Methods of dealing with spider mites on seedlings
- Spider mite on seedlings
- Folk anti-tick
- Biological products for tick control
A spider mite on a seedling is able to destroy a plant before it even has time to take root, to bloom. Small insect likes warm weather, moderate humidity. Particularly active in the month of May, early June, when the first seedlings are planted in the garden. Peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers can suffer. More spider mites are suitable greenhouse conditions, but freely parasitic on open ground.
Signs of defeat
With the onset of warm days, plants are regularly attacked by numerous pests. To get a good harvest in the future, you need to provide favorable conditions for the growth of seedlings after planting in the ground. The main condition is to prevent insect damage.
Spider mite – animal of small size of the spider family. The body is convex, translucent with a reddish-brownish tinge. 4 pairs of transparent limbs. The size of the female is 0.6 mm, the female is 0.2 mm smaller. The larvae are transparent, resembling an adult spider mite, but extremely small.
On a note!
To determine the presence of the parasite on the seedlings can be as the leaves, stalks. The spider mite and its larvae feed on plant sap, settle on the lower part, away from the sun's rays. In the process of vital activity, weaving a thin web that entangles leaves, stalks, and with a late infection of a culture - fruits.
- the presence of small translucent ticks;
- cobweb on leaves, stalks;
- white dots on leaves;
- twisting, falling off, dying off of the leaves;
- slow growth of seedlings;
- lack of colors.
A photo of a spider mite on a seedling is presented below.The pest infects massively greenhouse plants, open-field crops.
Folk remedies
Treat pepper from aphids and mites, as well as seedlings of tomatoes, eggplant, melons, cucumbers, watermelon, you can folk remedies. The main advantage of the method is safety, ease of use, availability. Preparations prepared at home, do not affect the growing season of the plant, save from spider mites, larvae.
The disadvantage is low efficiency in case of mass infection, the frequency of procedures is every 3-5 days, until the plant becomes stronger. Fighting folk remedies allowed in the greenhouse, on the open field.
How to deal with spider mite on seedlings:
- Soap solution. Apply natural laundry soap. Rub on a coarse grater, pour warm water. Stir until dissolved, add cold water. Spray the plant, paying particular attention to the bottom of the leaf. Use a garden spray bottle or a bottle with a spray. The soap creates a protective film on the leaves; when a pest hits the body, it sticks the legs together, making movement difficult. Repeat the procedure every 3 days with signs of infection, once a week for prevention.
- Alcohol, vodka.Methods of dealing with spider mites on seedlings suggest using a drink with a high alcohol content or the medical alcohol itself. The tool burns chitinous cover, frightens off with a pungent smell. Pour into a bottle with a spray, process leaves, stems. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.
- Cola, Pepsi. Modern folk method of combating parasites on seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplants, and other early cultures. Suitable for small beds, because it is expensive for large gardens. Leave the bottle open to eliminate bubbles, or pour into the basin to speed up the process. Sprayed seedlings, especially the leaves on the reverse side. One of the most effective remedies for spider mites. Kills parasites at a time. Repeat for prophylaxis 1 time in 7 days while there is a threat of infection.
- Spice. Mix in equal proportions red, black pepper, cinnamon, mustard, add garlic tincture. Pour the tool into the spray, process the seedlings. The procedure must be repeated every 3 days. Tincture of garlic is prepared very quickly. Pour chopped vegetable cold water, insist day.
To get rid of spider mites or to prevent infection, you need to regularly spray the seedlings with water. The pest does not tolerate moisture. Regularly loosen the soil, because the eggs are in the ground, eliminate weeds.
Last year, a spider mite on pepper started. Seedlings ceased to grow, all the leaves were shrouded in cobwebs. In the grocery store bought a bottle of cola. Sprayed carefully plant. The next day, not a single new web was found, from that moment on, the peppers began to grow fully. The same tool is great for aphids. If you are puzzled over how to get rid of spider mites on seedlings of peppers or other early cultures, buy a soda drink. It helps very quickly.
Marina, Moscow
Chemistry against pests
Professional control measures include the use of insecticides, acaricides, preparations of contact-intestinal action. The products are highly effective, they kill spider mites in a few hours, they prevent re-infection for another 30 days.
To use insecticides at the beginning of the growing season - at the seedling stage, is allowed without special restrictions.In the future, you should not apply the method during the flowering period of crops, 20 days before harvest. During work, be sure to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves.
Among the disadvantages is high toxicity in the first days after treatment. The poison destroys not only the spider mite, other pests, but also beneficial insects. It is somewhat more humane to use poison in a closed greenhouse.
Chemicals destroy the larvae of different ages, adults, but do not act on the eggs that are in the soil. To destroy the larvae immediately after birth, it is recommended to spray the ground on the garden bed. In this case, the properties are saved for about 60 days.
Effective drugs
Each instrument is accompanied by instructions, according to which it is necessary to prepare a solution of the desired concentration. Proceed to the procedure should be immediately before processing seedlings. The finished product is poured into a spray bottle or a bottle with a spray.
Biologics are included in a separate group of products. They are safe for humans, do not harm the environment.The effect occurs 3-5 days after spraying the seedlings, the properties remain up to 14 days. Process pepper from a tick or tomato, eggplant can be at any stage of the growing season, except for flowering.
- Fitoverm. Insecticoacaricide of biological origin. 200 ml of cool water requires 200 ml of the product. The frequency of processing - 1 time in 5 days. The price of one ampoule is 23 rubles.
- Actellic. Universal insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. Penetrates into the body by contact-intestinal pests. The analog is Kamikaze. To prepare the solution in 1 l of cold water dissolve 2 ml of the drug. Re-processing is carried out if necessary, after 20 days. 100 ml of the drug costs 350 rubles.
- Tick Bite Biological product. Produced in 4 ml ampoules. Used for the treatment of indoor plants, seedlings, any garden, horticultural crops. At 1 liter of water consumed 2 ml of herbal remedies. Re-spray the seedlings after 14 days. Cost - 17 rubles.
After the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap and water. The finished solution can be used for 3 days, then it loses its properties.
I like very much in action Actellic. In the evening I processed, the next morning, no signs of the presence of parasites. Used repeatedly for different cultures. Repeated processing was not necessary.
Irina, St. Petersburg
Kill spider mites on seedlings can cold weather, high humidity. In the greenhouse, the pest feels more comfortable; in the absence of human attention, the whole greenhouse of plants can die. In order to timely respond to the problem, it is necessary to periodically inspect the leaves of plants. It is necessary to get rid of the pest after harvesting by digging the soil in order to prevent contamination of future crops in spring.