Independent fight against fleas in the apartment and house

Fight against fleas in an apartment can be carried out independently, provided the minimum knowledge of the insecticidal properties of plants and chemicals widely used in everyday life. It must be remembered that folk remedies against fleas do not destroy insects, but have a repellent (frightening) effect. In order to completely rid the home of blood-sucking and synanthropic insects, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment of the premises, combining indoor chemical insecticides and folk remedies.

Preliminary treatment of the apartment

Fighting fleas the house should start with general cleaning. Before choosing an appropriate way to destroy bloodsuckers, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all accessible places from the eggs and larvae of parasites. This will help the usual vacuum cleaner, which should be cleaned upholstery, flooring, slots and baseboards. Most of the eggs and slowly moving larvae will fall into the drive, which should immediately be released, and if the bag is made of cloth, then soak in the insecticide solution.

Fleas and their eggs
Fleas and their eggs

All textile interior decorations should be removed and soaked in a disinfectant solution, and then thoroughly washed and rinsed. Also come with products made of artificial fur, soft toys, slippers.

If carpets or draperies can not be removed, then after vacuuming to increase the effect, you can use a thermal method - walk the steam generator. Compact household models (Clatronic DR 2930, Ariete Multi Vapori Junior, and others) are equipped with a set of nozzles that allow you to clean parasites from textiles, carpets, bedding, floors, walls, ceramic tiles. The temperature of the steam and the pressure at the outlet makes it possible to destroy fleas at all stages of development without damaging things.

If possible, wipe the walls, be sure to remove dust from wooden and plastic furniture. To treat the floor and baseboards with a weak disinfectant solution, paying special attention to the gaps between the floorboards, the space around the baseboards, furniture joints.

Air the apartment, close the windows and doors - only after that you can begin to treat the apartment from fleas.


Often in the councils for the control of indoor fleas, there is a proposal to “freeze” insects by opening windows in the winter in the cold. The advice is correct, but it is worth considering that at a temperature below -15 ° C the parasite stops feeding, multiplying and moving. In order for the fleas to die, the extremely low temperature for them must last 4-5 hours.

Flea control measures should combine mechanical, chemical, thermal and biological effects. Only then can get rid of fleas in the apartment.

Folk Flea Control


The main damaging factor from domestic fleas is smell. Fleas, like many synanthropic insects, do not tolerate strong odors. They see and hear poorly, so their basic orientation mechanisms are smell and touch, or rather, the sensation of air movement.


Insects are guided by smell when choosing an object for food, they sense pheromones exuded by a female at great distances. There is a very rare pathology - Perriman-Jurgens disease, in which the skin of the human body exudes a scent similar to the smell of pheromones. Moreover, it attracts only sexually mature female fleas. The disease was discovered in the XIX century, it is sick only 1 of the 1.8 million people on Earth. Fleas, smelling the smell, fly from everywhere and pounce on the person.

Therefore, strong substance is essential oil, kerosene, vinegar, gasoline, paint, will help from fleas in the apartment, forcing them to look for a more comfortable room.

People have long noticed that some plants rid the room of blood-sucking insects, pray, cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies. These include - wild rosemary, fleece, black elderberry, sweet clover medicinal, oregano, black rat’s, mullein crap, parsley, sagebrush, pine, thermopsis, yarrow, bird cherry and about 50 different plants. Of them, and prepare a home remedy for fleas.

Dalmatian daisy

Dalmatian daisy
Dalmatian daisy

Going to a long conquest campaigns, the troops of Alexander the Great were stocked up with "Persian powder" from fleas, lice, ticks and bed bugs.

This indispensable tool, prepared from dried Dalmatian chamomile baskets, was popular in Persia, China, the Caucasus, from where it came to Europe via the silk road and was used as an effective natural insecticide until the middle of the 20th century.

Peretrum is difficult to find now, but it can be replaced with powder from crushed flowers of tansy, wormwood, lavender. Powder can be scattered in places inaccessible to pets. The disadvantage of this means to fight insects is that the powder ceases to act after 1-2 days and needs to be replaced with a new portion.

Common Wormwood (Chernobyl)

In zones with a temperate climate, an unpretentious plant grows - ordinary wormwood. The infusion of grass and plant roots has an insecticidal property. You can prepare the product by pouring 6 tablespoons of dry grass with 3 cups of boiling water and infusing it under the lid for 4-5 hours. This broth to wash the floors in the room, spray a spray on the baseboard, the back side of the furniture, carpets. Bundles of dry wormwood are laid out in an open-air cage or a booth where the pet lives, hanged in chicken coops and barns to get rid of fleas and other pests.


Those who live on the ground floor are dominated by basement fleas. In order to permanently close the road to the blood suckers' apartment, you can plant black elderberry bushes, bird cherry trees, euonymus under the window, or break a flower garden with large nevyanikami, pink chamomile, lavender.

Fumigation with needles

In the old days, the smell of a samovar melted with fir cones scared away crawling, flying and jumping insects. In the modern metropolis such a remedy for fleas in an apartment can hardly be used. But fumigation of dried needles of juniper, pine will help to destroy bloodsuckers.Pleasant smell of coniferous resin is unbearable for fleas. If you put an aroma lamp with cedar oil in the room or drop a few drops of pine oil on an ordinary light bulb, you can get rid of insects for a long time.

Essential oils

A good remedy for fleas at home - essential oil of clove, basil, anise, eucalyptus, orange. They should be added to the water for washing floors, sprinkling with a solution upholstered furniture, carpets, dripping in an aroma lamp or lighting incense sticks with this smell.

One hundred grams of camphor or a piece of incense, evaporated over an open fire, will eliminate even a large apartment or house from insects.


At the court of King Louis XIV, courtiers wore extravagant hairstyles and outfits infested with insects. The water was considered a peddler of diseases, so the king rubbed the body with a dry cloth or a cloth dipped in vinegar. Vinegar scared off fleas, lice and deodorized body. Ladies and gentlemen literally poured perfume with the aroma of musk and patchouli to hide the stench of unwashed bodies and scare away blood-sucking insects.

Folk remedies for fleas
Folk remedies for fleas

Decoction of wheat grass or parsley

The most widespread in our latitudes weed - wheatgrass creeping, able to rid the home of fleas. It is necessary to pour 15 grams of the roots and rhizomes of wheat grass with 1 liter of water and boil under the lid for 10 minutes, infuse the broth for 4 hours, and then use it for bathing animals, washing floors, rinsing things from fleas or treating the pet bedding.

Ordinary parsley also has repellent properties. The tool is prepared from 3 teaspoons of parsley roots, 200 milliliters of water. Boil for 5 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Use the same as the previous decoction.

Acetic acid

Fleas are very sensitive to the smell of acetic acid. It is enough to dilute 3% table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and daily spray the apartment to get rid of fleas in a week.


Vinegar has been known since the 6th century BC. It was used not only as a flavoring and preservative, but also as a medicine. During the plague, people covered their faces with rags dipped in vinegar. Galen treated purulent wounds by washing with vinegar. Antiseptic, antibacterial properties of acetic acid are used now.

To the question: “Are fleas of vinegar afraid of?” - one can safely say that this insect has a strong smell of acetic acid.By treating the apartment, furniture and clothes with a vinegar solution, we not only get rid of fleas, but also guarantee the destruction of pathogens that fleas carry on their little bodies and legs.

Folk ways of dealing with fleas include such a recipe - you need to mix vinegar with camphor oil and flower cologne. This mixture should be sprayed with baseboards and furniture fixings.

After analyzing popular recipes for how to deal with fleas in an apartment with folk remedies, it should be recalled that the struggle will be effective only when using a set of methods. Do not completely abandon the treatment of the premises with chemicals.

What insecticides are used for fleas?

Flea spray in the house
Flea spray in the house

The chemical industry produces insecticides in various forms in order to facilitate self-treatment of premises from insects:

  1. Flea aerosols - Gett, Raptor, Raid, Clean house, Dichlorvos, Butox 50Beaphar
  2. Solutions - Tsifoks, Hangman, Get, Cucaracha, Tetrix, Medilis.
  3. Flea Sprays - Flee, Control Home Flea & Tick Killer, Combat, Clean House.

After applying all the listed chemicals, it is not recommended to clean the room for 3-4 days, except for wet surface treatment, which will be touched by the inhabitants of the apartment.Wash handles, panels, the floor can be the above broths and solutions - this will increase the efficiency of processing.

Fleas in the apartment - this is not a sentence, if you know how to deal with them. Even if an allergic or small child lives in an apartment and the treatment with chemicals is undesirable, you can always find a worthy replacement from the arsenal of folk remedies.


I remember how my grandmother shifted bed sheets with leaves of wormwood and tobacco so that insects wouldn't start. In the village, cats and dogs ran into the house from the street, so fleas sometimes jumped. But bunches of fragrant dried herbs scared them off. They also washed the floors with a decoction of wormwood in order to “exorcise evil spirits”, and at the same time get rid of fleas. Therefore, I also use old methods at home and only sometimes use chemicals.

Tatyana, Zhytomyr

Folk remedies are good, environmentally friendly and safe. But the efficiency is low. Therefore, I am for aerosols and flea sprays. They are now also available with pleasant smells.

Valentina, Novopolie

Ancient methods were good a hundred years ago. Now you can apply quick and effective means of fleas. There is no time to wait until after a month fleas die of wormwood, and from kerosene and yourself you can fold the legs together with them.

Vladimir, Kostroma

I'm just for eco-friendly old recipes.I have asthma and psoriasis. If it were not for the "grandmother's notebooks", then fleas. cockroaches, bedbugs walked around the apartment on foot. We have the first floor and from the basement that just does not seep into the apartment. Although I do not keep animals, I sometimes find fleas.

Zinaida, Kerch

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Bed bugs

