Disinsection from fleas in the apartment by professional services

Fleas - very annoying creatures that cause continuous inconvenience. Their appearance does not dignify the interior, their bites quite painful and can provoke a number of dangerous diseases. Disinfecting fleas in an apartment without recruiting professional help does not always give a positive result, so it makes sense to think about contacting specialized services. What methods and technologies do disinsectors use, how much are their services worth, let us consider the example of the Moscow SES.


What is the difference between professional disinsection and home treatment?

Professionals are more aware of the habitat of fleas in an apartment, the characteristics of their reproduction and behavior. Disinsection from fleas in an apartment, house is carried out with the use of new technologies and highly effective insecticides inaccessible to the average consumer. The result of the work performed is visible on the first day after treatment.

Insecticides that use pest control, have a long-lasting effect, do not leave stains on carpets, furniture, things and do not remind themselves of a persistent smell. Professional pest control lasts from half an hour to 1.5 hours. The time depends on the area of ​​the treated surface. For this period, households, animals, taking with them houseplants, must leave the apartment.

Methods for the destruction of parasites

Disinfection at home from fleas is accompanied by a preliminary visit by a specialist. It assesses the degree of infection, determines the location of the accumulation of fleas, their prevalence, sources of occurrence. Based on these data, a strategy for the destruction of parasites and the scope of work is being developed. In most cases, all rooms and adjoining rooms need to be processed, since fleas are very bouncing and their eggs can be everywhere.

The choice of technology for the elimination of insects and insecticidal agents directly is determined by the size of the population and the financial capabilities of the customer. Disinfection of an apartment from fleas can be done in several ways.

Cold fog

Cold fog
Cold fog

Irrigation with cold mist (dry mist) is carried out by means of an industrial generator. The working solution from a combination of insecticides is placed in the device. When spraying, the liquid is transformed into the smallest particles of 20-50 microns and spreads indoors like a fog. Active ingredients penetrate the smallest microcracks and all hard-to-reach places. Most of the flea population dies instantly.

The insecticidal cloud is suspended for 3-4 hours and its temperature is close to room temperature. Then the substance begins to settle and forms a microfilm on all surfaces, after contact with which surviving individuals or larvae that have recently emerged from eggs die.

The speed of processing apartments cold mist depends on the power of the equipment. The cost of the service is affected by the area that has been treated, the insecticide involved. Sanitary services offer low-cost drugs and premium products. It should be noted that quite often disinfection of an apartment from fleas does not provide for pest control in public places (MOS) and will have to be paid separately for their treatment.

On a note!

The cost of treating a one-room flat with cold mist from fleas, not including the MOP, will cost around 1,800 rubles in Moscow, when using premium insecticides at 3,800 rubles.

Hot mist

Hot mist
Hot mist

Hot mist technology has a lot in common with cold. Only in this case, the working solution is poured into the chamber of the hot mist generator,where it is heated to a vapor state and sprayed around the apartment. Particle sizes do not exceed 20 microns and the insecticidal cloud lasts for 7-8 hours. The technology allows you to instantly destroy imago, larvae and flea eggs. After the mist has settled, an insecticidal film is formed, contact with which leads to the death of the insect.

On a note!

Hot fog compared to cold bole is effective for the destruction of fleas and other insects that live in a house, apartment. However, its use in residential areas is not always advisable. When using this technology indoors, there is a slight increase in humidity, which can affect the condition of furniture, wallpaper. The cost of processing a one-room apartment will cost at least 4,500 rubles, and when using premium class drugs it will be 6,500 rubles.

Trickle spraying

Spray a spray - a classic and the most budget method. Insecticides of new generation and modern equipment help to cope with fleas and other parasites as effectively as mist generators do. Insecticide spraying is carried out by mechanical or electricalsprayers.

Professional processing
Professional processing

Preparing an apartment for professional treatment

By the arrival of the exterminator the room should be prepared:

  1. To carry out wet and dry cleaning, to disinfect public places.
  2. Remove, wash, dry and pack textiles in airtight bags.
  3. If there is an animal in the house, treat it and provide protection. For these purposes, suitable special drops for pets: Barrier, Dana Ultra Neo, Blohnet, Celandine. And also flea collars for cats and dogs.
  4. Furniture, tightly adjacent to the walls, move aside, so that there is an opportunity to process all hard-to-reach places.
  5. Put food into the fridge.
  6. Ensure the absence of households, animals, indoor plants.
  7. During the disinsection period, only one person remains from the inhabitants of the apartment who will observe and control the work of the disinsectors. He is given a protective mask. Some organizations rent masks for free, others charge 500 rubles.

After completion of the work, the disinfectors conduct a brief briefing. Returning to the apartment of households is possible several hours after processing.The premises are dry cleaned and wash items that have to be contacted daily. Floors, walls are not exposed to wet treatment for several days.

Processing flea basements

Destruction strategy fleas in basements developed upon arrival of a specialist at the site of infection, taking into account the population of the basement by insects, rodents, its technical condition. Often, professional dust powders, which are sprayed with special equipment, are used to control fleas.

Basement processing
Basement processing

Moscow Sanitary Services Review

Disinsection of an apartment for fleas is carried out by private and public sanitary services. Appeal to the state SES requires compliance with bureaucratic formalities and a long wait for the arrival of specialists. Private companies work more quickly and departure of exterminators is possible on the day of the appeal.

The cost of services of the Moscow sanitary services, their distinctive features are clearly displayed in the table. For comparative analysis, a one-room apartment is considered as an example.

Flea treatment cost

Name of the organizationThe cost of processing cold fog in rublesHot mist handling cost in rublesadditional information
MosEko-Center1700, MOP 1500 rubles4400, MOP 3000 rublesDiscounts when processing several apartments, to preferential persons, written guarantee
Unified Sanitary Service18004100The work of specialists around the clock throughout the Moscow Region
San MariDez1800, including MOP4000Warranty, protective mask rental 500 rubles. Possible treatment with expensive imported drugs.
Mos Eco Service18004500A protective suit is issued. Additional service as a gift. Possible treatment with premium drugs
Cleaning company MactailorProcessing apartment from 1000 rubles, the technology is not specifiedApplications are accepted online or by phone.
Sanitary Environmental ServiceService price from 2000 rubles, the method of flea destruction is not specified1 year warranty
Sanitary.RF1800 rublesDiscount for large families and pensioners
Parasit.Pro LLC "Rutter"Drip Spray 2400Monitoring free

In the regions, professional flea pest control can cost 10% less than in the capital.

Fleas dangerous to humanstherefore, the treatment of houses and apartments is necessary.If it is not currently possible to call a special service, you should do so. by myselfusing effective means against fleas.

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