Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis

Immunoglobulin with a tick bite is practically the only effective remedy for tick-borne encephalitis. It is a concentrated solution of a purified fraction of immunoglobulins of the donor, which contains antibodies to a dangerous disease.In simple words, ready-made antibodies are introduced into the body in order to overcome the virus and prevent its development.

Release form, properties

Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis is produced in the form of a transparent yellowish oily solution. A small sediment is allowed at the bottom of the ampoule. Enter intramuscularly, intravenously. The active components are class G immunoglobulins capable of neutralizing the virus and stopping the disease.

The maximum concentration is reached in 24-48 hours, the properties are maintained for 5 weeks. The drug increases the body's resistance to the virus, stimulates the immune system. Assign for emergency prevention, treatment of adults and children.

Ampoules are stored at a temperature of +8 degrees Celsius, away from sunlight. Open immediately before use. The shelf life of the drug from the date of manufacture 2 years.


Human immunoglobulin can cause a number of side effects, so you first need to study the contraindications. It is forbidden to introduce the drug in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Do not do preventive vaccinations with:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • asthma;
  • hives;
  • food allergies.


In emergency cases, the drug is administered, but in parallel prescribe a course of antihistamines. During pregnancy, an injection is given in case of acute need. Antibodies are able to penetrate into breast milk, which provides protection against a dangerous disease to the baby. It is forbidden to administer to children while taking calcium gluconate.

Side effects

Side Effects of Immunoglobulin Administration
Side Effects of Immunoglobulin Administration

Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin is well tolerated. At the injection site, temporary swelling, swelling, and redness are possible. However, due to the fact that the drug has an impact on the work of the immune system, the reaction of the body may be different. The following side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • chills;
  • tachycardia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • weakness;
  • stomachache;
  • increased sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • backache;
  • fever;
  • loss of consciousness.

On a note!

Tick-borne immunoglobulin is sold only with the relevant documentation, there is no money in the free market.The specialist records each used ampoule. Indicates the release series, date, manufacturer, other information regarding the vaccine.

Instructions for use

Immunoglobulin injection is administered intramuscularly, intravenously. The latter option is used in particularly difficult situations, at home is strictly prohibited. The dosage is selected depending on the stage of the disease, the patient's age.

Post Bite Prevention

Answers to frequently asked questions:

  • When to introduce immunoglobulin - in order to prevent the disease, the injection after a tick bite must be done in the first 4 hours.
  • Whether it is necessary to put an immunoglobulin at a tick bite, if there is a vaccination - people without vaccination or who have undergone an incomplete course need to be vaccinated. In the event of an epidemic, the drug is administered to previously vaccinated people.
  • How many times you can bet - in the case of repeated contact with an infected tick, immunoglobulin is administered only after one month.
  • When the action begins - immunoglobulin vaccination after a tick bite will begin to provide a protective reaction in 24-48 hours.

On a note!

If the tick crawled through the body, did not have time to bite, there is no need to make an injection.However, during the epidemic season, absolutely everyone needs to be vaccinated.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis - Before the Bite

To prevent the disease after contact with the parasite, you need to protect yourself before meeting with him. The dosage is selected individually with the calculation of 0.1 mg per kilogram of body weight. Immunoglobulin in children up to 5 kg is administered at a dose of 0.5 ml. An adult with a body weight of 80 kg will need 8 mg of immunoglobulin.

Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis
Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis


Gammaglobulin after a tick bite with the presence of bright symptoms of the disease is administered as soon as possible. The sooner the first injection is given, the sooner the recovery will begin. The dosage is selected individually - for an adult, 1 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight. In severe situations, increase the dose to 0.15 mg. The average duration of treatment of tick-borne encephalitis is 5 days. The interval between the injections is 12 hours. Daily make 1 shot.


Along with the treatment, it is forbidden to take alcohol, smoke, it is recommended to stick to a diet in order to avoid a gastrointestinal disorder.

Important information

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can be done at a state clinic, private institutions.The list in Moscow, other cities of the country can be found on the Internet. There is also contact information.

Each season on the basis of public clinics, educational institutions, SES, there are special vaccination rooms where you can get an injection for free. Domestic vaccine vaccinated children from 3 years, adults. Austrian immunoglobulin has an age limit of 1 year.

Preventive vaccination should be done 1-1.5 months before the season of tick activity, visiting a dangerous region. A year later, make another vaccination, then every 3 years.

On a note!

An immunoglobulin injection from a tick costs in private clinics in different ways, the average price per vaccination is 1500 rubles. The cost of a paid injection also depends on the manufacturer of the vaccine - a domestic company, Austria. You can buy your own drug through the Internet. Packing with 5 ampoules - one dose for an adult, costs 3078 rubles.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the correctness of the procedures. If the dose is exceeded, immunoglobulin is harmful; if an insufficient amount of the drug is administered, the protection may not work.The question whether the immunoglobulin helps against tick-borne encephalitis can be answered unequivocally - yes. However, no vaccine provides 100% protection against the disease. Vaccinated people more easily tolerate the disease without complications.

The feasibility of the vaccine

There is no mandatory immunoglobulin vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis in the calendar. This is not a compulsory vaccine, but an emergency aid.

Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin
Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin

It is advisable to give an injection to residents of dangerous regions, where cases of the disease are recorded year after year. There is one quality vaccine of no more than 1.5 months, so for one season you may need 2 vaccinations. It is necessary to introduce immunoglobulin even before the tick bites, because you can not notice this point, the disease will begin to develop slowly. After 14-30 days will make itself felt the acute beginning.

They make an injection right after the bite, not having waited until they are able to confirm or deny the result in the laboratory. The first symptoms appear after 2 weeks, and it is recommended to give an injection no later than 4 days after the tick bite. In this case, the pathological process can be stopped.


If the pest simply crawls through the body, the probability of infection is reduced to zero. Even a bite does not always transmit the virus. Bite can be a few infected individuals, calmly fall off to the ground. Infection occurs through the blood in case of improper extraction of the tick. A virus with its blood enters a person’s wound, and so begins the development of a dangerous disease. To determine the presence of infection in the laboratory, it will be possible only after the body begins to produce antibodies. To prevent a serious course of the disease after a bite, you can have time to get vaccinated.

A very necessary drug, it is good that it is. After a trip to nature on the body of a child, I found a stuck tick. Immediately gripped by horror, because in our area there were cases of encephalitis after a bite. She didn’t do anything herself, went with her daughter to the hospital. There they extracted a tick, sent it to a laboratory for analysis, and offered to be vaccinated. They drank antihistamines for 3 days. I did not observe any side effects, I lived in horror for a month, but did not get sick. A virus in the body of the tick was found.

Angelina, Moscow

Tick-borne encephalitis is quite rare.Most regions of our country are not dangerous zones. If the sanitary station did not announce the presence of infection, it makes no sense to make injections after the bite of each tick. But in our area such a case was recorded. I am not afraid, but my health has become terrible. My immune system is weak. At the time, there was no immunoglobulin in the state clinic, which is very strange for such a situation. Went to private owners. Vaccination cost me 2000 rubles. Harm any for an organism has not noticed, except an itch from a pest bite. Encephalitis is not sick. Effective medical drug.

Irina, Tver

According to official data, tick-borne encephalitis with immunoglobulin treatment takes place within a week. Without this drug, there may be a relapse after 10 days with serious consequences.

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