How to process a rose from spider mite
- Spider mite on a rose
- Folk ways of dealing with spider mites on a rose
- Biological products to combat spider mites
- Fighting spider mite on a rose
The appearance of pests on flowers is a real disaster that can lead to their death. The spider mite that has settled on the rose causes a gradual withering of the leaves and inflorescences; therefore, when it is detected, it is necessary to take urgent measures to save the plants.Chemical methods and folk remedies will help flower growers to solve this problem.
Description of the parasite and the causes of
Spider mites belong to the class of arthropods and irritate the flowers quite often. They are able to quickly move to neighboring plants, where they arrange new colonies that multiply at high speeds. The difficulty of detecting such microscopic insects is the main reason that the problem becomes noticeable only when the stem, leaves and flowers are strongly affected.
The size of the tick is 0.2-0.5 mm, the body is oval and covered with hairs, colored red or brown (see photo of a spider mite on roses). You can see such a creature only under a microscope. They live everywhere: on the stem, leaves, shoots, inflorescences. The diet of pests consists of vegetable juices, which they suck from all parts of the flower. Females are able to multiply very quickly, laying eggs, from which, in a couple of days, young gluttonous green larvae appear.
At room planting, they can get through the windows or from the soil when buying decorative flowers in the store.
On a note!
On decorative flowers, including and roses, spider mites settle when favorable conditions arise. They prefer dry and warm microclimate, but they cannot stand high humidity. In the absence of frequent watering, with dried soil in the garden or in indoor conditions, the risk of invasion and transition between plants increases dramatically, which can be disastrous for delicate roses.
Signs of defeat
The presence of spider mites on roses becomes noticeable only with active reproduction of parasites and is manifested in external signs:
- leaves at home roses turn yellow and fall, twisting into a straw;
- in case of mass lesions, they become white and completely entangled in cobwebs produced by ticks;
- indoor rose grows poorly and weakens before our eyes due to a violation of the process of photosynthesis, the buds become small;
- on the flower may appear disease (gray rot, etc.), which are carried by ticks.
On a note!
The largest number of parasites focuses on the ends of the leaves and young green shoots. In order to detect ticks in time, these parts on roses must often be inspected, because with a small number of them it will be easier to save the plant.
With severe damage, the probability of death of the flower is almost 100%, especially in the absence of the correct actions of the host to save the plant and control pests.
How to deal with spider mite on roses
Treatment should begin only after it is known that the spider mite is the pest. To do this, you need to inspect the plant for the presence of spots and bright spots on the outside of the leaves. Also, upon careful consideration, you can see small moving dots on the inside, which are ticks.
Methods of combating parasites should be carried out comprehensively, using both traditional methods and chemical preparations.
Folk methods of saving roses
Flower Rescue Tips:
- badly damaged parts should be removed immediately;
- then it is necessary to wash the indoor rose with a soap from a spider mite, which will significantly free it from a large number of parasites;
- then the soil should be poured abundantly with water, and the leaves should be allowed to dry, then proceed to the next stage of salvation.
With a small lesion, folk remedies and recipes will help, which should be processed every 5-7 days:
- prepare a decoction of onion peel or dandelion and carefully spray the rose, the procedure should be repeated several times;
- for processing, it is recommended to apply garlic infusion: 170 g of crushed or ground in a meat grinder mass pour 1 liter of water, stand for 5 days, before spraying the solution is diluted with water;
- curing the rose will also help with the infusion of tobacco, which is prepared from 50 g of dry powder or leaves per 1 liter of water, infuse for 1 day, then strain and dilute by half;
- decoction of chopped potato or tomato tops is made from 400 g of the mass per 1 liter of boiling water, boil well and filter, before spraying dilute half with water.
When carrying out all the procedures at home, it is best to take out the diseased rose to a separate room so that the parasites cannot move to neighboring plants. After treatment and treatment, the pot should be washed and rinsed with boiling water, and the flower should be covered with a paper or polyethylene bag for a while.
Bio and chemical preparations for tick control
With a strong defeat of the flower, it is possible to get rid of the spider mite on a rose only with the help of chemical agents.Acaricidal preparations are used exclusively for treatment, since insecticides do not act on arthropods.
Biological agents from spider mites on roses:
- Phytoverm is a biological product that allows destroying adult ticks and their larvae. To process 1 ampoule per 2 ml it is necessary to dissolve it in 250 ml of water, then spraying the diseased plant and all the flowers that are in the neighborhood. Processing should be repeated every 5-8 days.
- Bicol, Bitobaxibacil, Aktofit - similar biological agents that contain bacteria that are harmless to humans, but dangerous to ticks.
- After 2-3 days, it is recommended to use Epin stimulator to maintain health and accelerate flower growth.
When treating a diseased flower by any means, it is necessary to ensure that the solution must fall on the underside of the leaves and on the ground.
In case of severe lesions, it is better to treat the rose from spider mites with chemical acaricides:
- Antiklesch, Fufanol - have a contact effect on pests, however, have high resistance (addiction), so they can not be used twice.
- Actellic - the most powerful drug that destroys parasites at all stages of development, contains pyrimophos-methyl: its use should take into account the high toxicity, because the treatment should be carried out in fresh air, using protective equipment for the eyes, respiratory system and skin. Use no more than 2 times with an interval of 7-10 days.
- Neoron, Aktellik, Akarin, Apollo, Karate, and others - likewise actively act on the spider mite and help save the rose from its invasion.
The advantage of using chemical agents is their simplicity of use and high efficiency of action, at which practically pests are destroyed at all stages: eggs, larvae and adults. The disadvantages include the high toxicity of such drugs for people and pets.
All chemical and folk remedies are recommended to be used throughout the vegetative season, periodically alternating between them.
The appearance of spider mites on roses is much easier to prevent than to treat the affected flower.
As a preventive measure to counter the occurrence of parasites on roses, the following is recommended:
- Maintain high humidity of the soil and air in the room, for which the flower is sprayed from the spray gun with cold water, making sure that the drops do not hold on the leaves and petals for a long time
- Promptly remove dried buds and green parts.
Proper and regular care of home roses will help protect them from the settlement of spider mites and their further reproduction.
I spend the procedure of washing with the prepared soap solution every week with my homemade roses. This helps avoid spider mites and other small pests. With this care and chemistry is not needed.
Ekaterina, Minsk
I had such a critical situation with a rose in the garden, the spider mites almost ate it, and only chemical means helped save it. Used Actellic and Neoron, alternated every 7-10 days.
Sergey, Voronezh
I practice periodic “bathing” in a soap solution with my homemade roses, when I detect ticks I use biological preparations: Fitoverm, etc., the main thing for them is to provide constant and caring care. Then the flowers will be fresh and healthy.
Anna, Moscow