
How many fleas live in cats and dogs, can they live without an animal in an apartment

Folk remedies for fleas
Flea eggs and larvae

Most believe that live flea can only on an animal. Yes, sometimes she bites a person, but still the main food and shelter is a pet. But this is a misconception. Fleas can live without food for quite a long time, so even after a long journey you can catch living at home.Knowing how many fleas live without an animal in an apartment, the owner will rather understand that you must destroy them yourselfand not to wait for "favors from nature."

Longevity of fleas in nature

In the most suitable conditions for insect flea life lasts about 3 months. During this time, one female lays 400-600 eggs, and each insect can make about a hundred bites. Only by completing this "plan - minimum", the bloodsucker dies naturally.

Suitable conditions are compliance with a certain humidity and air temperature. So, rat fleas prefer cool humidity: about 14 degrees Celsius and more than 55% humidity. Insects that live in apartments feel well in such conditions. A flea's life will lose its meaning without quick access to food.


If the insect is in conditions of elevated temperatures, all phases of its development are much faster. The adult insect becomes much larger. Under normal conditions, the formation of larvae occurs about 30 days, whereas in the heat - 7. The development of eggs ends after 14 days, another half month the insect exists in the pupal phase.

In nature, the life expectancy of a flea does not differ by its duration under any conditions, since the carriers themselves kill them, taking a bite out of wool. No fewer parasites die from infections. There are also such individuals that manage to change several masters in their lives, some of which die.


A dead animal is immediately abandoned by insects, since they cannot feed on the blood of a dead individual and live on it.

How long do fleas live on pets?

It has long been known that fleas cannot live in humans, and even more so live on them. They attack a person and his pets only in order to get enough of their blood.

Usually, a flea lives in an apartment, choosing dark, dusty places where no one looks in, but from which you can quickly get to a food source. It may be carpet, pet bedding, places for baseboards, in the gaps between the floorboards, in corners, toys, etc. Larvae also develop outside of the animal.

Flea eggs and larvae
Flea eggs and larvae


Contrary to popular belief, fleas do not live on pets. They are taken into the fluffy fur of a dog or cat, they are only for food, and then returned to their favorite corners.

Life without food

Fleas can live without food for quite some time, especially the kind that most often bites a person - these insects are able to exist without food for several months, remaining mobile.

But, no matter how long fleas live without food, they can only multiply after a hearty meal — the female needs blood to carry out the laying.

Although the answer to the question of whether fleas can live in an apartment without animals and people is positive, they cannot exist so indefinitely, as well as laying eggs.

Getting rid of fleas

Fleas - insects are small, but causing major trouble. They are quite sensitive bite, a place bite It itches for a long time and it hurts. Ectoparasites are carriers of many types of diseases. So, in the Middle Ages, it was fleas that contributed to the rapid spread of typhoid and plague. Today, they "give" their jaws are not so dangerous, but very unpleasant diseases. That is why it is so important to get rid of parasites, not thinking about whether fleas live long or not.


Cat flea shampoos
Cat flea shampoos

The first processing should be subjected to domestic fowl. The flea in the cat and dog is eliminated very quickly. To do this, you can use the following drugs:

After that you should wear a special protective collar for cats and dogsso that insects do not climb on the pet again.


Experts advise the use of flea drops as the most effective means with a long lasting effect.

Such drops are in demand:

It is necessary to carefully treat the favorite resting places of the animal and its litter.

The room

When a pet is decontaminated or there are no animals in the house, it is necessary to carry out processing apartment. It should start with general cleaning: thoroughly wash and clean furniture, pillows, carpets, soft slippers and toys, window sills. For the destruction of insects, you can use insecticides or folk remedies.


The life of a flea, even under favorable conditions, is about 3 months - during this time she will have time to cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, you need to quickly get a special spray from blood-sucking pests. Standard packaging is designed to handle an area of ​​about 10 squares. Conduct pest control You can do it yourself or with the help of a service that deals with the treatment of apartments

  • It is necessary to spray means especially carefully in those places where fleas live. These are cracks in the floor, hard-to-reach places behind furniture, areas behind baseboards, etc. After processing the room leave at least 2 hours.
  • Wash the floor should not be at least 5 days. The nest of fleas, wherever it may be, will suffer, but the eggs will be intact. After a few days, the larvae will come out of them, which will die only after they hit the treated surface. If 3 weeks after the disinsection insects still jump, you should repeat the procedure.


When working with toxic substances you must wear a respirator and gloves.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for fleas
Folk remedies for fleas

The most commonly used soda solution, decoctions of eucalyptus, citrus, mint or wormwood. Water solution of soda wipe the surfaces on which fleas, furniture, toys are noticed. Soda dehydrates fleas, making it impossible to jump. As a result, just sweep them away or vacuum them.

Sagebrush or citrus peel can be spread out close to those places where fleas live in the apartment. The unpleasant smell will force insects to leave the territory.

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