and place it near the threshold. Such a charm will protect the household from blood-sucking insects.

Insect repellent chemicals

When having tried all the popular methods, the fight against fleas for the house goes on, it is time to move on to more serious measures. Folk remedies will not help if there are many carpets, upholstered furniture, toys in the room; in this case, insecticidal preparations cannot do without. It is possible to process fleas from fleas with the help of a spray: Raptor, Dichlorvos, Raid etc. But the treatment is carried out repeatedly, because aerosols are not able to kill eggs.


The most effective is a concentrated household emulsion, based on fenthion, chlorpyrifos, malathion, which is part of the preparations:

  • Dobrokhim FOS;
  • Karbofos;
  • Medilis-MALATION.

Only Karbofos has a sharp and unpleasant smell. To get rid of insects at home, it is necessary to rub the product into the carpet or spray it with a spray gun.


Before processing the room, you must wear a protective mask and gloves and ensure the absence of people, cats, dogs. After treatment, you should not immediately clean the apartment and wait at least a day so that the tool works well and the insects die.

The next day after the disinsection, the carpet should be well vacuumed to remove the dead parasites and take it to the dry-cleaner.Carpets can be cleaned independently, but it will take a lot of time and effort:

  • to clean, you need to prepare a concentrated soap solution, adding 40 g of washing soda per liter of water;
  • put on the carpet, rubbing well;
  • After complete drying, vacuum.

When all available methods of breeding insects have been tried, but they still remain, you need to call in experts on pest control and produce disinsection. They will treat the room and carpets with chemical solutions.

Carpet fleas prevent people from living, bite their hands and feet with particular fury as soon as a person enters a room, and it is already unclear who the landlord is a person or a flea. It is necessary to display parasites when identifying the first insects. In war, all means are good, so you can use any available drugs and folk remedies.

Do not forget about simple preventive measures: before entering the premises, you should examine your feet, shoes for the presence of fleas, wear a flea-collar to the animals, put a charm of herbs - and no fleas will invade your apartment.

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