What dreams of fleas

Each of us dreams of pleasant and positive dreams, but this does not always happen. Hardly anyone will be delighted with the meeting in a dream with blood-sucking insects. Because of their lifestyle, parasites have long enjoyed the common dislike of people. They are not only the cause of discomfort, but also carriers of dangerous diseases. However, seeing a pest in a dream does not always mean negative vision.Therefore, it is not at all superfluous to know what dreams of fleas are in various interpretations.

To obtain a more correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to take into account the atmosphere that the dream had, that is, in what form you saw a flea. Also for the interpretation of the dream is important is the general mood and the plot of sleep. So it is not always a dream with fleas is perceived negatively, bloodsuckers can leave quite pleasant impressions.

Aesop the interpreter of dreams


In different dream books, the interpretation of flea dreams can be presented in various variations. Unsettledness, uncertainty, squabbles and dirt — such values ​​are the answer to the question of what fleas dream about in an Aesop dream book. A person who will kill insects in a dream, will feel frustrated. And the one who sees the bloodsuckers on dog, waiting for painful envy. Money and a great inheritance await the one who sees in a dream, how insects jump through the body, leaving behind bleeding wounds. It is also possible that you will be asked to borrow money.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian Dream Book, seeing pests is a sign of bad news.Why dream of crushing fleas, the source says - this is definitely unpleasant moments and grief.

What dreams of parasites in the interpreter of the XXI century

Catching fleas in the modern dream-book of the 21st century means that a person is waiting for not only a unique opportunity to realize their abilities, but also to receive decent money for this. Anyone who sees how a bloodsucker is looking for or caught on his body or head should be prepared for anxiety and serious problems.

Crowned with the success of the search for a bloodsucker indicate useless quarrels with loved ones. If the parasites bite, it is nothing but the deliberate desire of a person from the inner circle to slander and blacken your name. See a galloping flea - to unexpected profits.

Interpreter Miller

Very often the question is asked, what are the dreams of fleas. According to Miller’s most popular dream book, this is the irritation and anger that a close person will cause, plotting machinations against you. If a woman dreamed of fleas on her lover, then this is evidence of the impermanence and unreliability of the partner.


Female interpreter

This source answers the question of what fleas dream of, unequivocally: parasites do not portend anything positive.If in a dream the blood-suckers attacked, then you should carefully look at the people around you. Probably, someone impersonating himself is not for whom he is trying to introduce himself. The sign of deception is a parasite sitting on the body of your man. See flea bite means slander and gossip.

Interpreter Canaanite

A serious illness waiting for the near future - this is how an authoritative interpreter Kananita explains what a flea dreams of. Other sources interpret the lonely parasite as the flow of money.

What other sources say about pests

Profit and wealth - as interpreted in the interpreter Tsvetkova vision of parasites. The collection of dream books notes that the more insects see in a dream, the greater is the monetary profit. If you dreamed of such a vision, then soon you will become the owner of an unexpected profit or cash reward. The converse says the Seasons dream book, arguing that catching fleas in a dream is not the most rewarding thing. A bad sign is an insect bite, it promises serious trouble ahead.

Catching fleas from a pet in a dream marks misunderstanding, family disputes and disassembly.And if you dream that you have to do breeding parasites in your own cat or dogs, then in reality you will be forced to intervene in someone else's affairs and solve other people's problems. Other dream books fleas on a cat interpreted as the establishment of stable trusting relationships with a loved one.

Cat fleas
Cat fleas

Dreaming can and how they kill pests, according to Veles' dream book, this is a hassle and contention. It also indicates internal conflicts and the interpreter of the Wanderer. And the source from Vanga says see flea destruction foreshadows cash embezzlement.

If you dream of insects, crawling on the skin, it means children's moods or disease. Many wonder what dreams of fleas in their hair. A good profit in reality promises to those who have seen a large number fleas on the head. A vision is favorable if you wake up, you will not feel negative emotions. Pleasant changes and joyful events foreshadow a dream in which we crush the bloodsuckers.

Whatever the interpretation of dreams was not, you should not fully rely on the seen images, expecting the appearance of bad events in real life.Even a dream can be a dream, but it only indicates the presence of anxiety. And to get rid of it, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence and ways to eliminate it.

It is important to try to avoid stressful situations and unnecessary experiences not only at work, but also at home. It is advisable to communicate less with pessimistic people who constantly bring experiences in your life. You should walk more often, relax in nature or in the park, trying to get as much positive and positive emotions as possible. And then even the images of frightening bloodsuckers will not be able to affect your mental state.

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