Ear Tick in Dogs

In a situation where a calm and obedient pet begins to behave strangely, refusing to eat, shaking his head and trying to scratch his ears with his paws or about objects in the house, many dog ​​owners have come across.Sometimes the reason for such a behavior is perceived by the owner only when a dog develops bloody wounds from constant scratching. These symptoms are evidence of otodektoz - a disease called the ear tick in dogs.

About the parasite

Otodectesis in dogs causes an ear mite - a member of the arachnid class of arthropods, breeding in a warm, moist environment. It is for this reason that the pest lives in the ear canal of dogs, using in the food pieces of the epidermis, ear wax and even the blood of an animal.

The oval-shaped parasite has a light beige color, resembling a crab. The length of its body is about 0.5 mm.

On a note!

Eating lymph, he gnaws many passages on the inside of the ear. In them, the female ear mite lays eggs, from which after 18-25 days adult individuals appear.

In the absence of favorable conditions, the parasite retains its viability for 22 days. In the environment at a temperature of 3-7 degrees and high humidity lives up to 25 days. Low temperatures are detrimental to a small creature: at temperatures below -3 degrees, the pest dies within 5 days (the parasite looks like it can be seen in the picture below).

Symptoms of otodecosis

The parasite that settled on the body of a dog very soon makes itself felt. You can recognize the ear mite in a dog by the following features:

  • the presence of itching and dark discharge from the auricle, resulting in the formation of thick drying in the folds of the ear peel;
  • odor;
  • skin lesions and hair loss on the back of the ear;
  • enhanced secretion of sulfur masses;
  • pet reflexively bows his head due to damage to the inner ear;
  • refusal to eat

Photos of ear mite in dogs are presented below.


Finding the above signs of an ear mite, it is necessary to start treatment as a matter of urgency, since the consequences of otodectes can be quite dangerous. The disease in the advanced stage is not only the cause of the destruction of the eardrum and deafness, but also contributes to the development of meningitis, the result of which often becomes fatal.

Ear Tick in Dogs
Ear Tick in Dogs

Causes of infection

Infection with otodectesis occurs in various ways:

  • In contact with a sick animal. Moreover, the distributors of the ear mite are not only dogs, but also cats.
  • A puppy from a bitch can also become infected with a parasite, before being viscous, which has not been prevented or treated for ear mites.
  • When using infected items intended for grooming dogs.
  • The host can also become a carrier of the parasite, bringing it on his clothes to the house.

How to determine that a tick has settled in the dog's ear

The correct way to determine the ear mite in a dog is to examine the aisles. It is enough to clean the ear canal with a cotton swab by applying the contents to a cloth or sheet of paper. Doubts in infection will not occur when detecting small gray moving points or dark inclusions, which are products of parasites. However, it is not always possible to examine what an ear mite looks like in dogs using a magnifying glass, so only a veterinarian can make a precise diagnosis by examining the ear discharge under a microscope.


Do not self-medicate. It is preferable to consult a specialist, as otodectes can not only lead to hearing loss, but also cause a pet to be fatal.

How and what to treat ear mite in dogs

After confirmation of the analysis, treatment of the ear mite in dogs at home is prescribed. For this purpose, special drops and ointments are usually used.

The first stage of treatment is cleansing the ears of purulent secretions, dried crusts and arthropods. The success of the whole process depends on the quality of these actions. It is better to use a cotton swab, the soft part of which is saturated with hydrogen peroxide. After abundantly moistening the tick-infected area, it is necessary to wait for the dirt and crusts to soak. Only after that they should be carefully removed. Otherwise, the dog will experience pain and an itchy sensation, as a result of which it will not allow a similar procedure to be carried out next time.


You need to treat both ears of the dog, even if the symptoms of the disease are present only in one auricle. And use for this you need a separate cotton swab.

Otodecosis treatment
Otodecosis treatment

After cleaning the ears, medicinal products prescribed by a veterinarian are used. It is impossible to reduce the duration of their use even if there is a noticeable reduction in the manifestations of otodecosis. After all, the medicine should destroy not only adults, but also parasites in the egg stage. Moreover, in order to avoid recurrence, not only the ear zone, but also other affected skin areas of the dog are subject to treatment.A pet infected with parasites is isolated from other animals until it is completely cured.

On a note!

It is not necessary to remove the ear mite on its own, in view of the fact that the parasite is sufficiently small and cannot be extracted mechanically. It is enough for the dog to start using the drugs prescribed by a specialist and the pest will leave its victim.

One time

To clean the ears, veterinarians recommend using Ottodin lotion, which has proven to be a preventive and hygienic product.

  1. Into the aperture injected 2-3 drops, distributing the composition of the ear with light massaging movements.
  2. After a few minutes, the remnants of the lotion, mixed with the auricle, are removed with a cotton swab, disc, or swab.
  3. After 20 minutes at the end of the cleansing procedure using a drug.


Drugs intended to combat ear mites come in different forms: in the form of drops, ointments, gels and aerosol means. They are used in accordance with the instructions or recommendations veterinarian.

Amit Forte

Acaricidal agent for dogs and cats of a broad spectrum.It is a colorless or yellowish liquid, which is available in vials or dropper pipettes.

The basis of the drug is fipronil - a toxic component that is active against both adult parasites and their larvae. When applied, the ingredient accumulates in the sebaceous glands of the animal, as well as in the hair follicles and epidermis, affecting ticks for a long time. Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect provides Dimedrol, the development of full-fledged nymphs and pupae prevents diflubenzuron.

Amit applied to the affected pre-cleaned zone at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of the pet. The composition is distributed in an even layer, taking into account the capture of healthy skin (up to 1 cm). Treatment is done from 2 to 5 times with a break of 5-7 days.


The use of the drug is not recommended for puppies and kittens up to 2 months old, for lactating and pregnant females, as well as for animals that are weak or sick with infectious diseases.

The cost of Amit Forte dropper bottle (20 ml) is about 250 rubles.


Ear drops with otodecosis
Ear drops with otodecosis

Drops for dogs from ear mites for external use on the basis of amitraz, levomycetin and chloramphenicol.The combined drug has a detrimental effect on various types of ticks, including representatives of Otodectes cynotis. Available in the form of a homogeneous oily liquid, yellow-brown hue.

To remove the ear mite, from 3 to 5 drops are dripped into each ear of the dog, spreading the oily composition in massaging movements. The duration of treatment is 2-3 procedures with an interval of 3-5 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated until the complete clinical cure of the pet, which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies.

Taking the drug is contraindicated in females during the period of feeding and pregnancy, pets under the age of one month, as well as weak animals. A bottle of Dekt (10 ml) costs about 130 rubles.


Dekta - a unique tool. Drops were prescribed to my dog ​​by a veterinarian when I diagnosed an ear tick. Conducted 2 procedures, and all symptoms of infection disappeared. I advise. Relatively inexpensive and very effective.

Natalia, Tula


Drops for the treatment of ear mites in dogs. They have acaricidal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.The active ingredient is diazinon.
The composition is applied 3-5 drops in each ear opening. Processing is carried out twice with a five-day interval. If necessary, repeat the treatment.


The drug is contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum, as well as animals that are hypersensitive to the component funds.

There are ear drops Leopard (20 ml) within 130 rubles.


Drops Bars more than once rescued my pet: and otitis media they were treated, and they got rid of ear mites. Very effective remedy. Recommend.

Polina, Krasnoyarsk


Remedy for ear mite in dogs in the form of a spray. The composition, the active ingredient of which is ivermectin, blocks the passage of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis, and subsequently the death of parasites. It is enough to spray the inner surface of the auricle twice with an interval of 8-10 days.

Despite the fact that the composition has a low concentration of toxicity, it is not recommended to use animals that are weakened, exhausted and sick with infectious diseases. The price of a 25 ml bottle is about 135 rubles.


Ear drops with otodecosis
Ear drops with otodecosis

Cure for ear mites in dogs, presented in the form of injection solution. Anti-parasitic drug based on ivermectin has a wide spectrum of action and is intended for the treatment of carnivorous animals. It is also used in the treatment of ear mites in dogs.

The injection solution is injected subcutaneously in the region of the forearm or in the back of the shoulder joint at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The drug is contraindicated in a weak and emaciated animals that are under two months of age to puppies.


In view of the increased breed sensitivity to avermectin compounds, the following types of caution should be exercised when using injection solution: collie, bobtail, sheltie, boxer.

The cost of a bottle Otodektin (5 ml) in the range of 60-80 rubles.


My dog ​​had to run into an ear mite last summer too. There were only two injections of Otodectin, and there were no parasites. Quickly, effectively, and most importantly, the dog did not cause any “side effects” to the medicine. Recommend.

Roman, Arkhangelsk


Having found a tick in a dog’s ear, Oridermil can also be used - an ointment that has an antimicrobial, anti-parasitic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent.
The active components in it are: Permitrin, Nystatin, Lidocaine, Neomycin Sulfate, Triamcinolone acetonide.

If the disease is accompanied by a fungal or bacterial infection, the composition is applied once a day for a week, if necessary, repeat the treatment after 7 days. At the initial stage of the disease, the drug is used twice with an interval of 5-7 days, if necessary, repeat the treatment after 1-2 weeks.

Contraindications are a violation of the eardrum, the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the period of pregnancy and lactation, and weight less than 1.5 kg.


When using the ointment can not drink, eat and smoke. It is necessary to limit the contact of the treated pet with small children and other animals.

It is worth Oridermil ointment in a tube (10 g) in the region of 520-550 rubles.

Recipes from the people

In the early stages of the disease, when dense crusts have not yet appeared in the dog’s ears, and there is only slight pollution, it is possible to use folk remedies.

Folk recipes for otodecosis treatment
Folk recipes for otodecosis treatment

Green tea

It’s not always possible to get into the ear of a dog that is infected with an ear mite,as the pet is experiencing great discomfort. Remove the itching and inflammation will help the infusion of green tea, which is prepared at the rate of 2 tsp. a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to wash the ears of the pet daily for a month and do not have to resort to drug therapy.

Almond oil

Otodektoz can also be cured with almond oil. It contributes not only to the healing of inflamed wounds, but also effectively prevents the further spread of pests. It is necessary daily to drip in the dog's ears 1-2 drops, until all symptoms of the disease disappear.


Despite the development of medicine, or rather the variety of medicines that veterinary medicine offers today, I try to do without chemistry. I use black tea, whose infusion I regularly clean my dog's ears, as a result of which we have no problems, such as an ear mite.

Veronica, Melitopol

Iodine-oil solution

It is possible to heal from an ear mite with iodine-oil solution, which is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. iodine for 4 tsp. sunflower oil. The resulting mixture is used for daily treatments of dog ears.

On a note!

Do not try to take a cotton swab deep into the ear canal, as this may damage the eardrum.

Useful recommendations

Every owner of a fourfold friend should know the symptoms and treatment of ear mites in dogs. However, we should not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than to fight it afterwards. Just follow the simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to minimize the contact of the pet with street animals.
  2. To conduct a regular inspection of the dog for the presence of parasites, as getting rid of the parasitic fauna at the initial stage of infection will not be a particular problem.
  3. As preventive measures use insecticides (shampoos, tablets, sprays, lotions and collars) that will protect your pet from attacks of pests.

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