Ticks in the Leningrad region in 2018
Ticks in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg in 2018 carry the same danger as in the past. To assist the victims ...
Where in Moscow to hand over a tick for analysis and where to turn if bitten by a tick
It is possible to take a tick for analysis in Moscow to state, private laboratories. The average price of 800 rubles., The implementation of 1-3 days. Addresses ...
Essential oils against ticks
How to prepare and use essential oils from ticks for people: recipes for aroma mixtures, recommendations for use, reviews and safety measures.
How to process a rose from spider mite
How a spider mite settles on a rose, signs of damage to a flower, methods of pest control, preventive measures — such information will help save the plant ...
What to do when a tick bite
Before the beginning of the season of insects need to know what to do if bitten by a tick. In time taken measures after a tick bite will help prevent serious ...
Subcutaneous Tick on the face
Subcutaneous mite appears on the face with excessive sebum secretion, weak immunity. Internal and external factors can provoke. To cure the disease ...
Where to go for tick bites in St. Petersburg
Where to go and how to pull out a “bloodsucker”, in which laboratories you can take a tick for analysis in St. Petersburg for free or for a fee –...
How many ticks live
How many ticks live in different conditions, experts cite data - up to 8 years. Average life expectancy in the wild, with ...
Tablets Bravekto from ticks for dogs
Bravekto's tablets from ticks, fleas for dogs - modern means of system action. Available in five dosages. For pets with a mass ...
Where to go for tick bites
Where to go for help if you have bitten a tick, there are several options - a public clinic, a private clinic. You can remove the parasite in the trappoint, ...
Description and photos of dust mites
Dust mites live everywhere - in any apartment, house. About 150 species are known. Settled in furniture, bed, decor items. Cause ...
What to do if a cat is bitten by a tick
What to do if the cat was bitten by a tick - to take measures on its own or to seek help from specialists. In the absence of infection in ...
Ticks in Krasnoyarsk 2018
Where it is possible to hand over a tick for analysis in Krasnoyarsk, information is provided every year on the site Rospotrebnadzor. There are also data where ...
Description and photo spider mite
Spider mite is one of the most common pests of garden and houseplants. Despite its microscopic size, it is capable of causing ...
How to get rid of spider mites on houseplants
Fighting spider mites on indoor plants takes a long time and painstakingly, so good advice, a range of chemicals and popular recipes ...
How to deal with tick on grapes
The vineyard owners each face such a dangerous pest as a grape mite. This small parasite is capable of inflicting significant ...
How to remove a tick from a cat or cat
How to pull a tick from a cat and stay alive: ways to immobilize a cat and tick removal devices. Do I need to carry ...
How to pull a tick head if it came off
What to do if the tick's head remains in the human body, there are several options for behavior. Extract yourself like a splinter, turn ...
The largest mite in the world
The size of ticks is from 0.08 mm to 3.6 cm. There are 50 thousand species in the world. Differ in lifestyle, food feature, size ....
Leopard against ticks for dogs and cats
The Leopard remedy for ticks for dogs and cats has become popular due to its effectiveness and affordable prices. The drug is available in several ...
Where do ticks come from
Where do ticks infected with encephalitis come from?Is this the result of the production of biological weapons or does viurs of encephalitis have a natural origin?
What ticks are dangerous to humans and what
What kinds of ticks are best avoided. Where ticks are dangerous for humans. What are dangerous ticks for humans? How dangerous can look ...
Instructions for use and reviews of Medilis Zipper from ticks
It is possible to use Medilis against ticks both in the garden plot and indoors: components, application features, safety measures will be useful ...
Sprays for dogs against ticks and fleas
The following recommendations, rules, security measures and characteristics of the means necessary for the protection of pets can help you choose a spray for ticks for dogs ...
Ticks in Novosibirsk 2018
What to do and where to take a tick for analysis in Novosibirsk. Points of emergency seroprophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis for adults and children.
Monocytic ehrlichiosis in humans
Tick-borne ehrlichiosis: symptoms, causes of the disease. Methods of diagnosis of the disease in humans after a tick bite. Features and duration of treatment, prognosis.
How to take doxycycline with a tick bite
How to take doxycycline with a tick bite: recommendations and schemes. Description of the drug, side effects, contraindications, analogues, reviews. The effectiveness of doxycycline after ...
Ear Tick in Dogs
Otodektoz or ear mite in dogs manifests as itching, which eventually begins to progress and bother even more. How...
Diagnosis code for ICD 10 with a tick bite
ICD code tick bite. Features of the classifier, the main diseases after a tick bite and their codes in the international classification of diseases.
All about ticks
All about ticks, the most important information: the phase of reproduction, the structure of internal and external organs. Truth and fiction about ticks. Interesting Facts....
Blood tests after a tick bite
Testing after a tick bite is necessary to detect possible infection with the virus. Diagnosis of diseases at an early stage allows you to immediately begin treatment ...
Ticks in Moscow region and Moscow in 2018
With the arrival of spring, ticks appear in the Moscow region and Moscow in 2018. To avoid meeting with them, you need to know about ...
Antibiotics after a tick bite
Is it always necessary to take antibiotics when a tick bites.At the first stage of treatment, oral medications are prescribed, and if tick-borne infection is confirmed, ...
Tick ​​bite diseases in humans
What diseases do ticks carry? How dangerous are these diseases. Is it possible to get tick-borne infection through direct contact with a sick person? Why...
Where to take a tick for analysis
Before the beginning of the summer season, it becomes relevant information about where to take the tick for analysis after its bite. The research results allow ...
Tick ​​breeding
How and where do ticks multiply. How many developmental stages does a tick go from egg to imago? Skolkio eggs can lay a female tick ....
How to get rid of spider mites: drugs and methods of struggle
How to deal with spider mites with chemicals and folk remedies. Due to the fact that the parasite is not an insect, insecticidal ...
Instructions for use of the vaccine Tick-E-Vac
Tick ​​E Wack - a modern drug to prevent tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccinations are given to children from 1 year old, adults. With proper vaccination ...
The best drugs for dogs from ticks and fleas
Dog tick remedies are popular and necessary tools to protect pets. Knowing the characteristics of the actions and effectiveness of each group ...
What to do and how to treat a tick in a cat or cat
Ticks in pets are subcutaneous, otic and ixodic. What to do to the owner, if a tick is found in a cat or cat: remove ...
How to treat demodicosis in humans
What is demodicosis, its symptoms, classification and diagnosis, how is the treatment of demodicosis and how long the complex therapy lasts.
Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis
Immunoglobulin with a tick bite helps to fight the virus, eases the course of the disease, prevents development. Introduced intramuscularly. Children are allowed to use with 1 ...
Where ticks live
Where ticks live, in the forest or in the city, how they bite and when, as far as they can be dangerous to humans and ...
Blood test for borreliosis
Analysis of borreliosis can be done in a public, private clinic. The main material used is blood, which is taken from a vein. Integrated ...
How to protect yourself from ticks, protection from bites
How can you protect yourself from ticks with folk, special means, there are several practical recommendations. It is necessary to choose the right color, style of clothes, aroma, place ...
Man itch Tick
An itch mite can be examined under a microscope, or the presence of parasites can be determined by external symptoms. A characteristic feature of the disease is a rash on the skin, ...
Description and photo of bed mites, how to get rid of them
Bed mites are present in every home; it is completely impossible to get rid of them. The main efforts are aimed at reducing the number of parasites, preventing problems ...
Methods of dealing with spider mites on seedlings
The spider mite starts on seedlings in early spring, parasitizes the entire warm season. Does not allow the plant to fully develop, deprives of vitality. For...
When ticks appear and when the season of their greatest activity ends
The tick season may be different each year. For normal life requires heat, humidity. The peak of activity will fall in May, mid-June ....
Treatment of demodicosis on the face of a person
The treatment of demodicosis on the face consists in the destruction of the infection, the normalization of metabolic and hormonal processes. Hygiene, diet, cosmetic procedures and medications ...
Description and photo of ixodic ticks
Ixodic ticks are blood-sucking parasites that are carriers and keepers of dangerous infections: relapsing tick-borne typhus, ehrlichiosis, hemorrhagic fevers, and tularemia.
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