Tick ​​in the ear of a person: symptoms and treatment

A human tick in humans is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease. It appears after the parasite hits the human body. A tick can get into the ear, nose, head, or any other part of the body.Most often, the moment of the bite goes unnoticed, and treatment begins only after the onset of overt symptoms.

Can a tick get into ear

At the time of the arrival of heat, the number of tick bites increases dramatically, due to the great hunger of the latter. At this time, people should be more attentive to themselves and their loved ones in order to detect the parasite in time.

Most often they like to climb:

  • on the inside of the arm;
  • under the knee;
  • behind the ear;
  • on the head;
  • into the nose.

He will crawl for a long time from place to place, until he finds the most convenient for a bite. It is a poem, he is easily able to climb very high. Often, in search of food, an individual can get into the ear canal. It can crawl infrequently outside the outer ear of a person. For full life support, he necessarily needs oxygen and enough space for growth.

What ticks can settle in a person’s ear

The parasite is a representative of a large group of arthropods; therefore, completely different types can parasitize on human skin. It is on the type of parasite that the effects of the bite depend.

Types of dangerous parasites:

  1. Ixodic.They are arachnids having a sufficiently large size so that they can be examined with the naked eye. They are distinguished by their ability to endure a long hunger strike. The place of their localization is chosen by the human ear. Cause such a dangerous disease as otoacariasis. Most often diagnosed among tourists visiting Thailand, Chile, India.
  2. Argasov. The greatest number of individuals of this species can be found in dark places with a closed space. The probability of a person meeting them is great in attics, basements, sheds with poultry or other livestock. The mites choose a human ear for breeding.
  3. Demodex or subcutaneous. They got their name due to the fact that parasites prefer to settle in the upper layer of human skin. They are quite difficult and long to withdraw. Can be found behind the ears, in the head, hair follicles or in the sebaceous glands of a person. The subcutaneous mite is a microscopic worm-shaped creature. It belongs to conditionally pathogenic organisms and is activated only when favorable conditions are created.This is stress, weakened immunity, inadequate human nutrition.


Regardless of the type, ear mite in humans can provoke the development of a dangerous disease and lead to serious health problems. That is why it is important to notice him at the earliest possible time and get qualified help.

Ticks in a person's ear
Ticks in a person's ear

Symptoms and treatment of ear mites in humans

Any type of tick in the ear to a person is necessarily characterized by discomfort in the affected area. Additional symptoms depend on the type of parasite and may be slightly different. It is on these grounds that it will be easier for a specialist to determine the type of parasite.

Ixodic mites cause inflammation in the ear canal, but the moment of the bite itself goes unnoticed. Parasites bite painlessly, so a person learns about a meeting with parasites only after the development of the characteristic symptoms of a tick in the human ear:

  1. Redness in the affected area.
  2. Edema.
  3. Severe itching, as a result of which a person severely combs the bite site.

Agrass mites, in addition to a bite, can cause a person to become infected with dangerous diseases such as encephalitis, borreliosis, and typhoid.Characteristic features of the tick in the ear:

  1. Red spot in the bite.
  2. Swelling of the skin.

Subcutaneous otic ear mites in humans or demodex also cause redness and severe itching. Signs of a tick in the ear:

  1. The appearance of acne on the face.
  2. There may be pain in the localization of ticks.

For a more accurate determination, additional laboratory tests are prescribed. During otitis, it will be more difficult to diagnose ear parasites, since they cannot exist in an acidic environment.

Comprehensive treatment of ear mites
Comprehensive treatment of ear mites

If the tick has climbed into the ear, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment. It consists in the following:

  1. First you should contact the doctor who will extract the parasite. Pulling ear mite will be a mechanical method.
  2. Abundant washing of the ear canal with saline or hydrogen peroxide. It is very important that this procedure is carried out by professionals. In this way, they most often try to get rid of aggreous and ixodic ear mites.
  3. The use of special agents with anti-parasitic properties.
  4. Removal of inflammation with the help of special preparations.
  5. Taking antihistamines after.They will help reduce the sensitivity of the human body to the products of ticks.

Additionally, the patient is recommended to balance the diet. Refuse fatty, smoked, sweet food and focus on vegetables and fruits.


During the treatment of ear mites it is forbidden to visit the baths and saunas.

For faster results, the patient can be directed to physical procedures. In the fight against ear mite, electrophoresis, laser coagulation or ozone therapy is prescribed.

Below is a video of how to pull the tick out of the ear with tweezers.

Medicines to combat ear mites

The most popular drugs against ear mites for humans are Trihopol and Ornidozol-Vero tablets. They are used in combination with ointments and vitamin complexes.

  • Trichopol. The active ingredient is metronidazole. The drug is a broad-spectrum and fights against various bacteria, viruses, fungi. The cost of packing 20 tablets from 80 rubles. It can be applied even if the tick has got into the ear of a child older than 3 years.
  • Ornidazol. Available on prescription. The average cost is 60 rubles.The drug is active against many viruses, bacteria, and various types of parasites. Allowed to children in accordance with the dosage.

Ointments, creams, gels, emulsions, talkers will help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing of wounds from the ear mite.

Medicines to combat ear mites
Medicines to combat ear mites

High performance is noted in:

  1. Oridermil.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Aversictin ointment.
  4. Zinc ointment.


There is no general algorithm for applying ointments for ear tick, so before using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use and get recommendations from a specialist.

As an antihistamine, it is recommended to use any familiar remedy:

  • Suprastin.
  • Fenistil.
  • Zyrtec
  • Zodak
  • Cytirizine.
  • Loratodin.

Take in accordance with the instructions for use, depending on the age of the patient.


The ear tick became my personal tragedy. For a long time did not even know about its existence. Periodically itching in my ear, there was a feeling that someone was crawling. But she couldn’t even imagine that the parasite could crawl so high. The treatment was entrusted only to a specialist. He prescribed a whole range of drugs.From the parasite pills Trihopol, and another laser said to take a multivitamin complex. It was possible to get rid of the disease only after 3 weeks.

Marina, Omsk


I did not even know that the parasite can even fall into the ear. Found during the rest in the country, almost immediately after the bite. Itching very much in this place. The treatment was prescribed by a doctor in the emergency room. The usual Vishnevsky ointment helped. She perfectly pulled all the muck after the bite. And the doctor took out the ear mite with some small vacuum type vacuum. Quickly and without pain.

Marianna, Eagle

Folk remedies for the treatment

Folk remedies for getting rid of the tick
Folk remedies for getting rid of the tick

It is impossible to apply independently even the means checked by someone. To deal with ear mites is allowed only after receiving expert advice. Otherwise, there may be dangerous complications and a direct threat to human health and life.

Effective ways to deal with ear mites:

  1. Salt with lemon. Mix 1 tsp each component and apply on the affected areas 2 times a day. To sustain the received gruel for 10 minutes and to wipe with a wadded disk.
  2. Tincture of calendula. It is necessary to drip 1 drop in each ear.
  3. Garlic lotions.Skip garlic through a press and apply on the skin, soak for 10 minutes, rinse and wipe with a dry cloth.
  4. Tar soap. Leaves no chance of parasites. Grind soap, dissolve in a small amount of water to make a concentrated solution. Moisten a cotton swab and soak in the ear for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Alcohol-containing solutions. They are a method of emergency response. If the tick is caught in the skin, it will help flush the alcohol solution. Often used as a first aid.


Last summer, a tick got in the ear. They were very scared, but it was not possible to go to the city to the hospital. We decided to test the old old-fashioned method and drop a few drops of camphor oil, since nothing else was at hand. If by the morning it would not have helped, they would definitely go to the specialists. But in the morning the parasite was not found. The method works.

Angelina, Novomoskovsk

Ticks are often brought from fishing. It has long ceased to go to the hospital. I myself prepare a mixture of garlic. Helps in minutes.

Andrey, Mytishchi

Once while relaxing in the country, the tick climbed into the ear of a child. We were very scared and immediately went to the hospital.There, we were carefully and painlessly removed the parasite and prescribed sulfur ointment. I do not advise anyone to independently extract the blood suckers, especially children.

Marina Ivanova, Moscow

Do not forget about the possible prevention. To prevent parasites from activating their livelihoods on a person, they should watch their diet, observe personal hygiene and pay sufficient attention to the use of protective equipment during outdoor recreation or trips to hot countries.

Thus, infection with parasites requires maximum attention and prompt decision making. In view of the frequent complications it is not recommended to solve the problem on your own, it is better to contact the specialists.

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