Rodent control in the garden

Rodents in the garden, in the garden - a familiar phenomenon for people involved in the cultivation of garden crops. In wild nature mice live in the fields, meadows, in the forest. To human housing are selected closer to the fall or with a significant increase in the population of mice in their natural environment. Attracts animals friable land in the gardens, an abundance of food reserves, secluded places for wintering.

Methods of struggle

Small animals cause significant damage to horticultural crops. They leave behind them dug lawns, damaged tree trunks, dried seedlings, spoiled plant bulbs, stoned fruits, a holey film of greenhouses, hotbeds. Every gardener, gardener is trying to find an effective method of struggle to protect the site from unwanted guests.

Mice in the garden
Mice in the garden

Methods for the destruction of mice in open areas are somewhat different from the fight against rodents indoors.

  • Adhesive substances in the garden are completely ineffective because they quickly become clogged and lose their properties. Glue from mice dries under the rays of the scorching sun or dissolves in the pouring rain. It is difficult to track the trajectory of the mouse for the effective location of the sticky drug.
  • Purchased mousetraps do not give proper results for several reasons. The territory of the garden, the garden is too big. It is necessary to use from 5 and more devices. The bait does not have such a seductive action. Around there are many edible products for mice. There is no need to wade into the trap for a piece of meat or something else.
  • Traps must be placed in places where mice often run. Track the trail on the grass, among the greenery in the garden is impossible. A rodent who has fallen into the trap makes shrill sounds, frightens the others. Mice pull out new passages, build exits in the opposite direction of the trap, bypassing the trap. Instead of pests in a terrible adaptation can please the natural enemies of rodents - cats, foxes, dogs, which is undesirable.
  • Poison for mice use inhumanly. As far as wild, own birds, animals can suffer. A cat receives a lethal dose by eating a mouse that has died from a poisonous substance.
  • The effect of the electrifier is limited to 3-5 meters. For this reason, several devices must be used in a large area. Powerful rodent electrocuts operate on AC or battery power, it is necessary to provide access to the mains or buy batteries. The use of devices with carrying, extension cords, wires in open areas is unsafe.

The fight against rodents in the garden, in the gardens is conducted by folk methods.They show high efficiency, are safe for the environment, do not require serious material costs, do not harm the tree. For the construction of effective DIY mouse traps need to show a little wit and fantasy.

Effective means to fight in the garden

Folk remedies for mice
Folk remedies for mice

To get rid of rodents on its territory, you can scare them or destroy. The first method in an open area is more efficient. Since the place of the destroyed mice can easily take new rodents. Activities will have to renew with a new force. One cannot do without destruction if a large number of pests are operating in the garden. The most effective option is a combination of the two methods.

Rodent Repel

Animals in their activities are guided by smell. The feeling is so well developed that the sharp odors bring the rodent out of balance, annoying, do not allow to orient. You can use folk remedies for mice, to quickly get rid of numerous rodent troops in the garden:

  • Around the perimeter of the plot is laid out grass from mice with an unusual sharp aroma - elderberry, tansy, black root medicinalwormwood For the purposes of prophylaxis, coriander and peppermint are grown on the garden plot. The plant scares not only mice, but also harmful insects.
  • If the location of the burrow is known, chemicals with a strong odor can be used. A cotton wool, a tampon, a piece of cloth in liquid ammonia, kerosene, gasoline, solvent, and another strongly smelling substance are moistened. So that the fragrance does not evaporate too quickly, place the moistened object in a plastic bag, make a small hole. The prepared repellent is placed in the hole at the entrance.
  • Wood ash is scattered around the garden. It sticks to the paws, the stomach of rodents, causes burning. When trying to lick soiled parts of the body, the ash enters the stomach. Causes irritation of the digestive system. The rodent does not die, but after a while it will begin to look for another habitat.


Rodents are found on all beds, except garlic, onions. This interesting fact about mice can be put into practice - plant greens as a deterrent.Or plant vegetables in small beds in different parts of the garden.

Destruction methods

Rodent control
Rodent control

Self-made traps from improvised tools exceed the efficiency of purchased devices. They are built quickly, do not threaten the safety of other animals.

  • Water is poured into a deep container, not reaching the edge by 3-4 cm. Add a few spoons of vegetable oil. Atop cover the straw. In the center is placed grains of wheat, corn, cereals. Construct a ladder from a wooden twig, sticks, planks. The trap is simple. A rodent climbs the ladder, sees food, jumps on the straw, falls into the water. Not a dozen pests can be caught in this way.
  • In a plastic bottle poured a few spoons of vegetable oil. Shake well for even distribution over the entire surface. Inside put a few grains of wheat, another bait. Put the bottles on the entire plot, raising the bottom to the top. You can put a breast of earth or a stone.

If rain is not foreseen in the near future, you can treat mice with flour and gypsum bait.Mixed in equal proportions, poured into a small container, put in the garden, next to place water. Flour willingly eats rodents, gypsum inside hardens under the influence of moisture. Together with him all the internal organs. To accelerate the effect near the bait with gypsum place a container with water.

Deadly danger for mice are weeds. It is necessary to collect a lump of prickly burdock. Inside, place the bait, scatter on the land. The mouse penetrates inside, the thorns cling to the wool, it is trapped, killed by hunger and exhaustion.

On a note!

The main enemy of small rodents is a cat. You can start a hunter, run on the land. She will be full, and the owner happy. When choosing, one should give preference not to beauty, but practicality. Not everyone cats can catch mice. Small feline representatives do not cope with rats.

Fight against garden rodents is conducted by similar methods, but has its own characteristics. In gardening it is important to protect fruit trees. More often mice eat apple bark. To protect the garden is not enough just to place traps for mice.

Effective ways in the garden

Protecting trees from mice
Protecting trees from mice

The most valuable in the gardens are fruit trees. Garden rodents willingly eat young shoots, gnaw the bark, feed on apples. The danger of damage to trees, fruits occurs in spring and autumn.

Specialists in Moscow note the great effectiveness of the use of mechanical protection. Gardeners protect the apple tree from rodents and other fruit trees by winding trunks with various materials. Kapron, coniferous branches, roofing felt, plastic bottles without a bottom are used. A small mesh, flexible plastic, and tin plates are additionally dug in around the shtambs.

On a note!

Protective structures on the trunks of trees do not save in the harsh snowy winter. Drifts rise high, rodents freely reach unprotected parts of the tree.

It is necessary to protect the apple from rodents in advance. Preventive methods of struggle give excellent results.

There are several options:

  • To fight mice in the area, you need to protect it with solid iron, tin sheets, so that the animals do not have the opportunity to penetrate through the cracks. Voles will not dig up the ground, they will look for a more suitable place.Fighting rodents in the garden by this method will help to avoid trouble, if not forever, so long.
  • The territory of the garden should be well cleaned. Burn the leaves, do not leave deposits of dry grass, mulch, tree branches. To coat the tree with a solution of lime in combination with blue vitriol. Other experts suggest constructing a kind of dining room for rodents on the site, far from trees. In a small hole to throw out leftover food, pour slop. Free access to food will divert attention from garden trees and healthy crops.

On a note!

In sunny hot weather, you can use universal glue from rodents, which is intended for the construction of sticky traps. Spread tree trunks 50 cm high from the ground. The adhesive belt will protect not only from rodents, but also from harmful insects.

Experts have noticed that the number of mice in nature significantly increases 1 time in 8 years. Expanding the habitat, the animals are approaching human land. Contribute to the "relocation" of rodents adverse factors - a fire in the forest, on the fields, flooding, lack of snow. Protect land, fruit trees will help preventive measures, traditional methods.

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