Symptoms and treatment of demodicosis in cats
- Demodecosis in cats
- Demodecosis in cats
- Treatment of demodicosis in cats
- Folk recipes for demodicosis in cats
Demodecosis in cats is a dangerous disease that, when detected, requires immediate treatment. The causative agent is Demodex mite. This is a microscopic parasite that can even be found on the body of a healthy individual.Its activity increases only when immunity is weakened; therefore, whitening is most often diagnosed in young kittens or elderly cats and cats.
Symptoms of demodicosis in cats
The disease provokes active reproduction of the worm-like mite. It belongs to the group of endoparasites and prefers to choose the hair follicles or sebaceous glands as the place of its dislocation. Feline demodicosis can be detected independently, but it is better to entrust the diagnosis to the professionals.
Pet infection occurs during a tick bite. The parasite penetrates the epithelium and feeds on its cells. As a result, the tick multiplies rapidly and actively secretes products of its vital activity. They are able to weaken the protective properties of the feline body.
Cat demodecosis can not go to the man. People can also suffer from this disease, but the causative agent will be another type of tick. Canine demodicosis is transmitted to humans, as it has the same type of pathogen.
In the photo of demodicosis in cats you can see red spots on the body and the absence of hair in the infected areas. In the area of the bite, there is redness of the skin.
The main symptoms of the disease in cats will be the following signs:
- Pet lethargy.
- Weakness.
- Apathy.
- Itching, the cat will itch often and hard.
- The appearance of small pustules, combing which will lead to open, bleeding wounds.
- Bald spots
- Swollen lymph nodes.
It is necessary to ask for the help to experts, only having noticed that the cat began to be scratched. Already at this stage it is also possible to detect enlarged lymph nodes. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner the disease will be defeated.
Varieties of the disease
To make sure the diagnosis is correct, the veterinarian will take a scraping from the cat. Scalpel in several places, he will collect pieces of skin. As a result, if the diagnosis is confirmed, and the cat will be infected, the study will show a number of parasites.
Demodecosis of animals can occur in varying degrees of severity. To suspect a problem, it is enough to focus on general signs, and only a doctor can provide more accurate information.
Symptoms also depend on the specific type of demodicosis. There are 3 of them:
- Localized. This is the softest stage.At this stage, note the redness of the skin of the cat, peeling on the affected areas. Additionally, pustules appear, as the skin loses some of its healing properties. The number of affected areas is small and after 1-2 months, demodicosis passes on its own and does not require treatment.
- Generalized. This is a more severe form of the disease. During its course, extensive lesions are observed. Localization of the tick itch, cause discomfort to the cat. Also this type is characterized by bleeding wounds, pustules, desquamation. First, demodicosis appears on the head and neck, then goes to the limbs and back. Lesions tend to merge together and form one big wound.
- Juvenile. The most dangerous and unpredictable type. Appears in cats with hereditary susceptibility to the disease. It is difficult to treat, proceeds with complications, almost completely destroys the protective system of the body.
Also demodicosis can be:
- Primary. When the disease manifests itself after the first contact with the parasite.
- Secondary. In this case, the disease occurs as a result after suffering a cutaneousdiseases and reduced immunity.
To establish the exact diagnosis is possible only after obtaining the result of the scraping. Demodecosis has similar symptoms with skin fungus, eczema, pyoderma, ringworm and streptococcosis.
Feline demodicosis is a consequence of reduced immunity. But other factors can also trigger the disease:
- genetic predisposition;
- helminth infection;
- low quality food;
- lack of vitamins B, A and E;
- content in inappropriate conditions.
The cat tick is on the body of each animal and belongs to conditionally pathogenic parasites. And only the creation of favorable conditions will provoke their growth.
Effective treatment and drugs
It will take a long time for the cat to treat deodecosis. On average, recovery takes from 1.5 to 3 months. Launched cases will have to be treated for about six months.
The treatment of the mild form of demodicosis in cats is the use of chlorhexidine-containing shampoos. They gently cleanse the skin and remove crusts. After bathing use disposable towels.
Infectious demodicosis is treated with the following medications:
- Tsiteal. The solution has antiseptic properties. It is used to treat wounds on the skin of a cat.
- Lawyer. Drops of antiparasitic action. They kill the parasites on the body and do not allow to join a secondary infection.
- Perol. Treatment solution for the skin of the animal. The treatment is carried out according to the testimony of a specialist.
- Sulfuric ointment. Kills germs, disinfects, dries and accelerates healing.
- Mycodemicide Chlorophos based solution. Suitable for treating wounds and speeding up healing.
Also, the affected areas can be treated with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
In the most severe cases and with the accession of a secondary infection, doctors prescribe a Decutmax or Ivomek subcutaneous injection. Immunol, Gavamit, Maxidin will help strengthen the protective forces. To speed up the recovery of wool, appoint Tsipam, Amit, Ectodes.
Before treatment, it is necessary to sanitize cat accessories.
Treatment of folk remedies
Do not focus only on homemade methods. They are recommended only to strengthen the basic therapy and only after the permission of a specialist.
Home treatment:
- Skin treatment with chamomile extract. To cook it. you must pour 1 tbsp. l of dry flowers plants 100 ml of boiling water. Insist 2-2.5 hours. Wipe the affected skin every other day.
- Bathing with tar soap. Use no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
- Kerosene. Suitable for the treatment of bald skin. One-time processing is performed.
It is impossible to completely cure a cat from demodicosis. Even after recovery, the animal remains the carrier of the pathogen and with a decrease in immunity, the parasite is activated again.
Prevention of demodicosis in cats
Given that demodicosis can develop in a cat at any time, it is necessary to follow simple rules of prevention. To prevent a disease, you must:
- Balance nutrition. In cat food should be enough vitamins, minerals and fats.
- Monitor the cleanliness of the pet's habitat. Promptly change the contents of the tray, wash the dishes.
- Perform periodic deworming.
- 1 time in 6 months to carry out additional fortification.
On a note!
The best option would be the introduction of Immunoparasitan vaccine 1 every 3-4 months.It will provide protection against ectoparasites, which are carriers of demodicosis.
Thus, any cat can get demodecosis. Given the danger of the disease, it should be treated at the first sign. Self-diagnose the disease and choose a medicine is better not to try, so as not to lose time. Only qualified specialists are involved in the treatment.