What fleas suffer

Fleas - insects are very small, feeding on the blood of various animals. Most of us are unaware that these insects cause trouble not only directly bitesbut also their consequences. Only in our country can be found more than 60 species of these bloodsuckers. Worldwide, there are about 2 thousand species. They are carriers of 25 different diseases, some of which are dangerous to humans.If you are not sure that it is necessary to get rid of fleas as quickly as possible, you should find out what diseases fleas cause to humans.

Fleas at home

Most fleas have a clear "career guidance". So, rat fleas prefer the blood of rats doggy - dogs, etc. But due to various circumstances they are able to feed on any other animals, including man.

If the animal is in the house, its fleas settle nearby. They live in pet bedding, in the crevices of the floor, behind plinths or under furniture. Biting a person, fleas transmit various diseases to it, causing, at least, irritation, maximum - death.

What is the danger

Cat fleas
Cat fleas

Insects do not just damage human skin, delivering temporary discomfort and disrupting appearance. Fleas carry plague, worms or even typhoid. Most dangerous diseasestolerated by small bloodsuckers:

  • anthrax;
  • typhus;
  • plague;
  • tularemia;
  • salmonellosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • fungal infections;
  • listeriosis;
  • tapeworms.

Fleas are interested not only in healthy organisms, but also in patients, and often dead. That is why flea disease vectors.In the process of a bite, saliva with a multitude of viruses enters the human body, quickly getting into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. A variety of diseases tolerate fleas, but the likelihood of infection is reduced when it comes to feline/ dog fleas settling in human dwellings.

When meeting a rat variety of parasites, the chance to get one of the diseases that fleas transmit increases many times over. Rodents are regular visitors to garbage dumps, water pipes, garbage cans. Often they eat corpses. Rats are the first peddlers of the infection. It is the way of life of the hosts that makes the rat parasites so dangerous. They become infected from rats, subsequently infecting all who are not lucky enough to meet on their way.


The causative agent of the plague does not lose its relevance until the death of the insect. An infected female does not transmit the infection to the eggs during laying.

Fleas, their eggs and larvae
Fleas, their eggs and larvae

For a long time, parasites can carry pathogens:

  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • melioidosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • tularemia;
  • anthrax;
  • myxomatosis.

Exotic pests

Not only domestic parasites cause trouble: a trip to exotic countries can turn into even more exotic problems.So, by visiting India, the Caribbean or Vietnam, you can meet sand flea, the way in which food is significantly different from the bites almost familiar to man. This flea bites into the skin and sucks directly to the blood vessel. This way of feeding allows the insect to grow several times in a few days.

In this way, females are carrying eggs. The area around the insect is inflamed, the person is in such pain that he does not care if the fleas are suffering from rabies. Often, the discomfort is so strong that a person cannot walk.


If during the journey painful cavities and swelling appear under your skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not remove the insect in a timely manner (especially when there are many), gangrene is likely to develop. In countries with parasites of this species, a certain number of the local population becomes disabled due to the fault of sand fleas and their larvae.

Fleas and children

Fleas as carriers of various diseases pose the greatest danger to children, especially those who have not been vaccinated.Such babies are at risk of getting an infection from which the rest are protected by the vaccine. The risk of being bitten is higher in those children whose parents allow the cat to sleep in their crib.

Flea bites
Flea bites

On flea bites tender skin of children reacts more painfully than an adult. Children are more likely to have bite allergies. Such a reaction is fraught with not only the appearance of a rash, but swelling, migraines and an increase in lymph nodes.

For pregnant cats and any other parasites are no more dangerous than for other healthy adults. But during pregnancy, even a small allergy can have serious consequences for the fetus, this is especially important in the early stages. Future mothers should protect their body and unborn child as much as possible from encounters with parasites.

How to protect yourself

Knowing what diseases carry fleas, meeting with them I want to avoid any means. In order to do this, you should carefully consider the health of domestic animals and birds. For the purpose of prophylaxis, purchase pets dog collars and cats, handle house. The best means for this purpose are:

Regularly carry out wet cleaning, avoiding the accumulation of dust and the appearance of rodents. It is necessary to do everything so that the parasites, even having appeared in the house, do not wish to remain in it.

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Bed bugs

