Blood test for borreliosis

Analysis for borreliosis is a mandatory procedure for identifying a dangerous disease. Human blood, joint fluid, and the body of the tick are used as material for the study. Results are obtained on the same day or within a week. You can ask for help at a public, private clinic.

Briefly about the disease

Lyme disease, lima or borreliosis are spread by infected ticks. Malignant bacteria get into a person’s blood by a bite. Microorganisms concentrate in the blood, feed on vital cells. The reproduction rate of Borrelia, the incubation period and symptoms depend on the strength, immune response.

Lyme disease affects the joints, skin, heart muscle. As borreliosis develops, symptoms increase:

  • temperature rise;
  • fever;
  • nausea;
  • sore throat;
  • weakness.

Initially, symptoms resemble flu or a viral illness. Characterized by acute onset, rapid flow. After 2-3 days, the symptoms disappear, but may recur in a few days. In severe cases, death occurs.

The immune system fights against bacteria, producing antibodies. The clinical picture depends on the strength of immunity. There is a chronic course of borreliosis without pronounced symptoms. No acute manifestations and re-infection.


The incubation period lasts from several days to a month. A blood test for borreliosis should be taken 14 days after the tick bite.Otherwise, the result cannot be reliable. However, the parasite must be taken to the laboratory for research immediately. When an infection is detected, the person is vaccinated for the first 4 days. The procedure does not provide 100% protection, but significantly weakens the course of the disease in case of its development.

Research methods

Blood test for borreliosis after a tick bite
Blood test for borreliosis after a tick bite

Ixodic ticks carry both Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. It is recommended to pass a comprehensive analysis to obtain more reliable information.

On a note!

Of the entire population of bloodsucking parasites, 5% spread viruses, 20% - Borrelia.

For the detection of pathogens using direct, indirect diagnostic methods. Blood, cerebrospinal, articular fluid, and skin at the edges of the erythema are taken as material for the study. The simplest, most illustrative method is a serological analysis, during which the presence of antibodies to the spirochete is detected.

Diagnostic methods:

  • Chemiluminescent immunoassay. The main way to identify borreliosis. As a material for examination using the serum of venous blood. Detect the presence of antibodies to borrelia.The probability of obtaining truthful results depends on the duration of the analysis - 2-4 weeks after the bite. The probability of obtaining false indicators is 5%. If the picture of the study is doubtful, additionally conduct immunoblot.
  • Western blot or immunoblot borreliosis. It determines the presence of antibodies, the stage of development of the disease, shows a chronic course. Detects antibodies to 10 Borrelia antigens. The OspC p25 indicator reveals the "freshness" of the disease. A blood test for Lyme disease is repeated after 4 weeks. Immunoblot complements the results of serological studies.
  • PCR for borreliosis in real time. The biomaterial is a spinal, articular fluid. The procedure for obtaining material for analysis of borreliosis is painful, it is carried out in the hospital by an experienced doctor. The application of the method is shown when it is impossible to obtain reliable information by serological methods. PCR determines the DNA of borrelia burgdorferi sl borreliosis of live, dead bacteria. It cannot be based solely on PCR data. The survey is carried out comprehensive. Each method allows you to see the picture from different angles, complements the results of others.
  • PCR - tick study. The method of diagnosis reveals the presence of pathogens in the DNA of the tick. At detection of pathogenic microorganisms provide emergency preventive care. Assigned to donate blood for borreliosis after 14 days.

UAC must pass a must. It determines the general state of health, pathological processes in the body. Blood for research taken from the finger. Comprehensive diagnosis takes several days, but some results can be found on the same day. After confirming the diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

When to test for borreliosis after a bite

Blood test for borreliosis
Blood test for borreliosis

To obtain reliable information, you need to undergo a study in a clearly defined time frame. On average, the incubation period of borreliosis lasts 14 days, after this time you can proceed to the survey. Otherwise, the result will be negative, unreliable.

Report the fact of the bite Ixodes tick specialist should immediately. The doctor will give recommendations, advise on further action. It is also recommended to bring a live or dead tick.At home, the parasite is removed gently with tweezers, making a circular motion. Put in a jar, at the bottom of which a wet cotton wool is spread. Tightly close the lid. It is important that the tick is in a humid environment.

The first immunoassay is taken after 14 days. Immunoblot prescribed after obtaining questionable results in a few days. The maximum concentration of Borrelia is observed 3 months after the bite.

On a note!

There is no need to do special preparatory procedures, but before giving blood you should stop smoking, abstain from alcohol, do not eat for 4 hours before the procedure.

Decoding blood test

Blood test for borreliosis
Blood test for borreliosis

If, as a result of a survey, borreliosis is not detected, but characteristic symptoms are present, the procedure is repeated after a few days. The reason for false positive analysis is the production of antibodies to borrelia antigens in the past. When they are present, the acute symptoms of the disease do not manifest themselves for 7 years, or the disease proceeds without bright symptoms. False positive analysis is also obtained with syphilis, endocarditis, mononucleosis.

Blood test indicators for Lyme disease are qualitative, quantitative.

  • IgG antibodies. 10 Units / ml - negative or analysis for borreliosis is delivered too early. Up to 15 units - doubtful, over - a positive result.
  • IgM antibodies. Up to 18 U-ml - a negative result, 22 - doubtful, over - positive.
  • The results of the immunoblot study are presented as strips on the test membrane. By their presence or absence, a disease is diagnosed. Repeat after 6 weeks.
  • The PCR method gives a qualitative result - Borrelia was detected, not detected.

It is impossible to diagnose a complex disease using only one specific method. Requires an integrated approach, high-quality equipment, experienced professionals.

Where can I take the analysis

Diagnostics involved in public infectious disease hospitals, virology, commercial laboratories. In the case of seeking help from a state clinic, the analysis will be done free of charge. Modern private laboratories for their services take money, but provide the fastest possible result, a comprehensive study of materials.

They enjoy a good reputation of the INVITRO clinic, a network of laboratories located in 200 cities of Russia. In Moscow, several centers. Get information, contact details can be through the Internet on the official site. Remotely recorded at the reception. The clinic conducts about 1000 different studies on modern equipment. Services are provided by highly qualified specialists. Preliminary results of tests for borreliosis, the diagnosis can be obtained on the same day. Cost is negotiated individually.

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