Fleas in budgies

Many people have a word fleas associated with four-legged pets. And the fact that parasites can start in decorative birds may seem like a big surprise. After all, not everyone knows whether a parrot can have fleas. However, bloodsuckers are able to live in all animals. Bird parrots are no exception.Flea problem - a phenomenon very rare, but common. Therefore, it is not at all superfluous to know why bird fleas are inflamed in a parrot, how to identify them and, therefore, how to get rid of them.

What are the parasites

Faced with the fact that fleas bred in domestic parrots, giving them great discomfort, almost every owner of feathered pets can. Bird's flea in appearance and structure is very similar to the dog parasite. This is a very small (from 1 to 5 mm) insect, having a flat brown body. The pest has 3 pairs of legs, the back ones are the longest, and are used for jumping. Below you can see how fleas look like parrots in the photo. The life span of the pest is only 2 weeks, however, during this period the insect has time to lay a large number of eggs.


Quite often, parasites infest in poultry (chickens, ducks, geese). They live mainly in the nests of birds. The most active pests mate and breed during the period when the bird incubates eggs and takes care of its offspring.

What are dangerous pests

Fleas living on the body of budgies do not parasitize people. but bite a man or other pets can still. Important is the fact that bloodsuckers are able to tolerate various infectious diseases that pose a danger to the health of the feathered pet. In addition, bird fleas give the parrot great discomfort, the consequence of which can be depression, exhaustion and anemia. They are able to bring young chicks even to death.

Signs of the presence of insects in parrots

Fleas in parrots can not be detected immediately, due to the miniature size of insects and behavioral patterns. Usually their presence is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the parrot is constantly itching and shakes off feathers;
  • feathered appetite;
  • the bird becomes restless and makes loud noises;
  • winged pet intensively loses plumage and body weight.

The presence of these factors should be a signal to carefully examine the parrot, or to visit the vet.

Fleas in parrots
Fleas in parrots


Fleas have wavy parrots, unlike canine or cat fleasDo not cause skin irritation or redness. Therefore, it is possible to detect parasites only when they become very numerous and only upon visual inspection.

Ways flea into the house

In the house where they keep wavy parrots, parasites can penetrate in various ways:

  • through the vents;
  • from damp basements and attics, where pigeons love to hide - they are the carriers of fleas in natural conditions;
  • bring into the house of parasites can be on clothes;
  • infection of other pets.

Often you can buy a flea-infested wavy parrot on the market, where there are several birds in one enclosure.

Methods of struggle and means

The question of how to remove fleas from a parrot at home, puzzled all those who found the parasites in their winged pet. The treatment of poultry for blood-sucking insects is a rather complicated process, and in many respects due to the fact that not everyone can fearlessly take the bird in hand. After all, a parrot is capable of very painfully pinching a beak. And if fleas are found in Corella, then there is a high probability of serious injuries. In order to avoid this, treat feathery better in leather gloves.

Many are afraid to just harm the bird with the wrong action, because the parrot must not only be taken, but also kept in the hands. However, it is still necessary to treat fleas in budgies.

Parasite treatment for parasites involves three stages:

  • poultry processing;
  • cell processing;
  • prevention.

We derive fleas from a parrot

Before proceeding with the treatment of a parrot, you must obtain confirmation from a veterinarian. After all, the characteristic signs of the presence of fleas can be caused by any infections or other pests. An independent diagnosis may be wrong, and the result of such treatment can only harm the pet.

Derive fleas from parrots by using such tools as:

  • frontline;
  • iwamek.

The drugs are quite toxic and unsafe when ingested. Therefore, they process only the skin of the bird, getting on the feathers is unacceptable.

Flea remedies
Flea remedies

To get rid of a flea parrot, you can use the off-baths. Anostomazan is a safe remedy for parasite control. The required dose of the drug specified in the instructions, dissolved in warm water. After that, the bird is dipped into the resulting solution for 7-10 seconds, holding its head. You can also use a spray gun, and spray them on the whole body of a parrot. It is important to correctly calculate the dose, taking into account the weight and dimensions of the bird.

Cell processing

To prevent fleas from appearing in birds, it is imperative to process not only the parrot, but also its cage. This issue should be given maximum attention and time. Processing cells do in the absence of a pet, after pulling out of it all the usual toys and interior items.

The cage must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then treated with special means. Then for 2-3 hours they take it out to the balcony or to another well ventilated room. After that, wipe with a napkin and return to the "rightful owner." Water and food containers are also thoroughly washed and placed in a parrot cage.


To prevent the appearance and spread of bird fleas in a pet's cage, you must follow these rules:

  1. Compliance with the rules of hygiene will ensure a healthy lifestyle of your parrot. It should be periodically cleaned in a cage: change litter, grass, food and water.
  2. Use of natural insecticides that will help rid the home of the feathered from blood-sucking insects. One such remedy is common wormwood - a herb that repels parasites.It is enough just to place its branches in a cage, and periodically replace them with fresh ones.
  3. Having decided to add a new neighbor to your pet, it is necessary to hold the recruit for some time in quarantine. Insecticidal treatment will help rid it of possible fleas. And only after that can the wavy be allowed into the common cell.
  4. As a preventive measure, it is possible to use ash baths that will help prevent the attack of a flea feathery.

Birds or animals in the house is, above all, the responsibility not only for feeding them, but also creating favorable conditions for their living. Only then the pet will be attractive, playful and healthy.


They bought a parrot, and began to notice that it is very often itchy. I had to go to the doctor, the diagnosis was fleas. I was really surprised, because I didn’t know before that birds also have them. Processed front line, everything went.

Marina, Kirovograd

I regularly process my parrots decoction of wormwoodand cage anti-blocking agent.

Nina Petrovna, Moscow

The parrot often combed feathers, which even in some places appeared bald spots. They showed him to a vet who found fleas in a bird.After that, he gave us powder, which had to be processed under the wings. After the first use, the parrot stopped scratching.

Leon, Saratov

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