Can fleas live in human hair
- Fleas, their eggs and larvae
- Head lice
- Cat fleas
- Human flea
- Flea bites
There are several types of ectoparasites annoying people. One of them - fleas. Their diminutive size and incredible jumping ability make it possible to carry out their bloody meal with impunity and move away back home. Insects are carriers dangerous diseases and therefore, many are wondering whether fleas live on humans and what species bite humans.
Answering the question whether people have fleas, it is necessary to recognize that such a phenomenon happens.Parasites are not picky in food and with the same pleasure absorb the blood of animals and people. Fleas and man lead an irreconcilable struggle throughout their existence. Preventive measures and an extensive arsenal of tools to combat parasites allow Homo sapiens to emerge from the battle as the winner.
Parasite habitats
There are about 2000 species of fleas. In European temperate climates, cat, dog, rat, and human fleas are predominantly found. All of them are characterized by tiny sizes of 1-5 mm, dark brown body color. Species affiliation is determined by the localization of parasites. But all of these species can easily move from one animal to another.
What fleas are moving from animals to humans and living on his body is a myth. The only ectoparasite that can settle on the human body is louse. All the other bloodsuckers use humans as fodder and do not live on humans.
On a note!
Most fleas do not live permanently on the body of their victims, but settle nearby, where they can easily multiply and be always near the source of food.
But to the question of whether fleas jump from animals to humans, the answer is in the affirmative.Insects during the jump themselves are not aware where are they jumping. They are oriented on the smell and temperature fluctuations, so it is not surprising that fleas sit on people. Most of the parasites feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, and man becomes for them the same attractive object as other animals.
To say that fleas are moving to a person is wrong. Parasites attack, bite. Viral and bacterial infections can pass, but this phrase is incorrect for insects.
In their natural habitat, small vampires live in the holes of rodents, small warm-blooded animals, and birds. The risk group includes pet owners. During a walk with a pet, parasites jump onto an unprotected animal, thanks to the peculiarities of their body, they burrow into their fur and penetrate the apartment.
Having mastered, they create their settlements in places where dogs or cats are kept, and if they do not take measures to destroy them, they will subsequently occupy the entire living space.
A large number of parasites inhabit in the basements, inhabited by rodents, in landfills.After deratization, fleas that have lost their owners begin to actively seek out a new power source. Therefore, they are often subjected to attacks by residents of the lower floors or people walking along the entrance. So fleas of animals on a person get into the apartment.
The concept of "flea markets" appeared by chance. In the Middle Ages, when unsanitary conditions reigned, different animals were found in the dwellings, including moths, bedbugs, fleas. Most of the products that were sold by junk workers, were eaten by moths and were infested with fleas. By purchasing a thing, the buyer has never been insured against the fact that he does not bring any parasite into the house.
What types attack humans
For the most part, all species of blood-sucking insects get their name from a certain animal. However, there is a separate species that is closely related to humanity - this human flea. These individuals prefer the blood of people. Human fleas on the head are rare, their favorite places are the open areas of the body, mainly the legs. This choice is not due to the taste of blood in this part of the body, but the height of the jump. An adult is not able to jump above 50 cm.
If a person is exposed to flea attacks during sleep, then any area that is within the reach of an insect can be bitten. Human fleas on humans can not live, even despite its name. They create their colonies in secluded dark places. The only difference between this flea and the others is the incredible fecundity. If the female is canine or cat flea replenishes the ranks of the colony for 500 individuals, then this species lays up to 1000 eggs.
On a note!
Dog fleas on humans are much less common than cats. The latter are more widespread and even they are most often on dogs.
Visual differences can be identified only by a highly specialized specialist through a microscope. However, an ordinary victim does not matter which of the representatives of the flea family he was bitten about, and having determined for himself that a person can have fleas indirectly, he begins to look for ways to get rid of them.
Speaking about whether fleas can live on a person, it is worth remembering the specific structure of the insect. Its nondescript little body, densely covered with bristles, is adapted for movement in a thick hair, woolen cover.In humans, thick hair can be observed only on the head, so hypothetically, fleas could live in human hair.
But fleas are not typical of creating their own colonies on the victim's body. Their reproduction occurs outside the "carrier". The female adheres to the principle that “eggs are not stored in one basket” and therefore does not lay them in one place. The female fertilized individual literally squeezes the embryos out of themselves during movement, and they fly away throughout the space. This method increases the chance of saving offspring.
In the egg stage, the future parasites stay from 10 to 14 days. Eggs appear as white blind larvae, looking like caterpillars. During this period, they do not need blood and feed on the results of the vital activity of adult individuals, organic waste. Larvae live in secluded places and remain invisible to humans.
Specifics flea bites - Another reason why parasites cannot live on a human body. An adult individual gnaws through the skin and literally heads into the wound. During flea bites, painkillers do not inject painkillers, so their attack cannot go unnoticed.Only incredible mobility and jumping helps parasites survive.
Dangerous representative of the flea family
The exception from all members of the flea family can be called sand fleawhich inhabits the tropics. In her regard, it is entirely appropriate to say that fleas also live in humans. The female sand flea bites into the human skin and penetrates to the capillary. Saturation ensures the rapid development of eggs, as a result of which the individual increases in size and is not able to leave the place of introduction.
An ulcer with a pronounced swelling appears at the site of the lesion. The maturation of eggs lasts from 5 to 7 days, after which the female shoots them, wrinkles and most often dies, remaining in the epithelium. In rare cases, the female can lively leave the wound.