Symptoms and treatment of ear mites in cats

Cats ear tick is a disease that many fluffy creatures have encountered. The cause of the disease of a pet is a tiny arthropod.The exhaustion of the blood, as well as its waste products, are the cause of the inflammation of the auricle and the excessive production of sulfur. As a result, the cat is experiencing severe discomfort and discomfort. Therefore, every careful owner of a four-friend should know how to treat an ear tick from his pet.

What does the parasite look like

Ear tick or otodecosis is a fairly common disease that affects not only stray animals, but also pets. It is caused by Otodectes cynotis - a small light yellow creature whose length does not exceed 0.6 mm. A nondescript carrier of infection has relatively long legs and an oval-shaped body (a photo of an ear tick in cats is presented below).

On a note!

The parasite that lives in the upper layers of the auditory canal not only uses skin cells, but also lymph, intercellular fluid and blood, which causes a lot of suffering to the cat. The development cycle of the bloodsucker is about 3 weeks. Outside the body of an animal, an arthropod can live no more than two months. In the absence of food sources (victims) the pest dies.

How an animal can become infected with ear mites

Infection of a pet can occur not only during contact with a sick relative, the parasite is able to penetrate the apartment and attack the animal in various ways:

  • the use of common items for the care of animals (comb, towel, dishes);
  • the owner of fluffy can also become an ear mite carrier, bringing the pest to the house on clothes or shoes;
  • a rug near the door, which is rarely subjected to washing and disinfecting solutions, can also be a haven for bloodsuckers;
  • ticks can even be fleas and flies.

On a note!

Most often there is an ear mite in a kitten or in a weakened animal. Much less often the parasite attacks adult cats and cats.

Ear Tick in Cats
Ear Tick in Cats

Symptoms of the disease

The following signs indicate that the cat has ticks in the ears:

  • The inner surface of the ear is covered with black, gritty patina.
  • Permanent combing the ears. Moreover, the animal can do this not only with its paw, but also by climbing on hard surfaces. Because of the unbearable itching, the cat becomes nervous and aggressive. In place of scratching wounds appear, which subsequently become inflamed and fester.
  • Shaking your head also indicates cat infection with an ear mite.In this way, the animal seeks to get rid of the source of the itch.
  • The animal may increase the temperature, as indicated by the sluggish state of the pet.
  • The presence of an unpleasant smell, tangible even at a distance.

If you do not provide timely assistance to your pet, the disease will progress. In the advanced stage of the disease, the pet's ears are filled with a large amount of sulfur, blood clots and feces of parasites. A cork is formed in the ear canal, which will cause hearing loss. In addition, the cat begins to twist the neck, turning his head to the side and dropping it with a sore ear down.


The tick affects the external auditory canal, eardrum and inner surface of the auricle, penetrating into the inner ear. The result is infection of the lining of the brain, which can lead to the death of a pet.

Otodectes in cats: treatment

Make sure that there was an ear mite in a cat or cat, it is not difficult. Cotton buds and dark tissue will help to detect the pest, against which it will be easier to see the parasites. You can verify the presence of a tick in two ways:

  • Having captured the ear discharge with a cotton swab, you should shake it over the decomposed matter, trying to shake off the pest. On the dark fabric it will be clearly visible.
  • Consider the parasite and in bright light, using a magnifying glass. It is better to do it again on the background of dark fabric. You will not have to doubt if you can notice a stir in the sulfur-purulent mass.

To cure the ear mite, it is better to contact the veterinary clinic, where an experienced specialist will determine the type of pest and prescribe a suitable treatment option. After that, to carry out treatment at home will have to independently.

The main thing is to be patient, as the therapy for getting rid of parasites requires a lot of time and effort. However, the result is not long in coming, it is only important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The first stage is the removal of secretions and waste products of parasites that have accumulated in the ear canal. To do this, you must carefully clean the ears of the cat with hydrogen peroxide or lotion.
  2. The next step is the treatment of the inner surface of the ear with a medicine prescribed by a doctor (ointment, drops or spray), which will promote the healing of wounds.
  3. To relieve itching, you can give your pet an antihistamine drug, and in order for the cat (cat) not to comb the affected area, use a special collar.
  4. After that, the cat's body is treated with acaricidal compounds that can not only get rid of pests, but also prevent the attack of new parasites.
  5. If the house contains several pets, healthy should be isolated from the patient.
  6. Do not violate the regimen of medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
  7. It is also necessary to treat the apartment from the ear mite, which will help limit the spread of pests.
Otodecosis treatment
Otodecosis treatment

How to clean the ears of a cat

To bring ticks, you must be able to properly clean the ears of a cat.

  1. For this procedure, use a cotton pad, which is impregnated with lotion.
  2. Then they gently spend on the visible surface of the auditory canal.
  3. Next, the ear is clamped and massaged for a few seconds.
  4. After that, you need to clean the surface of the sink with a clean cotton pad.

Such manipulations are carried out several times until the inner surface is completely cleared of sulfur emissions and waste products of pests.Then you can begin to apply drugs.

On a note!

To prevent the development of the disease, experts recommend cleaning both ears, regardless of which of them is infected with a tick.


Home treatment for ear mites in cats involves the use of drops, sprays and ointments.


Drops are one of the most common ways of removing ticks. They can also treat and otitis in a cat, caused by a tick.

Drops are both highly specialized type (Oridermil), and broad-spectrum (Oricin).

  • Tresaderm drops are destructive for eggs and adult parasites, thanks to their antibiotic. No less effective drops of Otopheronol and Tsipam.
  • The effectiveness of a particular composition depends on the degree of infection of the cat with an ear mite. With a small spread of insects, it is enough to use drops of insignificant concentration such as Bars or Amit.
  • Well relieve itching and inflammation of amitrazine drops. Such properties of drugs are usually not very expensive and are in great demand.
  • For the treatment of kittens, Frontline or Vedinon Plus drops are usually used.

On a note!

Due to their popularity, drops from the ear mite have a lot of counterfeit. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of fraud, you should purchase the tool in specialized stores.

Drops for cats with otodektoze
Drops for cats with otodektoze

When using such compounds it is important not to exceed the dosage specified in the instructions. In addition, it is not necessary to use one drop all the time, it can cause irritation and severe allergies in the pet.


It is also possible to treat a cat's ear mite with ointments or gels. Their benefits include a long prolonged effect. The disadvantage of such funds is the complexity of applying creamy compositions.

One of the best-selling drugs is Aversectin ointment. Its basis is prednisone, due to which the drug has an acaricidal effect. The ointment is applied to the swab and treated with their ears twice a day. Vedinol Plus, Amidel-Gel or Oridermil cream has similar properties.


An ear tick in a cat or cat is also treated with the help of spraying agents that are applied to the inner surface of the animal's ear. You should first clean the ear from the discharge and waste products of the pest.

On a note!

When spraying the composition, it is important not to allow it to fall outside of the treated surface, since the insecticide that has settled on the body can be muffled afterwards by the animal. Therefore, it is better to use a cervical collar during spraying of the composition, which is removed from the cat after the product is completely dry.

The most popular sprays include: Ivermek and Akaromectin.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment otodektoz
Traditional methods of treatment otodektoz

A more gentle way to treat a cat is to use traditional folk remedies. They can be used both independently and in combination with medicinal ointment, drops or spray.

  • Effective from ticks celandine, but rather its juice. For its preparation, use the stems and leaves of the plant, which are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is squeezed and used for instillation into the ears (2 drops, 2 times a day).
  • Garlic. The vegetable known to its antiseptic properties is also used to remove ticks. Raw materials are crushed and poured almond, olive or sunflower oil. After the day, the mixture is filtered and instilled into both ears, 2 drops once a day.
  • Green tea has no less effective anti-inflammatory properties. Strong brewing from it bury the ears of an infected animal at least 3 times a day.
  • Iodine-glycerin infusion. To treat the cat's ears, you can use a solution prepared from iodine and glycerin, taken in a ratio of 1: 4. The treatment composition is carried out 1 time per day.

On a note!

It is not necessary to replace the use of pharmacy tools folk with a high degree of infestation of the cat ear mite.

Ear mite prevention

Preventive measures are to limit the contact of a pet with stray animals, street clothes and shoes of the owner, a rug at the front door. A careful examination of the cat after the walk will also help prevent the spread of pests.

There will be no problems if the owner knows the symptoms and treatment of the ear mite in cats. Only timely and high-quality therapy will help restore the health of your pet.

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