Dream Rodents

A dream with rodents makes a person experience it at night, to be afraid during the day. Not very nice on rat appearance cause disgust, fear. But white rats often become pets, do not cause any negative feelings. One can only guess what dreams of rodents, for good or for ill.

Interpretation of the symbol

A rat, a mouse in a dream means a person.How he will be unpleasant or useful, it is necessary to look at the environment. Analyzing what is happening in a dream, you can determine in which area to expect change.

The pest can foreshadow significant events in family life, social, material, professional. Warn about health problems.

Rodent in dream books is interpreted ambiguously. Some offer to evaluate the dream negatively, to prepare for trouble, others - promise changes for the better. What a rodent dreams about, you can understand by analyzing your own feelings in a dream, the surrounding environment.

Negative sleep

Mice and rats are dreaming
Mice and rats are dreaming

If in a dream the dreamer feels fear, fear, trying to get rid of the attacking aggressive rat, in life you will face an enemy, an unpleasant person. The more active the rodents in their sleep, the more serious the attacks of the enemy. The mouse has a similar meaning for the dream book, but the damage from it is much less - an individual from the "gray mass".

  • Pest in the bedroom. The object of love will be a traitor. Run down like rodents that run from the ship before the crash.
  • If you dream of a rodent in the house, it is worth waiting for trouble in the home.Quarrel with relatives, acquaintances, friends, enter the house. It is not excluded theft.
  • In a white bed, bright room with a minimum amount of furniture. Health problems. There is a hospital treatment, a rat is a doctor, mice are nurses.
  • The animals in a public place in the dream book means monetary spending, losses, financial distress, problems in business.
  • At work. Clarification of relationships with employees, superiors. Betrayal by a colleague. Inspections of regulatory bodies, auditors.

On a note!

According to the dream book, the rodent symbolizes a person that behaves arrogantly, shamelessly, can betray, substitute, hurt. Except if you are dreaming in a white room that looks like a hospital. In this sense, the animal is a smart, wise, knowing creature. Nayawa - a qualified medical professional.

Color Matters

Gray rat associated with the annoying, useless creatures that the dreamer is trying to get rid of with all his might. The snow-white rat, the mouse is purebred, exclusive, aristocratic. The interpretation of sleep must begin with the appearance of a rodent.

If you dreamed of a gray individual


To see a rodent is a must for trouble.People who will have to face in reality the same by social status, position in society. Employees, colleagues, average workers.

Interpretation of a dream with a white animal

A white rodent in a dream-book means a stately person - a boss, a rich patron, a doctor, a knowledgeable specialist, a businessman. Big rat of unusual sizes - An official with a high position in society.

Positive sleep

If in a dream the animal behaves in a friendly way, does not attack, tries to help, in reality it will have to face a person who is not a friend, but will help with something.

On a note!

Especially auspicious sleep, where there is a well-groomed pet white. There will be help from the head, a noble person, the patron.

Rodent Action

It matters what happened in the dream, how the pest dreams.

  • Kill. Defeat the enemy, adequately withstand attacks, cope with trouble.
  • Rescue a pest that drowns. According to the dream book, you will have to help a two-faced, insincere envious, who can substitute at any time.
  • Run away. The situation will be resolved by itself, nothing will have to be done.
  • In a dream rat bit. Health troubles cost to pay attention to where the individual has bitten. Sleep warns of an unfriendly environment that will easily hurt, betray, blame.
  • Plant in a cage. Will be able to overcome the enemy, the enemy. Dream Interpretation promises - victory is on your side. Favorable sleep in the professional field, for business.
  • Animals begin to gnaw something. Must be alert. Foes act against you hidden.

Often the question arises, why dream of many rodents. Since it can dream not one individual, but several or numerous numbers.

Many pests

Rodents in a dream mean a crowd of people. This may be a work team, colleagues, fellow students, classmates, subordinates, medical workers, etc.

On a note!

If you dream a lot of animals, to be faced with insincere, hypocritical, insidious personalities.

A dream with rodents means nothing, if you had to deal with them the day before, a conversation took place. The situation has strongly influenced the subconscious of the person, reflected in the dream.

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