Flea treatment of an apartment: how and with what to treat, the best means
- Fleas
- Fleas
- Fleas and their eggs
- Sprays Combat
- Get drug types
Fleas - ancient insects that are ideally adapted for a long evolution to the way of life and the way of feeding, which brings great inconvenience to man and animals. Survivors of global cataclysms of bloodsuckers are difficult to destroy. That's why when parasites like fleas start up in the house, the processing of the apartment from them should be carried out with great care and knowledge indoor preparationswho forever rid the home of arthropods.
Rules and algorithm for processing apartments
How to treat an apartment from fleas of animals can be found on sites Pest Control Companies. The professionals have developed an algorithm that allows you not to miss a single corner, cracks or an item in which there may be fleas.
Treatment of the apartment from fleas should begin with the destruction of parasites on domestic animals, which are most often the cause of the appearance of insects in the housing.
If the cat has a flea, the treatment of animals should be carried out before the complete destruction of the bloodsuckers. From cat fleas can get rid of with insecticidal shampoo, drops for cats, spray and other effective means. Protect against reinfection can cat flea collarto be put on a pet. Kitten better tolerates drops or spray.
Fleas are not permanently located on the body of the host. They hide in secluded corners, in upholstery of upholstered furniture and carpets until it is time to refresh themselves and having destroyed insects on animals, you can leave in the apartment of hidden bloodsuckers.
A female flea does not lay eggs in one place, like many insects, but “shoots” them with great force.Eggs are non-sticky and freely peel off from wool, ensuring infection of a large area of the room with fleas. Eggs are tiny in size, so they are easily overlooked in the crevices of the floor, pile of the carpet or behind the baseboard. Visually assess the degree of infection is impossible, therefore, the means for treating an apartment from fleas must effectively deal with all forms of the development of parasites.
Before disinsection, it is necessary to thoroughly mechanically treat the apartment from fleas using ordinary water, a vacuum cleaner, and an insecticide solution. Carpets must be vacuumed, if possible knocked out in the street and treated with a solution of insecticide or a ready means against fleas, before returning to the place. Fleas are very big temperature Rangein which they can exist. Therefore, to destroy insects by freezing or heating will not succeed.
All textiles, underwear, and possibly clothes, will have to be soaked in a solution of flea medicine, and then washed. Vacuum thoroughly and clean furniture, especially soft.
Old wooden floor - a favorite place basement fleas. They hide in sheltered alkalis, under the plinth in wooden furniture.Before you begin the chemical treatment, you need to do a wet cleaning, wash all washable surfaces.
Due to the special arrangement of the limbs, fleas can be held on any surface. Insects are not afraid of light and jump hightherefore it is worth processing all places of their alleged localization. Especially carefully it is necessary to treat the apartment from fleas, if there is a small child in the house. The baby’s crib should be cleaned with soapy water. Stuffed toys, bedding, soak in a bath with a disinfecting solution and then wash.
You can disinfect the apartment from fleas using a steam generator, especially soft furniture upholstery or carpet that can not be removed. After pre-treatment of the apartment, you should proceed to the selection of insecticidal agents.
Requirements for funds from fleas in the apartment
The chemical industry produces a lot of products from synanthropic insects, but the means for treating an apartment from fleas must meet certain requirements:
- to be effective in the fight against insects and safe for residents of the apartment and pets;
- do not require professional skills and processing equipment;
- do not leave stains and drips on the furniture;
- to act quickly, so as not to leave the premises for a long time;
- It is better to choose a product in which there are several active substances belonging to different groups of insecticides.
Many synanthropic insects develop resistance to the most commonly used group of insecticides. The combined drug will increase the chance that the treatment of fleas in the apartment completely and permanently relieve bloodsuckers.
An important factor in the choice of means is its efficiency and cost.
Overview of the best flea products
The industry produces insecticides in various forms:
- concentrate for solution;
- powder;
- spray can.
Everyone decides how to treat a house for fleas of animals. With a strong infection, you will have to use several means at once in various forms, different in composition and duration. It is cheaper to handle an apartment on your own, you only need to know which means are best to use.
Insecticidal agents in the form of an aerosol are most in demand,as they do not require prior dilution, have good penetrating power and allow to process a large area in the room. The most effective are:
- Raptor - complex aerosol preparation from the Russian manufacturer Raptor (Moscow) contains piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin. All components enhance the effect of each other and prevent the emergence of resistant offspring. One bottle of funds is enough to handle 40 m2 diverse in texture surfaces. Processing the premises for fleas using Raptor destroys adult insects and their larvae. The microencapsulated form of the insecticide is preserved even after the solution dries out, which means that the insects hatched from the eggs will die over time. The tool has a prolonged action (2-3 weeks), which allows for one treatment to get rid of the entire flea population.
- Dichlorvos - an effective drug that differs in composition from that produced earlier. Now produce aerosol products with various attachments - Super, Neo, Eco, etc. The composition of Dichlorvos Super and Neo includes two insecticides - cypermethrin and permethrin.Dichlorvos Eco has a pleasant aroma of lavender, and Neo has no smell. Having processed the room from fleas, it is necessary to close it, having sustained several hours. Insects begin to die in 1-2 hours. With severe infection, it may be necessary to re-process after 7-10 days.
- Raid - part of the tool includes cypermethrin, which quickly and effectively destroys adult insects and larvae. Release the drug with different fragrances - the aroma of citrus, lavender, spring freshness. The disadvantage of a raid is that it leaves traces on the furniture after drying. But they are easy to remove with soap and soda solution. It destroys not only one species of insects, it acts on all flying, crawling synanthropic and alien arthropods.
- Kombat - balloon is equipped with a flexible nozzle that allows you to carefully handle hard to reach places in the apartment. Two active substances - cyphenothrin and imiprotrin belong to the group of pyrethroids and have a prolonged effect.
Concentrate for solution
Concentrated preparations are used for professional disinsection of premises. From one bottle you can get a large amount of the working solution.Convenient when processing surfaces with high absorption.
- Chlorpirimak - concentrated preparation based on chlorpyrifos. To obtain a solution diluted with 5 g of concentrate in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution can be treated floor, baseboards, tile and stone wall coverings, soak it textiles.
- Get - contains chlorpyrifos, enclosed in a microcapsule. It has a prolonged action. Does not form stains on the surface of furniture and fabrics. Odorless.
- Biorin - emulsion containing deltamethrin. The tool refers to the professional. It is therefore not commercially available. Instantly destroys fleas and other synanthropic insects. Very toxic and requires compliance with safety measures and the use of personal protective equipment.
To protect the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract, you must wear clothes that completely cover the body, goggles and a respirator. Even those funds that belong to the 3-4 class of danger can cause poisoning in violation of the dosage or individual tendency to allergic reactions.
To treat a room for fleas, insecticidal agents can be used in the form of powders.They are scattered in inaccessible places for animals and children in the apartment, providing a lasting effect on insects.
- Peretrum - powder made from dried flowers of Dalmatian chamomile. It can be used to prevent infection, eliminate re-infection. Powder can pour things in the closet, if there are linen fleas. Lack of funds - instability in the light and short duration.
- Brownie, Phenaxine, Clean house, Fas-Double - powders with various pyrethrins, which are similar in efficiency and mode of action to the previous preparation. Treatment of the house with insecticidal powders can destroy the entire flea population in one application.
After the chemical treatment of the apartment was carried out, you need to wash with soap and soda solution only those places where the tenants will touch. For 2-3 days it is not recommended to do wet cleaning, and in secluded places, let the tool remain as long as possible.
If the apartment has a small child, then his bed and pieces of furniture in his room can be treated with a solution of drops from cat fleas. The tool is not aggressive and effective.
To treat flea litter of animals or children's toys, you can prepare a decoction of tansy, wormwood, lavender, orange peel, pomegranate, etc. After completing the wet cleaning, rinse all surfaces with water of geranium, tea tree, cloves, and lavender . Such a measure will not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also scare away blood-sucking insects.