Tick-borne encephalitis - incubation period, symptoms and treatment
- Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in adults
- Incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis
- The effects of tick-borne encephalitis
- Tick-borne encephalitis treatment
- Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis
May and June is the most dangerous for lovers of outdoor recreation.At this time, mites enter the active breeding phase, whose bites can pose a serious danger not only to human health, but also to their life. The parasite can carry tick-borne encephalitis pathogen, but this fact will not affect its activity. The incubation period of encephalitis in a person can be absolutely asymptomatic, which significantly reduces the chances of a quick recovery.
How long is the incubation period
The activation time of encephalitis virus depends on many factors. Different people may have a different severity. Encephalitis virus enters the body at the time of damage to the skin of a person by a tick. Even if the parasite is immediately removed, it does not guarantee safety.
On a note!
The most dangerous situation will be if the encephalitic tick has not been completely removed or has been crushed. In this case, the amount of virus that enters the human body through an open wound significantly increases.
When detecting a tick bite on the body, you should carefully monitor your condition. The first 3-4 days will observe a classic reaction to the bite.It is characterized by irritation and itching. If the tick was not a carrier of encephalitis, the symptoms themselves will pass.
Optimally, if you can send a bitten tick for examination. In this case, if he is not qualified as a distributor of the disease, classical preventive measures to maintain the body will be applied to the patient. If the tick turns out to be a carrier of encephalitis, treatment will be prescribed immediately.
It is much more difficult to act when there is no exact information about the infestation of the parasite. The first signs of tick-borne encephalitis can appear only after 1-3 weeks. This conditional value, since the severity of the disease depends on various factors.
Such a long incubation period is due to the localization of tick-borne encephalitis virus. Initially, it begins its activity in the subcutaneous area. Next, tick-borne encephalitis enters the blood vessels, lymph nodes, tissues of the nervous system. After 10-20 days, the overgrown virus already affects the systems and organs so much that the symptoms become pronounced.
Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in adults
Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis may vary depending on the form of the disease. Today, they are known 7:
- Feverish. The patient is often confused with the common cold. Observed general intoxication, fever, chills, weakness. This condition lasts from 5 to 7 days. After this comes the stage of recovery.
- Meningeal. It has the highest percentage of diagnosis. Patients complain of headaches, a painful reaction to light and sounds, a company is added to this state, nausea, pain in the eyes. In severe cases, hallucinations, increased activity, muscle spasms. Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis of this form are observed within 2-3 weeks, the field of this patient is recovering.
- Meningoencephalitic. Symptoms characteristic of brain damage are added to the manifestations of the meningeal form. Most often, patients have noted uncontrolled muscle contractions, facial distortions, face skewed. Also note a speech disorder, difficulty breathing, arrhythmia. The most terrible consequence may be swelling of the brain and the death of the patient.
- Polyencephalitic.The incubation period lasts about 3-5 days. Further, the body temperature rises, it is difficult to swallow, painful sensations from light and sounds, the mouth is twisted to one side. The second side of the face ceases to function normally, a person cannot eat. Respiratory activity and the work of the vasomotor center are impaired, which threatens with critical state and death.
- Poliomyelitis. Occupies the third part among all meeting. Symptoms are similar to polio. It is characterized by asymmetric paralysis of the upper limbs, muscular weakness, which does not allow to move the limbs or even the head. Symptoms are increasing for about 15-30 days, after which muscle atrophy occurs. A patient with encephalitis becomes an invalid without the possibility of movement and independent provision of his vital needs.
- Polyencephalomyelitis. At the same time, the muscle, respiratory capacity, and vasomotor center are affected. A person has irreversible consequences, after which either death or severe disability occurs.
- PolyradiculoneuritisMuscle weakness is observed, which starts from the lower limbs and gradually rises. The body feels goosebumps, tingling, burning.
For accurate diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis can be carried out a number of laboratory studies. More accurate results can be obtained by analyzing the bitten tick.
Factors affecting the duration of the incubation period
How severe the lesion will be and how quickly the incubation period for encephalitis after a tick bite will pass depends on many factors. Fundamental is the condition of the person at the time of the bite. If his immune system works quietly and is ready to withstand viruses, then this period is extended.
The categories of people with a weak or unformed immunity fall into the group of special risk. This is the elderly, children and pregnant women. In this case, the manifestation of the disease may already be a couple of days after the tick bite.
Also to the rapid reproduction of tick-borne encephalitis virus in the body are predisposed people who have different kinds of autoimmune diseases and their protective forces can not work at full capacity.
If a person has an excellent defense system, leads a healthy lifestyle and his body is able to withstand even tick-borne encephalitis viruses, then he may not even be aware of the presence of the pathogen. The body itself will fight the disease and not give any signals. At this time, the immune system will produce special antibodies to the virus, and the disease will be defeated. In this case, to learn that after the tick bite was brought the causative agent of a dangerous disease, it will be possible only by passing a blood test.
What can be complications
The insidiousness of the incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis can lead to the fact that the disease will progress in the body, and the necessary treatment measures will be absent. As a result, the virus is so aggravated that it will cause many dangerous diseases.
Tick-borne encephalitis affects the work of the brain and nervous system; therefore, epilepsy is often seen in patients with a late diagnosis. Virus activity will result in:
- paralysis;
- strabismus;
- speech problems;
- difficulty swallowing.
According to statistics, the most favorable outcome after the bite of an encephalitic tick is observed in the European part of Russia. With the distance from the center to the East, the number of fatalities increases significantly.
A person affected by an encephalitic tick, in most cases, becomes disabled for life. The saddest outcome of the disease is swelling of the brain, coma and inevitable death.
Acquired effects after a tick bite can not be cured at the moment. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your condition and at the slightest suspicion contact an expert.
Tick-borne encephalitis treatment
The effects of tick-borne encephalitis cannot be completely cured. But the sooner the treatment was started, the greater the chance of a positive outcome. Treat the disease should be in several directions:
- Reduce symptoms.
- Increase the body's resistance to viruses.
- Specific effects
The first thing after making a diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis, experts are trying to reduce the severity of symptoms. This is the reception of antipyretic, analgesic sedatives.Additionally prescribed means to improve blood flow.
Also, after a tick bite, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs, which are designed to strengthen the body's defenses and help it fight the virus. Among these drugs emit Amixin, Viferon, Cycloferon.
On a note!
The specific effect is the introduction of anti-tick immunoglobulin. Also, for these purposes, the serum of patients with tick-borne encephalitis can be administered.
Considering the danger of tick-borne encephalitis and the increase in the number of diseased, doctors recommend vaccination, which will protect the body from infection and significantly strengthen the immune system.
The introduction to the patient of a purified virus in a minimal amount causes the body to produce antibodies. The result will be that within a few weeks a person will acquire reliable protection, and the bite of even an infected tick will not be scared.
On a note!
Vaccination has high efficacy rates. In 97% of cases with the introduction of the vaccine, people managed to avoid the development of the disease. And only in 3% of the immune system could not work out and people got sick.
Vaccination consists of 3 consecutive stages:
- The first introduction is in the fall.
- The second introduction in 3 months.
- The third vaccine in a year.
You can also go through the accelerated version and make 2 vaccinations against the danger of a tick bite with an interval of 2 weeks.
Before vaccination, be sure to consult with a specialist and pass the necessary tests.
The introduction of even a small dose of tick-borne encephalitis in a weakened body can lead to serious consequences. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate in the following cases:
- exacerbation of allergies;
- transition to the acute phase of chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes and others);
- pregnancy;
- viral diseases of any kind.
Even children over 1 year old can be vaccinated. The vaccine produces a temporary immunity, so approximately every 2 years you have to re-immunize.