How to destroy fleas in an apartment yourself
- Fleas
- Fleas, their eggs and larvae
- Aerosol Reid
- Get drug types
- Folk remedies for fleas
Fleas, despite their miniature size, are able to deliver a lot of trouble. Besides the fact that bites very painful, parasites are intermediate carriers of helminth eggs and vectors of diseases.The destruction of fleas in the house will be effective only with an integrated approach that includes processing apartment , pets, the elimination of eggs. Ignoring one of the points will lead to the fact that completely destroy the population of parasites will not succeed, and the fleas will again plague their presence.
Features of reproduction of parasites
To understand how to destroy fleas in an apartment, one should deal with the nuances of breeding and parasitizing bloodsuckers. Adults do not differ in large dimensions, and the size of their nondescript oblate brown calf does not exceed 5 mm. The cover is densely covered with small bristles, which allow the insect to move well in animal hair, pile carpets.
On a note!
In everyday life there feline, doggy, rat and human fleas, but since only an entomologist can identify a particular species, the term “domestic, domestic fleas” applies to all members of the flea family.
Adults feed on the blood of warm-blooded fauna. Fleas do not show particular selectivity when choosing a food source and in the absence of an animal can attack a person.
Contrary to the mistaken opinion, parasites do not spend all the time on the body of the victim. They create their settlements near the forage base in dark secluded corners. In the apartment they can live in accessories, pet litter, on the floor, in carpets, in soft toys, in crevices, in places of high humidity - near sinks, sinks, shower stalls.
Mating domestic fleas occurs outside the victim's body. The female lays up to 40 eggs per day, for her life she is able to give life to the new 500 individuals. Laying off the offspring is a very original way. The female force squeezes the embryos out of themselves, and they fly apart on all nearby surfaces. Therefore, lime fleas from the apartment, without destroying eggs, will not succeed.
Eggs are small and white in color. Adhesive on their shell is practically absent, so they do not stick to wool, lint, which allows embryos to roll and spread indoors in bedding, upholstery, on the floor. Identifying eggs with the naked eye is very difficult. They look like small grains of salt or dandruff in their appearance.
After 5-14 days, depending on the temperature and humidity in the apartment, blind white larvae, similar to fleshy caterpillars, appear from the eggs. The oral apparatus of the young is not yet adapted for the use of blood, so they feed on feces, human waste of adults, organic debris. The larva undergoes several molts, after which it passes into the pupation stage and turns into a full-fledged adult flea.
Step by step instructions for the destruction of fleas
Destroying fleas in a house on your own is a very real and feasible task, if you follow the following algorithm of actions:
- The fight against bloodsuckers begins with the banal cleaning of the apartment. It is necessary to thoroughly vacuum all surfaces, if necessary, roll up carpets, move furniture away from the walls, as clusters of insects and their embryos may be there. A vacuum cleaner does not kill fleas, but it draws in flea eggs well. Daily dry and wet cleaning will help to significantly reduce the number of the younger generation.
- All textiles wash or process steam generator.
- If there is a pet in the apartment, treat the dog or cat and all of its accessories, including bedding, toys, a house, a bowl.
- Selection funds for the apartmentthan destroy fleas. Most of the drugs affect only the imago, and the larvae and embryos continue to develop calmly. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a set of tools that will help get rid of fleas at all stages of development. Adult insects are killed by insecticides in the form of aerosols, sprays. It is possible to reduce the number of larvae using powdered agents.
- The elimination of parasites in the apartment and on the animal is carried out in one day. After the destruction of the fleas on the animal, you should wear a protective collar on it to avoid reinfection.
- If necessary, after 7–10 days, an additional one is spent on its own or professional pest control for the destruction of those individuals that have emerged from the surviving eggs.
Review of effective insecticides against fleas
The most popular means to combat parasites recognized aerosols, sprays, solutions.Each of the groups of drugs has its own characteristics of application and only a competent approach will allow to destroy fleas in the apartment.
To use means in the form of aerosols to disgrace is simple. It is enough to purchase a can, open and spray it in the room where the fleas have settled. The main drawback of the drugs is a strongly pronounced specific smell and a limited duration of action.
Active chemicals along with air enter the body of the parasite and lead to its death. Aerosol products can kill fleas in an apartment that have reached an adult state or are in the larvae stage. On eggs, these drugs have no effect.
In the departments of household chemicals presented a wide range of aerosols:
The principle of operation and application of all aerosol means the same. The equipment may be different, some manufacturers attach additional attachments that allow you to handle the most hard-to-reach places. All cracks, upholstered furniture, cabinet furniture walls and floor coverings are processed.
One barrel is enough for 15-20 m².The expense of funds depends not only on the area, but also on the amount of the interior. After disinsection, it is necessary to close the windows, window vents and leave the room for several hours.
Disinfection work should be carried out in a respirator and protective clothing. During the treatment in the apartment should not be people and pets.
Insecticide Concentrates
Concentrated insecticides are diluted with water, then poured into a container and sprayed. These drugs are used by professional pest control, but for the average consumer small bottles are produced, which are enough to handle one apartment. The most effective and popular concentrates:
- Get - a universal emulsion against household pests, it can be used to kill not only blood-sucking parasites, but also cockroaches, ants. Means mixed with water, according to the instructions. The resulting mixture is processed walls, floors, furniture. After contact with the film, which is formed after the application of the drug, fleas die. After 14 days, a second procedure is recommended to restore the protective barrier.
- Executioner - a tool of German manufacturers.The contents of the vial are diluted with water and sprayed with a spray bottle. A distinctive feature of the drug - no sharp smell. Flea death occurs within 24 hours.
- Cucaracha - concentrated preparation for the destruction of all crawling and blood-sucking insects. From one 50 ml bottle and costing 250 rubles you get 20 liters of working fluid. The active substance is cypermethrin.
- Tetrix - formula means designed exclusively for bloodsucking parasites. Manufacturers claim that the drug destroys pests at all stages of development and there is no need to re-process. Lack of concentrate - high price. A bottle of 250 ml will cost 2500 rubles.
- Digox - professional means on the basis of cypermethrin ensures the rapid death of all blood-sucking parasites. 30 minutes after the disinsection, insect corpses can be collected. It has a long residual effect - 90 days.
- Butox 50 - inexpensive means, packaged in ampoules. It is characterized by high efficacy against fleas and a strong odor that disappears within a few days after the treatment of the apartment.
Fleas Dusts & Powders
Powders show their effectiveness only against the larvae. Means sprinkle the place in which there may be young individuals. Death occurs after direct contact of the larva with the powder. The most popular Clean House, Fas-Double and Fenaksin.
Folk remedies against fleas in the apartment
Destroying fleas in an apartment with folk remedies is the most budgetary option. Efficiency folk remedies highly doubtful, since those of them that do not have a strong odor, have only a deterrent effect. Drugs that can destroy fleas are not characterized by the most pleasant scent and can scare away not only insects, but all people living in an apartment.
List of the most popular folk remedies:
- Bleach from fleas in the apartment - a traditional folk remedy. Fleas do not like the smell of chlorine, whiteness, and when this specific aroma appears, they try to hide. In order to achieve a similar effect, wet cleaning is periodically carried out with chlorine added to the water.
- Sprigs of wormwood, tansy, tobacco, wormwood, lavender, eucalyptus, mint are arranged indoors.They will not be able to kill their fleas with their smell, but it is quite possible to provide a short respite from the attacks of bloodsuckers. From these plants, you can prepare infusions and process them all available surfaces.
- Salt and soda are mixed with water. The solution is poured into the spray. The resulting mixture irrigated furniture, walls, floors.
- The use of turpentine, kerosene - the most radical folk method. The substance is poured directly on the places of accumulation of parasites. The death occurs instantly after contact of a flea with kerosene.
The destruction of fleas on your own is a difficult but not hopeless undertaking. It is important to remember that the process does not tolerate half measures. If you do not manage to cope with the invasion of parasites, you should contact the specialized services. Compared with the cost of some insecticides, professional pest control can be cheaper. In Moscow, the treatment of a one-room apartment from fleas will cost 1,400 rubles, and during the action, 1,000 rubles. In the regions, the price list for disinsection prices is almost the same.