How to remove a tick from a dog at home

With the onset of warm days for dogs, puppies comes a dangerous time - they are attacked by many blood-sucking insects. The tick is one of the most dangerous parasites because it spreads fatal diseases - Borreliosis, piroplasmosis.How to pull out a tick from a dog, there are several ways. Use improvised tools that are always available in the household.

Parasite detection

The pest lives in high grass, on trees, in bushes. He feels the victim from a distance of 10 m. Once on the body of an animal, for a while it simply creeps in the fur, looks around. After 3 hours, the head is inserted under the skin, sticking the proboscis. In this state, the pest can be several days.

You can detect the parasite immediately after returning from a walk, if you carefully examine the dog's fur, comb it with a comb. This procedure is recommended daily. If the pest sits down to suck, its round body sticks out from under the skin. When stroking a dog, it is well felt through the fur.


If you find a dangerous parasite on the body of a dog, do not hurry to try to get rid of it. The pest will not go anywhere, will remain hanging around in the same place. To remove a tick from a dog, you will need to arm yourself with a special tool, to conduct preparatory procedures.

How to remove a tick from a dog

Correctly remove the pest in several ways.

Elementary tools:

  • thin but strong thread;
  • tweezers;
  • needle;
  • alcohol;
  • vegetable oil;
  • petrol;
  • Zelenka;
  • iodine.

On a note!

For those who have had to deal with a parasite many times, it is quite simple to get a tick. It is necessary to pick up the nails, as close as possible to the base, sharply pull. However, this procedure is not recommended for beginners, since there is a high probability that the head will remain under the skin. A pest can dig deep into the skin.

Removing the tick from the dog
Removing the tick from the dog

Skin treatment

Removing a tick from a dog begins with humane actions. Treat the skin around the oily substance or alcohol. Sunflower, olive oil, gasoline, kerosene, machine oil, grease, medical alcohol, vodka are used. Everything turned out to be near or at hand. When using combustible mixtures, you need to take their minimum amount so as not to burn the epidermis, to protect from allergies.

Substances overlap the oxygen pest, forcing him to get out. It is uncomfortable for the parasite to stay in the same place as the sharp smell of the substances used.

On a note!

Ticks can be removed in this way in 20-30 minutes.It is necessary to monitor the process constantly in order to have time to remove the pest from the wool.

The main tool - tweezers

If the previous method to remove the tick did not work, proceed to the following steps. Pretreatment of the skin causes the pest to move closer to the surface of the skin. Removing the tick will be much easier. The main tool is tweezers.

Gently pressed at the base of the head, begin to make a circular motion, as if twisting the body of the pest. In which direction to turn the tick, there is no general opinion. Most insist that you need to rotate counterclockwise. Others say that you can manually remove circular movements in any direction, but you can not alternate. If you started to turn to the right, you should not start to rotate to the left.


Tweezers should not press the body too hard. If chitinous cover is damaged, blood will appear, which may fall into the open wound. This is a dangerous disease infection. If the tick is carefully unscrewed, infection can be avoided.

Thread application

Pulling the tick from the dog at home can be with the help of the thread.In this way, small parasites are removed or if they do not have time to get under the skin. Thread make a loop, throw on the sucked tick at the base. Swing from side to side, then sharply pulled out.

Removing the tick from the dog
Removing the tick from the dog

If a large tick has stuck, there are no tweezers at hand, you can also use a thread. Throw a loop, begin to gently unscrew. Enough 2-5 scrolls to remove the parasite from the body of the animal.


You can pull out a tick with a syringe very quickly. You should first prepare the "tool".

  1. The radius of the syringe should be as close as possible to the size of the body of the parasite. Cut off the tip where the needle should be inserted. This is done with a sharp knife so that the syringe fits snugly against the skin.
  2. The edges are treated with vegetable oil or cream. This will provide better sealing.
  3. Place the syringe, covering the serenely eating parasite. After a few seconds, pull the piston up.

After this procedure, the pest will begin to get out.

On a note!

The method of twisting get the parasite from the ear of the dog, neck, torso. After the procedure, treat the wound with alcohol, brilliant green or iodine.If it’s scary to do it yourself, you need to take your pet to the vet. Leaving under the skin is dangerous for the health of the dog. Removing the dead parasite is much easier, because it does not resist, but to wait until it dies is unwise.

What to do if the head of the tick remains in the body of the dog

It is not always possible to carry out the procedure according to all the rules, the parasite's head may remain under the skin. The pest after insertion of the proboscis expands its forceps in such a way that they prevent the reverse movement. With a sudden movement, the head just comes off the body.

Leave part of the foreign body under the dog's skin is impossible. Since the wound will begin to inflame, it will fester, which will cause severe discomfort and pain to the animal. Pull the head of the tick can be similar to how it is done with a splinter. Sanitize wound with any agent containing alcohol. Pre-process the needle. Carefully remove the rest.

What to do with the tick after removal from the dog

Tick ​​analysis for analysis
Tick ​​analysis for analysis

To make sure that the dog is not threatened with a dangerous disease, it is recommended to put the pest in a can, send it to the laboratory.If a virus is found in the body, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

On a note!

In the absence of a dangerous disease, the wound will heal without consequences within 5 -7 days. Removing the tick intact and intact reduces the chances of infection, but does not completely exclude.

If outbreaks of dangerous diseases carried by ticks are not recorded in a particular area, there is no danger. With the correct removal of the parasite, the wound heals well even without special treatment. Another question is what to do after a tick is pulled out from a dog.

Do not push, because the blood may be a virus. It is impossible to throw it out on the street, because he will find another victim for himself, it may even be a person. Experts recommend to burn.


If you do not remove the tick from the dog, there are several options for the development of the situation:

  • After a while, he will come out, leave the victim.
  • Or the inflammation, reddening, a swelling, an itch will begin. The dog will begin to scratch the skin, comb the wounds. A secondary infection will join in, which is dangerous in the development of pustules, ulcers.
  • If you do not rid the dog of ticks, it will independently try to do it, clutching his teeth.In this case, the head may remain under the skin or a deadly disease virus will enter the bloodstream.

If the parasite is safely removed, the wound heals in rather quickly, without causing complications. Immediately after the extraction procedure, the wound must be disinfected. Use any product containing alcohol, Zelenka, iodine.

In a situation if an allergic reaction appears after a tick bite, use antihistamines for oral administration, anti-allergic ointments. Prescribe treatment must specialist. The locations of veterinary clinics in Moscow can be seen on the map via the Internet.

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