The life cycle of a flea, how the eggs and larvae of fleas look

Our beloved pets cats and dogs are subject to appearance on their body. a fleathat constantly multiply. Many are interested in what these parasites eat. Throughout their lives, they drink blood, which is their main meal. The shape of adult insects is oblate, the body is distinguished by shades of brown, and they have no wings.On the body there is a large number of setae, spines. They are covered and 3 pairs of limbs. Each of them performs certain functions.

Parasites easily and fairly quickly move through the wool, so the pet owner can not always see them. Thanks to their limbs, bloodsuckers not only move quickly, but can jump, change direction and angle. Fleas have dogs and cats - the phenomenon is not rare, they multiply very quickly. If the animal lives in an apartment or house, it means that fleas inseminate the available premises. This is especially observed when the animal has a huge number of fleas. Before you buy the means to destroy them, you need to understand how fleas breed. Consider this question in more detail.

Stages of development of a flea
Stages of development of a flea

Life cycle and flea reproduction

Fleas breed under certain conditions. The male has testicles ending with a sexual claw. In the female there is one or two pairs of ovaries, which connect at the uterus, from which the seminal receptacle extends. In order to begin the process of moving the seeds into the body of the female, she has to climb onto the male and pull the genital claw into her seed receptacle.Reproduction of fleas is a rather complicated process. It can last from one week to six months. It depends on how the fleas breed in a given place.

On a note. On domestic animals, fleas breed at a temperature of 23 to 25 ° C and a humidity of about 60%. At high temperature larvae and eggs just dry out. If the air is cold and humid they die. The highest rate at which fleas breed, when both of these indicators have high values. In this case, the insects are large in size. A flea and a pupa can tolerate heat and cold.

Consider phased development of fleas:

  1. The appearance of eggs;
  2. Larva;
  3. Pupae;
  4. Imago

Egg appearance

Flea eggs
Flea eggs

This is the first stage in the development of a flea, in which insects breed with eggs. After the mating process, the insect is fertilized and is able to lay eggs. Their size is very small. When viewed through a magnifying glass, they resemble rice grains. If the population of parasites is very high, you can see how the eggs simply fall down from the fur of animals.

Fleas eggs, due to their small size, can be on the bed, in the villi of the carpet, in the genital crevices.Under these conditions, the breeding process increases, the female can lay many eggs, and they spread in large numbers throughout the apartment. They can maintain their vitality in an unfavorable environment for several weeks. In the body of an insect eggs mature alternately, on average, up to 15 pieces. This happens immediately after feeding. And it can happen anywhere, even in the fur of the animal. The flea simply shoots the eggs so that they can fly apart. This enables them not to fight for food.


Flea larvae
Flea larvae

In appearance, the flea larva resembles white worms, about 1 mm long. There are fine hairs on their body. Larvae are able to move quickly. They grow, and for the entire stage of their development they shed 3 times and reach a size of up to 6 mm. They can eat organic materials that are close to them or on their body. Flea larvae in cats, dogs, and other animals, no matter who they parasitize, look the same. Therefore, if a person notices them, he will not be able to understand which insect they belong to. If you are interested in finding out what the flea larvae look like, you can see the photos available on the site. You should know that the larvae do not live on the fur of cats and dogs.Therefore, if their owners have discovered pests in the form of worms, they are not larvae.

On a note. Even the smallest larvae that have just been born have a tooth. It is a solid process by which this parasite breaks through an egg. It disappears at its first molt.

If the food of the larva is normal, in sufficient quantities, after a couple of weeks, each of them is sealed into a cocoon, from which a flea will later appear.


Baby flea
Baby flea

At this stage of reproduction in bloodsuckers a very interesting life cycle. Pupae of fleas - these are the larvae in the cocoon. Larvae can be in it for a different period of time, which depends on humidity and temperature. If they are the optimal parasite from the pupa can appear in a week. Otherwise, the flea pupa in the cocoon will linger for an indefinite period, which can be equal to 12 months. The pupa estimates the level of humidity and temperature with the help of receptors located on its external cover. She also feels the carbon dioxide that a cat, dog, or other animal is breathing out. This feline or dog smell gives her special receptors.That is, the pupa receives a signal saying that you can already get out of the cocoon, as the food is nearby. According to scientists who have studied the life cycle of a flea, this is a true miracle of nature. How pupae can live so long in a cocoon, what they eat is still not clear. Many are interested in how to kill a pupa. The fact is, not all chemical agents act on them, they are not able to penetrate the shell. It is impossible to create conditions in the apartment for very high and low temperatures. It remains only to wait for the time when the pupa leaves the cocoon itself.


This breeding stage ends the flea development cycle. As soon as an opportune moment arrives, the pupa emerges from the cocoon and searches for its owner, catches up, jumps on it, finding a place for itself in the thick coat of the animal.

People are interested in the question of how many eggs a flea lays during the breeding process. The period of her life varies from one and a half months to two years. Therefore, each individual to multiply and reproduce in different ways. The maximum number of eggs that it can produce is about 500 pieces.

On a note! An adult without food may live for several months.But the damage to her health will not be caused. But because of the period of a long hunger strike, she will not be able to multiply and lay eggs.

How to get rid of eggs and larvae

Flea remedies
Flea remedies

Experts believe that fleas for pets are not so are dangerous. But this is only if they are not a huge amount. Moreover, they claim that they are even useful for animals. When the population of these parasites jump around the apartment, giving people a lot of trouble. After examining all the stages of development of insects, looking at the photo, as they may look, you can start to fight with them. In order to kill eggs and larvae, you can use the following tools:

  • Cucaracha, Hangman, Tetrix. They can be used in the form of diluted preparations or concentrates. Kombat and Raptor aerosols have also proven themselves well.
  • Diana and Get. The basis of these drugs - a system of microcapsules that create a barrier on the treated surface. As soon as the flea comes in contact with it, the nanocapsules stick to the limbs and the body of the insect, cocoon, eggs — their destruction begins.
  • Raptor. It acts instantly and is characterized by a prolonged action.
  • Raid, having in its composition destructive and deterrent substances.
  • Turpentine, vinegar, kerosene - folk remedies, which can also help in some cases.
  • You can destroy the larvae using Dichlorvos. But this drug is not as effective as modern means.
  • Clean house. The components contained in it cause parasites and paralysis and convulsions leading to death.
  • Butox 50 - a drug that can destroy ticks, bed bugs, mosquitoes.
  • Dusts that are completely useless against fleas can also kill the larvae. Their action begins when the parasites eat, so the dust must be near them. This is not always possible, since pests can hide in hard to reach places.

Now it is clear how fleas breed and how they can be fought.

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