Do fleas bite humans, bites of feline and dog fleas
- Fleas, their eggs and larvae
- Dog fleas
- Flea bites
- Flea bite itch
- Flea remedies
- Flea collar
Fleas belong to the blood-sucking insects. They cause discomfort to many animals. Do fleas bite people? This question often worries those who wish to have a pet. Indeed, many know firsthand how these parasites can pester.
Can fleas bite people
Fleas are parasitic on the body of various warm-blooded animals (cats, dogs, birds and rodents). Insects prefer to settle on their body for the following reasons:
- In animals, unlike humans, more tender skin;
- The body of pets is much warmer;
- The absence of wool on the surface of the skin of people and water procedures with the use of various hygiene products create unfavorable conditions for the residence of bloodsuckers.
What fleas bite people
More often dog fleas bite people. The number of recorded attacks of this type of bloodsucking parasites is a record one. The reason for this is contact, during which insects from the body of the animal jump over to humans.
Do cat fleas bite people? Parasites living on the body of these animals can feed not only on their blood. Feline can bite a person. Parasites living on the body of rodents behave similarly. Fleas of rodents are less likely to be attacked by humans, although discomfort is delivered by no less than other species.
Why do fleas bite people
This type of insect belongs to obligate parasites.The structure of their oral apparatus is designed to use only blood, other food sources for this body are not suitable. Mostly parasites feed on the blood of animals. Why do fleas bite humans? They do this in order to get food, thanks to which the breeding process will be maintained. And it is unlikely that an insect experiencing hunger and being close to a person will miss the opportunity to eat.
How to bite fleas
The bloodsucker has a complex structure of the oral organs. Outwardly, they resemble a thin needle, thanks to which the insect pulls out a capillary and begins the process of saturation. Due to lack of growth, the parasite is forced to climb into the skin of the head in order to reach the bloodstream, as a result of which bite he takes upright position.
The composition of the bloodsucker's saliva includes an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting. Therefore, the parasite skin puncture occurs without anesthesia, which causes itching in animals and people. In the photo you can see how a dog or cat flea can bite a person.
Flea Bite Features
It is possible to determine that the bite was made by a flea according to the following criteria:
- Bites can be double or even triple. However, fleas do not make the paths characteristic of homebug bites;
- The puncture is accompanied by severe stabbing pain and burning sensation;
- The presence of a strong itch after a bite;
- Swelling appears at the site of the bite;
- Most often, the parasites bite the legs (lower legs and feet) and lower back. In a sleeping person, insects prefer to strike the neck and hands.
Below the photo shows how a flea bites and the effects of the bite itself.
Are flea bites dangerous?
Canine or feline fleas are highly dangerous parasites. Their bites not only create discomfort, but also are enough dangerous to human health.
- They can cause an allergy to the enzyme that interferes with the process of blood coagulation. The reaction may be accompanied by redness and severe itching, extensive eruptions and swelling are also possible.
- The probability of infection of the wound by the insects is high, since fleas are considered carriers of many dangerous diseases.
- Severe itching at the site of the bite can cause infection of the wound.
Why some bite, while others do not
Many people ask themselves the questions: “Why don't fleas bite everyone?” Or “Why do they bite only me among the members of our family?”In fact, each of us may be subject to possible bites, but some simply do not notice them.
According to experts, people with blood type 1 are most susceptible to the bite of bloodsuckers. It is more appetizing for insects. The blood of people of the 3rd and 4th groups does not cause much interest in parasites, but despite this, attacks can still happen. Fleas are also attracted by the most delicate and thin skin, increased body temperature and the smell of human sweat.
How to remove the parasites
If animal fleas bite people in the house, the first thing you need is to know how to deal with them. Must first be held a thorough examination of the cat's fur, a dog, another pet for the presence of jumping insects and wounds from their bites. Also on the hairs of the wool there should not be small larvae. Today, there are many drugs that can remove parasites from wool dogs and cats any age categories.
If fleas bite you at home, then it is imperative to treat the room:
- Pre-wet cleaning will help get rid of a certain part of the population of parasites and traces of their activity.
- It is desirable to reconsider the clothes and to mop up, to subject processing to the hot iron.
- Food, toys and dishes should be moved to another room to avoid toxic substances.
- For the treatment of the room or apartment using insecticidal drugs such as "Get", Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Clean house, Butox 50, "Combat" or "Cucaracha".
- The presence of a protective kit (respirator, goggles, gloves and a suit) is mandatory.
- All people except the one who will do the disinfection must leave the premises.
- The selected agent is treated with surfaces, slots under baseboards and window sills. They can also be found in carpets and furniture. Considering that fleas are capable of high jumping, the zone that is at least one meter above the floor level should be treated.
- After the renovation of the premises it is necessary to leave at the time specified in the instructions. Then ventilate everything thoroughly.
- To carry out wet cleaning.
- To achieve the full effect, the treatment should be repeated after two weeks.
What to do to not bite fleas
In order for bloodsuckers not to return to your home for new batches of blood after sanitary cleaning, the following preventive measures should be taken.
- For their four-legged pets you need to purchase flea collars for dogs and for cats. They will help protect the animal from parasites while walking and in contact with their relatives.
- Use of special repellents. It is enough to anoint the feet and hands with a special ointment or spray it on the eve of a trip to nature, and insects will not be able to bite you. These funds will help to escape from the bloodsuckers and at home.
- You can also ensure your safety with closed clothes. It will prevent the parasites from getting to the skin.
- If you suspect the presence of fleas, it is necessary to control the situation to avoid bringing it to a critical state.
Bite treatment
If you or your family members have experienced flea bites, then you can get rid of the painful sensations as follows. Wash the swollen area with water, after which it should be lubricated from time to time with an antiseptic soap solution. Attach a piece of ice to the wound if the insect just bit you. It is very important to try not to comb the damaged area in order to avoid infection.
There are means by which you can smear the place of flea bites after some time. Sulfuric ointment, a solution of baking soda or ethyl alcohol perfectly relieves the feeling of itching. You can also use vodka, brilliant green or iodine. Such tools can prevent infection of the wound.
There are also popular ways to get rid of itching. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of lotions from decoction of dandelion, calendula or plantain. Well removes inflammation of tea tree oil, aloe juice and lemon. Also for these purposes you can buy pharmaceutical ointments, gels or creams based on hydrocortisone.
In order not to share their living space with parasites, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house. Knowing the theoretical part about how to derive them, having processed the apartment and than smear in the case of a bite, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem.