How to treat demodicosis in humans
- Demodecosis Ticks
- Signs of demodicosis
- Demodecosis on the body
- Preparations for the treatment of demodicosis
- Ointment for the treatment of demodicosis
- Folk remedies for demodicosis
What is demodicosis
In addition to medical, the disease has several names at once: “rosacea”, i.e., similar to a rose, and “rosacea”. All of them are given for the appearance of the affected skin, which looks like a placer of pink acne. Disfigured zones are clearly distinguished on the skin, in which there is a reddened and thickened layer of the epidermis, penetrated by enlarged tiny blood vessels called “telangiectasias”, as seen in the patient's photo of demodicosis.
Most often, foci of the disease appear on the face, which leads to cosmetic defects in women who develop demodecosis more often than men, aged 30-50 years. A small number of parasites can also occur on other parts of the body: on the chest, on the back, on the neck, etc.
"Pink eels" are the most common disease among the population of Ireland and southern Italy, but the inhabitants of the African continent and China suffer from them quite rarely.
Causes of demodicosis
The causative agents of the disease are microscopic subcutaneous mites of 2 types:
- which parasitizes inside the sebaceous glands of Demodex folliculorum;
- in the hair follicles of Demodex brevis in humans and mammals.
On a note!
Sometimes they are called ciliated ticks because of their frequent settlement on the hairs of the eyelashes, as well as acne iron.
The size of an adult parasite is 0.2-0.5 mm, so it is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but only under a microscope. The body of the tick is translucent, has an elongated shape and consists of 2 parts, in front there are 4 pairs of legs for fast movement at a speed of up to 16 mm / h. For eating epithelium particles and secretions from the sebaceous glands, a mouth-shaped apparatus is intended. There are many scales on the body of the tick, with the help of which it is attached to the hair follicle.
The life cycle of the parasite is several weeks. Reproduction occurs through the laying of 20–25 eggs by females in the hair follicle cavity, of which 6-legged small larvae appear after a few days. As they grow in 7 days, they form into adults.
The whole life of demodecosis mites passes under the upper layer of the epidermis, and they come to the surface exclusively for mating or searching for a new location. Because of photophobia they lead active life at night.
Ways to transfer demodicosis:
- in contact with a sick or healthy person who is a carrier of demodexes, which according to statistics makes up 80% of the world's population;
- mites can survive in the environment and survive for some time when released into the water.
On a note!
Demodexes are conditionally pathogenic parasites present in the skin of many people. Their reproduction and subsequent clinical signs of the disease usually manifest themselves under favorable conditions.
Factors contributing to the development of demodicosis in humans:
- genetic predisposition;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
- disorders and diseases in the endocrine system: hormonal imbalance, diabetes, etc .;
- decreased immunity (after a common cold or due to a long-term illness);
- negative external factors: nervous stress, overheating in the sun, long-term medication or hormonal drugs, harmful working conditions, the use of oily cosmetics and allergic reactions, alcohol abuse, poor diet.
Symptoms of demodicosis
The disease manifests itself in varying degrees depending on the number of mites and their reproduction process, the type of epidermis and the condition of the patient.
Features and signs of demodicosis:
- rash on the skin, having an inflammatory nature, manifests itself in the face, eyelids, less often - other parts of the body;
- itching in the affected area, which is worse in the evening and at night, during the period of increased activity of subcutaneous ticks.
The classification of demodicosis in humans, the code for ICD-10: B88.0, is carried out according to external signs, which determine the stage of the disease:
- The erythematous form is manifested by the appearance of erythema or redness in some areas of the skin: on the face, the rash is localized on the nose and cheeks, its edges are clearly outlined and slightly raised. “Vascular spiders” are formed from small vessels, which are visible on the lateral parts of the nose and cheeks when the face is affected.
- Papular-pustular stage - is characterized by the appearance of acne (papules) and ulcers (pustules) up to 2 mm in size, which are formed due to overflow of hair follicles with sebum. There is a blockage of the ducts due to the accumulation of parasites. The color of the formations has shades from pink to red and bluish.
- The hypertrophic stage occurs in the absence of treatment, resulting in hypertrophy of the affected areas of the epidermis: pineal growths are formed on the damaged area,whose names depend on the affected area (rhinophyma on the nose, metaphys on the forehead, blepharophyma on the eyelids, otophimus on the earlobe, gnatophyma on the chin, etc.).
On a note!
Symptoms of demodicosis in children are often disguised as a rash that accompanies adolescence and hormonal changes in a young body. For accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor and make tests for ticks.
Demodecosis in various parts of the body
One of the most common sites of damage to this disease are the eyelids and eyes when ticks multiply in the meibomian glands, that is, at the base of the eyelashes. The onset of inflammation is usually manifested by severe itching and symptoms of blepharitis, an inflammatory process on the eyelids, it is possible to include a bacterial infection.
The main feature of demodicosis of the eyelids is a whitish rim at the base of the eyelashes. If untreated, loss of eyelashes occurs, an increase in the margins of the eyelids, because of which the patient experiences difficulties when closing them.
On a note!
Eyelid demodicosis in 60% of cases also appears on the face, scalp, and may cause complications in the form of chronic conjunctivitis, abnormal growth of eyelashes and other diseases.
Demodecosis of the scalp begins as a result of establishing a favorable environment on its hairy part. The disease is rarely detected due to the fact that the appearance of pustules under the hair passes unnoticed by humans. Distinctive symptom: severe itching in the evening. Appeared skin seals can be palpated with palpation of the head.
Demodecosis on the arms, chest and back, neck can appear when ticks multiply strongly and the disease spreads to other parts of the upper half of the body. It is accompanied by sensations of skin, itching and burning in the affected areas. However, this happens very rarely due to the different structure and functioning of the sebaceous glands on the human body, as a result of which the demodexes do not find nutrition in them.
Diagnosis of demodicosis
If the characteristic symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact your doctor for examination and accurate diagnosis, which can be confirmed only after receiving the analysis from the affected skin area and subsequent laboratory testing. Such a scraping is done by the patient in a skin dispensary or a private laboratory.
Before taking the test for 2 days you can not use cosmetics and do not wash the skin to get accurate results.
Under a microscope, biological material is examined for the presence of demodex mites, their eggs or larvae. The diagnosis of demodicosis is made, if on 1 square. cm of skin found 5 adult ticks, with eyelid disease - on the 1st eyelash there are at least 6 parasites.
How to treat demodicosis
Modern medicine is a set of effective means and drugs to cure such an unpleasant disease. After confirming the diagnosis of demodicosis, the dermatologist determines the treatment regimen, which consists of complex therapy in several areas:
- Use of topical preparations (ointments, creams, sprays).
- Systemic medical tools to improve immunity and treatment of associated chronic diseases.
- Program to clean the digestive tract and the entire patient.
- Antibiotics and antiparasitic agents for killing ticks: Trichopol (tablets, price 100 rubles), Ornidazole (capsules and tablets, price 120-160 rubles), Metronidazole (candles, ointment, tablets, price 20-150 rubles) in a course of 10- 15 days.These drugs are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women with kidney problems, epilepsy.
- Antihistamine medicines to relieve possible allergic reactions.
- Antiseptic solutions for wiping the skin: Chlorhexidine, Urotropin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Alcohol tincture of calendula, etc.
System tools include:
- immunomodulatory drugs: detox (price from 1950 rubles);
- Sodium thiosulfate - has antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory effect, destroys subcutaneous mites, the cost of vials for injection is 80-100 rubles;
- complexes of vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
Topical skin treatment is carried out in several courses with breaks, it takes a long time to be treated: from 4-6 weeks to 12 months. According to the patient reviews, ointments and creams that contain drying and anti-contaminating substances, such as sulfur, tar, zinc, mercury, etc., have the maximum positive efficacy. They have a blocking effect on the respiratory organs of ticks, which leads to their death.
Most popular ointments:
- Sulfuric, price 20-50 rubles.;
- Ihtiolovaya, the price is 80-120 rubles;
- Yellow mercury (about 670 rubles);
- Ointments containing metronidazole are among the most effective drugs: Klion (350-400 rubles), Metrogil (180 rubles);
- Benzyl benzoate - cream with keratolytic antiparasitic and analgesic action, destroys ticks after the first application, but the treatment should be repeated after 3 days to get rid of the young individuals that have emerged from the eggs, the price is 20-50 rubles .;
- Spregal - an aerosol that causes the death of acne and its eggs, is sprayed onto the damaged areas before going to bed 1 time, it is recommended to apply on the face with a tampon, repeat the treatment after a few days, the price is 980 rubles;
- Demalan - cosmetic antiparasitic agent used for the treatment of demodicosis on the face and eyelids, the price is 400 rubles;
- Azogel - a drug containing azelaic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic effect, helps to restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands; price 400-700 rubles.;
- Demazol - anti-inflammatory cream that improves the regenerative and metabolic processes in the affected skin; price 250 rub.;
- Crotamiton - applied after a shower, highly effective against ticks, helps relieve itching and remove inflammation, the price is 1,400 rubles;
- Cosmetic gel Stop Demodex - used to get rid of ticks in the eye and eyelids, relieves itching, swelling and inflammation, restores the skin, the price is in the range of 180-225 rubles.
Cleansing the body and toxins
In the treatment of demodicosis at home, it is recommended to conduct therapy with a special diet and the use of drugs to remove toxins and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.
Dietary nutrition implies a complete rejection of flour, sweet, fatty, smoked, and fried foods. It is recommended to use more vegetables and fruits, cereals (oatmeal, etc.), drink clean water 1.5-2 liters per day. This will relieve the patient’s body and create unfavorable living conditions for ticks.
On a note!
Cleaning the digestive tract is carried out with the help of absorbent drugs: Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smekta, Polysorb, etc. They will help to remove toxins and toxins after the life of the parasites.
Treatment of demodicosis by folk methods
Therapy with the help of folk remedies is carried out in stages: first, the immune system is restored, then - the suppression of the negative effects of ticks,and then it is necessary to restore and rejuvenate the skin by improving its protective properties.
Herbal infusions for use inside:
- make a mixture of herbs from 1 part of the leaves of the plantain, 1 - wormwood, 1 - mint, 1 - yarrow, 1 - flowers of tansy, 2 - train, 1 - nettle; for cooking take 2 tbsp. l of the mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist 30 minutes, closing the lid; drink 0.5 st. three times a day before meals, the course - 4-6 weeks;
- a mixture of 2 parts of violet, 2 - flowers of calendula, 2 - Hypericum, 1 - leaves of mint and 1 - plantain, 1 - roots of elecampane; the drink is prepared from 2 tbsp. l mixture, which must be poured boiling water and insist 30 minutes., filter, drink the same.
Recipes for external means of demodicosis:
- Prepare aloe juice and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1, wet the napkin and put on the affected skin for 15 minutes. The duration of treatment is 20-25 procedures, done every other day.
- A decoction of 2 tbsp. l Linden-colored and 1 tbsp. boiling water, hold on the steam bath for 10 minutes, after straining, use to wipe the skin twice a day, after the procedure you can not go out into the cold.
- Compresses from ripe tomato juice are made daily for 15 minutes, the course is 20 days.
- 1-2 tbsp. l dry chamomile for 1 water, boil for 10 minutes., filter, make alternately cold and hot decoction 2-3 r. in Week.
- Grind 1 tbsp. l juniper berries, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, infuse for 4-6 hours, drain. Apply to lotions 1-2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, pre-wipe the skin with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus.
- Prepare a mass of 100 g of tansy and 400 ml of vegetable oil, leave for 14 days, filter, use as warm compresses 1-2 times daily.
- Grind to a powdered state 3 tbsp. l wormwood, steamed, add 1 tsp l honey, 1 tsp alum, 1 tbsp. l of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l crushed berries of viburnum (seedless), mix everything. Apply the received ointment on cuts of cotton fabrics and apply on the affected areas 1-2 times a day for 2 hours. Pre-wipe the skin with a glycerol solution: 1 tsp per 1 tbsp. water. After removing the lotion, wash with salt water (0.5 tsp of salt per 1 tbsp.).
Prevention of demodicosis
There are a number of rules and recommendations that must be followed during treatment to get rid of demodicosis permanently and prevent the recurrence of the disease:
- monitor the cleanliness of personal hygiene items and bed linen; carry out daily shifts for the duration of the treatment period; boil or iron;
- for the period of therapy to abandon the use of cosmetics, trips to the baths and saunas, sunbathing and tanning beds;
- in order to prevent the repetition of an unpleasant disease, it is recommended to perform a medical and cosmetic procedure in the remission stage: microdermabrasion, i.e. the removal of the upper layers of the skin along with mites; non-cleansing or peeling of the face;
- Recommended preventive laser therapy in areas with a vascular network, which will help to normalize the metabolic processes in the epidermis;
- change in diet to reduce oily skin.
To successfully cure demodicosis, one should tune in to a long therapeutic process, which depends on the stage and severity of the disease. Patient reviews and a positive outlook of specialists allow the sick person to hope for a full recovery.