What are dangerous fleas for humans?

Many people get four-legged pets that bring joy, comfort, warmth and such a problem as fleas. In appearance, small insects are completely harmless. However, this opinion is absolutely wrong. Fleas are dangerous for humans, as they can bite and feed on human blood.

Varieties of fleas living in pets

In nature, there are fleas that live not only on animals, but also on humans, rodents and even birds.Each insect adapts to the characteristics of its prey (skin, body temperature, blood, etc.). However, in the absence of such a “food source”, the blood-sucking parasite is able to be content with any nearby warm-blooded organism.

Many owners of baleen pets wonder if they are dangerous. cat fleas for a man. Parasites can live in dirty basements and various dumps, where there are sick and even dead animals. Having a cat in the house that regularly goes out into the street does not exclude the possibility that it is fully capable of bringing such insects to the house.


Therefore, cat fleas are dangerous for humans. Feeding on the blood of an infected animal, they absorb the infectious agents, which will subsequently be transmitted through bite new owner. It may be:

  • salmonellosis;
  • plague;
  • encephalitis;
  • typhus;
  • listeriosis or tularemia.

And cat fleas attack people 3 times more often than dog parasites.

Fleas living on dogs can choose warm-blooded animals such as cats or horses as their victims. They do not live on a person, but in case of strong hunger they do not disdain his blood.

Can animal fleas be transmitted to humans?

Despite the fact that cats are the preferred owners for blood-sucking parasites, small pests to attack the feeling of hunger can attack and bite a person. Insects move briefly on people, pursuing only this goal. They prefer to breed and lay eggs in darker, wetter and warmer places. In cellars, in garbage dumps, even in dog kennels, fleas are dangerous for humans, as they can cause a painful bite.


Regular inspection and treatment of animals with special means will help prevent the occurrence of flea bites in humans.

Symptoms of fleas in humans

Surprisingly, not every owner of a fluffy pet is aware of what dangerous fleas are to humans. The insect bite is quite painful. Due to the lack of a proboscis for sucking blood, the parasite is almost biting into the skin surface.

Flea bites
Flea bites

On a note!

Any antiseptic will help to get rid of the unpleasant itch after a flea bite.

After a few minutes the bite begins to turn red, there is a strong itching and burning. The result of scratching are red inflamed spots.Most importantly, with such a contact is likely to infect a dangerous infection. Dermatitis, erythema, pulicosis, brucellosis, encephalitis, salmonellosis - this is what is dangerous for a human flea bite. And this is only a part of the list, there are more than 100 diseases in total, many of which can be fatal.

The parasite bite is also dangerous due to an allergic reaction, which is more common in children. Symptoms can be runny nose, dry cough, urticaria, dermatitis and itching.


The consequence of flea attacks are not only the red bumps that deliver aesthetic discomfort. Parasite bites can be deadly. Therefore, knowing the harmful fleas for humans, it is necessary to start fighting them in a timely manner.

How to prevent the appearance of parasites in the house

Knowing how dangerous are fleas of animals, it is necessary to start a fight with them as soon as possible. If a cat has become a source of origin in the house of parasites, it is necessary to treat the animal an anti-block remedy specifically for cats. Today, the sale of many drugs that allow you to remove insects without much effort. They can be in the form of:

  • Capelwhich is enough to handle the withers of the animal. The following drugs have proven their effectiveness: Barrier, Dana Ultra Neo, Blohnet, Celandine.
  • Aerosols, the use of which is important to avoid contact with the eyes;
  • Pills;
  • Shampoohaving insecticidal components;
  • Overshoe Collars for cats and dogs. They need to be periodically changed, as over time, the effectiveness of the accessory decreases.
Cat flea shampoos
Cat flea shampoos

The next stage of flea control is processing apartment. There is a large number on sale effective drugs. Such means have become more popular:

Do not think that the habitat of bloodsuckers is only your pet. Insects can choose the most inconspicuous places in the house: they can settle behind baseboards, in carpet pile, as well as in bedding of four-legged friends. It is there that they multiply, while the body of your pet is used by fleas exclusively as a source of nutrition. You should also take into account the fact that parasites are able to jump well. Therefore, not only floors and carpets, but also furniture, and even walls, are in the risk zone.

To clean the house of harmful insects, it is necessary to treat all possible places of their habitat with a special insecticidal agent. Do not forget that drugs such a series can be harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the treatment in a protective suit, which includes a respirator, goggles, gloves and the most closed clothing.

You should also remove children, people with allergies and pets from the premises in advance. Clothes must be carefully worn out and hung out in the sun. Bed linen and blankets should be subject to washing and heat treatment if possible. Particular attention should be paid to cat litter or dog litter, as well as favorite pet stays.

After 2-3 hours from the time of treatment, the room should be thoroughly ventilated and cleaned. To achieve the maximum effect after 7-10 days, this procedure should be repeated. You can get rid of flea eggs with a steam generator. Enough to go hot steam in all hard-to-reach places and cracks. Then clean the carpets with a vacuum cleaner.


Knowing what a flea bite is dangerous for a person, it is important to prevent its occurrence and distribution in an apartment. Preventive measures can help. Pet fleece should be regularly examined for fleas. To walk a dog or a cat, take it out in a special anti-collar collar. Periodically use special means for fleas. They are especially needed when a pet comes in contact with homeless animals.

Being aware of the danger that a flea bite poses to a person, you will be able to get rid of parasites correctly and promptly.

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