Instructions for use of the vaccine Tick-E-Vac
- Use of the Tick-E-Vac vaccine
- Vaccine Mite-E-Vac
- Vaccines to prevent tick-borne encephalitis
Tick Vac is a domestic drug that appeared on the pharmaceutical market, registered in March 2012. The vaccine is manufactured by a bactericidal, viral drug company of the Institute of Polio, viral encephalitis named after MP Chumakov. It is produced in the form of suspensions for intramuscular administration.
Brief description of the drug
Vaccine Mite E Wack is available in ampoules with different dosages of the active ingredient:
- for children over 13 years old, adults - 0.5 ml;
- from year to 16 years old - 0.25 ml.
The main active ingredient is the inactivated antigen of the KE virus, the auxiliary is human albumin. As part of no antibiotics, farmaldehyde, preservatives.
Homogeneous suspension acts due to purified encephalitis virus. Primary cells developed in chick embryos. The quality of the supplied materials meets all requirements, there is relevant documentation. Human albumin is obtained from donor blood plasma. Mite Evac stimulates the production of antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis, provides protection against serious illness with dire consequences. After a course of two vaccines against encephalitis, antibodies are detected in 90% of the vaccinated.
On a note!
Ixodes mites are able to carry a viral infection. Infected through the blood of animals. The mites themselves do not get sick, the female transmits the virus to a new generation of parasites. The virus enters the bloodstream of a person, not during a bite, but with careless removal of the parasite. Infected blood enters the wound, infection occurs.
Indications for use Tick E Wac
Subject to vaccination of persons living in the territories enzootic tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccinations do children aged 1 year. Be sure to vaccinate the medical staff, as well as individuals who, by the nature of their professional activities, are often in the places of infection: forest, field.
A course of vaccines is shown to people who plan to visit places dangerous for tick-borne encephalitis.
On a note!
Tick-wack vaccination is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations, but if you are at increased risk of disease, you should protect yourself.
Vaccination Mite E Wak stimulates the production of antibodies, prevents the appearance of the disease after the virus enters the bloodstream, or alleviates the symptoms. Vaccinated people recover faster, there are almost no complications.
Contraindications Tick E Wac
The manufacturer notes the good tolerability of the vaccine, a minimum of side effects. Standard contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the components;
- increased body temperature;
- atopic dermatitis at the stage of exacerbation;
- food allergies;
- bronchial asthma;
- autoimmune disorders;
- age up to 1 year;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- rheumatism;
- tuberculosis;
- epilepsy with frequent seizures;
- renal, liver failure;
- suffered a heart attack, stroke;
- diabetes with a sugar level of more than 10 units;
- endocrine disorders;
- oncology;
- cardiovascular failure.
It should not be vaccinated after a viral disease earlier than 2 weeks. A study on the effect of the vaccine Tick E Wack on the body of pregnant women, fetal development was not conducted. Vaccination should be in special cases under the supervision of specialists. Nursing women are allowed to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis 14 days after delivery.
Instructions for use Tick Vac
Enter intramuscularly in the shoulder. The vial is opened immediately before use. At the end of the shelf life of the drug is prohibited. The vaccine should be stored at a temperature of +8 degrees Celsius. Before use, it must be kept at room temperature for 2 hours.
- Preventive vaccination Tick E Vac. Primary course should begin in spring. The vaccine starts in 14 days.The peak activity of ticks falls at the end of May, the beginning of June. The next vaccine needs to be done in 5-7 months, better in the fall. With this vaccination scheme, a person is completely protected from a dangerous disease. The risk is significantly reduced after the first injection, but be sure to complete the course with a second vaccination.
- Emergency vaccination Tick E Vac. After a tick bite should be vaccinated for 4 days. The drug will stop the development of the virus or provide a weak course of the disease without serious consequences. Also shown is the vaccine during the season of activity of infected ticks. The course consists of two vaccinations, which are carried out with a break of 2 weeks. Visit the forest, nature should not be earlier than 14 days after the second vaccine. Children's Mite Evac is administered in a dose of 0.25 ml to 16 years. Adults 0.5 ml at a time. The revaccination is carried out in a year, do one inoculation in a usual dose. In the future, vaccination is carried out every 3 years if necessary.
Vaccination should be carried out under sterile conditions in compliance with all the rules of antisepsis, asepsis. The bottle is checked for integrity, shake the solution until a suspension is formed.It is prohibited to use the ampoule that was stored in violation of the temperature regime. Recorded in a special journal indicating the series, the number of the ampoule, the party, the manufacturer, other information provided by law.
Side Effects Mite E Wack
Adults tolerate the vaccine more easily than children. Also take into account the individual characteristics of the body. People who are prone to an allergic reaction should take antihistamines 2 days before the vaccination and 3 days after the injection. In most cases, the tool does not cause significant side effects.
In some cases, in adults, children of different ages are observed:
- A slight increase in temperature indicators to 37.5 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the child after the injection is kept for the first 2 days. When raising to 38 degrees it is allowed to use antipyretic agents.
- Redness, slight swelling at the injection site. It takes several days without special treatment.
- Observed systemic reaction of the body - headache, weakness, malaise, drowsiness, nausea, impaired stool.
Side effects appear in the first 2 days after vaccination, unpleasant symptoms persist for 3 days. Very rarely there are problems with breathing, shortness of breath, and anaphylactic shock. In order to avoid an unforeseen reaction of the body after an injection, a person should be under the supervision of specialists for half an hour.
In the first days the general state of health worsens, therefore it is not necessary to get behind the wheel of the car, to carry out the works demanding high accuracy. Do not take alcohol for the first 3 days. Otherwise, the increased side effects. With the introduction of immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis and the implementation of vaccination must be respected for at least 1 month.
Entsevir or Tick E Wac
The analogue is a vaccine of domestic production - EnceVir. The composition is completely identical. It is produced in the form of a suspension for intramuscular administration. In the ampoule one dose - 0.5 ml. Permitted to use from 18 years. Actively used in the season of tick-borne encephalitis for the prevention, treatment.
Vaccination is carried out according to several schemes.For prevention, the first injection is done on any day, the second - in 1-2 months, or 5-6. The third is done in 12 months, followed by an interval of 3 years. With emergency vaccination, the interval between the first and second vaccination is only 14 days. The third is done in a year.
On a note!
There is no particular difference between EnceVir and Tick-e-wack. The first drug is prohibited to prick children under 18 years old. When choosing a remedy, you must take into account age. All indications, contraindications, side effects are identical.
Price where to buy
In pharmacies in Moscow, the drug costs from 3 thousand rubles. up to 6 thousand rubles. It is possible to order the tool of the domestic manufacturer via the Internet. However, in order to avoid poor quality, spoiled product, it is better to seek the help of specialists. Tick-borne encephalitis vaccinations are done in public institutions, private clinics.
Reviews of Tick E Wack
Tick-borne encephalitis is a serious disease with serious consequences. Preventive measures should be given due attention. According to reviews, the vaccine is well tolerated, does not cause side effects, reliably protects.
Last year, encephalitis was reported in the Moscow region. When I found a tick on my child after another visit to the dacha, my hair stood on end.I immediately called the emergency number to the sanitary inspection room, they told me that I had to go to the infectious disease specialist. They pulled out a tick, packed it in a special jar. Vaccine vaccination Tick-e-wack from encephalitis made us free. And the analysis of the tick in the laboratory cost us 2 thousand rubles. There were no side effects from the vaccination, the temperature did not rise, antiallergic drugs were not taken. According to the results of the analysis, the tick was absolutely healthy, but now I am no longer so worried when we go to the country with the child.
Anna, Moscow
I was shocked by the story of a business woman who fell ill with tick-borne encephalitis after being bitten by a parasite. From a beautiful woman turned into a disabled person. After the plot, I immediately went to a private clinic to vaccinate myself, the child. My husband could not be persuaded. The cost of one dose of 600 rubles. Adult double rate. There were no side effects, the encephalitis vaccine is very well tolerated. The only downside is the high price.
Irina, Tver
Before vaccination, it is imperative to be examined by a physician, to obtain approval.