Are there any fleas in guinea pigs
- Tick Mite in Guinea Pigs
- Fleas in guinea pigs
- Flea spray
Guinea pigs - cute domestic rodents - fatties, who are happy to cuddle every child. It seems that caring for this animal is simple, but is it? Do guinea pigs have fleas or can you not worry about pet fur? Parasites they can appear, but this is not the only cause of itching, which often catches animals. What other skin parasites can threaten the "overseas" rodent.
An ignorant person, looking at actively scratching mumps, is sure that this is how they manifest themselves fleas in guinea pigs. But this is far from the case: one of the most common causes of itch ticks - fur or scabies.
This species is more dangerous for the "sea" pet. When it appears, the following symptoms are possible:
- the appearance of papules;
- skin redness;
- the appearance of areas with hardened skin;
- shedding
Only a veterinarian is able to pinpoint the culprit. He will do this after examining the scraping taken from the skin of the animal.
In guinea pigs, not only fleas appear, but also other parasites living on the surface of the skin as well as in the fur.
Some individuals do not suffer from ticks, being their carriers. A tick settled on a pregnant female can cause miscarriage. Ivermectin injections are most commonly used to treat this type of insect. Duration and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.
Ticks can only be transmitted through direct contact. Trying to get rid of the "guest", the rodent often licks. As a result of this effect, his fur coarsens, and ulcers appear on the skin. Often the disease is accompanied by abundant hair loss.
Remove the parasite with the same preparation as the scabies mite. To diagnose a veterinarian, it is necessary to examine rodent's hair under a microscope.
Symptoms of the appearance of a fur mite are very similar to the signs of the appearance of fleas: the skin itches, flakes, papules appear.
Most often, the hair of guinea pigs settle cat fleas. They can bring other pets walking on the street. When a flea appears in the mumps, wool begins to fall, itching occurs, the skin looks unhealthy. If there are a lot of bloodsuckers, the probability of developing anemia is high.
To find out whether there are fleas in guinea pigs, it is enough to take a comb with frequent teeth and comb the pet's fur well. On the comb, either the fleas themselves or their waste products, small brown pellets, will necessarily remain.
The food for flea larvae most often becomes the excrement of adults.
Treatment of fleas in guinea pigs is quite simple. To get rid of them you need to buy products made for cats in a veterinary pharmacy. These include drops:
- 4 with a tail;
- Front line;
- Delicious;
- Rolf Club 3D;
- Barrier;
- Dana Ultra Neo;
- Stronghold;
- Advantage;
- Blohnet;
- Celandine;
- Helminthal;
- Inspector and other drugs, the properties of which can be found in detail in a veterinary pharmacy.
It is desirable that the active ingredient in the purchased drug was pyrethrin.
Without the recommendation of a veterinarian to acquire for the mumps other drugs for fleas is prohibited.
Head lice
These insects appear in the same way as fleas, which is why they are often referred to as inexperienced owners. Most often they appear on the neck and head.
Infection with this parasite occurs through direct contact or through infected litter. On humans, these insects will not live. You can even notice them with the naked eye.
Treatment methods
Fleas in the guinea pig, like other pests, must be destroyed as soon as possible, before they cause serious harm to the rodent.
The very first step is cleaning and disinfecting the cell. The litter must be completely replaced. Plates, toys, shelter - everything must be thoroughly washed and processed.
To get rid of fleas and lice apply sprays:
- Frontline;
- Flea & Tick;
- Beaphar;
- 8 in 1;
- Ultracare
It is necessary to repeat the procedure after 8 days. Instructions and dosage indicated on the packaging of drugs.The affected pet must be treated so that the tool does not fall on the mucous membranes, including in the mouth.
To minimize the risk of infection of the pet is capable of proper care and organization of timely prevention.
- If an animal is displayed outside for a walk, it must be treated with special sprays that will scare off parasites.
- In order to prevent the pest from colonizing the cell, it must be washed weekly using a flea shampoo. The smell of additives in such means frightens off bloodsuckers.
- Since ticks often pierce the delicate skin of pigs, it is recommended that the animal be treated with special protective preparations before the walk. If a fence for walking is built for a pet in nature, the fur should be checked twice a day for the presence of parasites. Pay special attention to the ears, abdomen and armpits.
- To understand whether there is a tick in the wool, you just need to stroke the mumps - the arthropod that started feeding on can be felt very well by hand.
Guinea pigs often have different skin parasites. For each of their species there is its own way of struggle, and problems can be treated "wholesale".But still the best way out is to prevent their appearance, for which you should secure the place of walking, regularly treat the cage and pay attention to the rules of keeping a pet.