Ticks in the Leningrad region in 2018
- Ticks in the Leningrad region
- Tick removal
- Pliers
- Mite treatment
Are there ticks in St. Petersburg
Doctors warn that ticks in St. Petersburg in 2018 began to be active.However, there is no accurate information on which areas are the most dangerous. Traditionally unfavorable sites are the regions located near the deciduous-coniferous forest.
The activity of ticks in St. Petersburg continues throughout the warm period, presumably the season of this year will close by the end of September. All this time there is a threat to be bitten, pick up a dangerous virus from an encephalitis tick. Doctors are asked to make vaccines, to observe individual precautions, promptly seek help from specialists.
To the question whether there are ticks in St. Petersburg, the answer is yes. For those who have not previously encountered parasites in St. Petersburg, a brief description of the appearance.
- A hungry tick has a flat brown-gray body, 4 pairs of limbs, a small thin head.
- As the parasite sticks, the chitinous cover expands, the body is rounded. On the surface of the skin you can see only the belly of the scarlet color, legs, the head is inside.
- The body size of a hungry parasite does not exceed 4 mm, whereas the full parasite increases significantly in size.
Photo ticks in the Leningrad region below.
Vaccine situation in St. Petersburg
Vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis are made in all public medical institutions of the region. The course consists of 2-3 vaccines, which must be completed 2 weeks before possible contact with the infectious agent.
In 2018, the Committee on Healthcare plans to vaccinate 56969 adults, 32734 children in St. Petersburg at the expense of the state budget. More than 70 thousand vaccines have been purchased, which have been received by state medical organizations, vaccination points.
As of May 2018, about 9 thousand people have been vaccinated in St. Petersburg. The main methods of prevention are also repellents, clothing, hats, body inspection every 2 hours.
Where to take a tick for analysis in St. Petersburg
An encephalitic tick externally does not differ from the usual, the signs of the disease appear no earlier than 14 days after the bite. In order to respond to the problem in a timely manner, it is recommended to hand over the tick to the laboratory for analysis. For the study fit live or dead, but whole. Should be attributed within 2 hours after extraction. Keep the material should be in a glass jar with a lid, where a wet cotton wool is pre-placed.
Studies on the presence of tick-borne viral encephalitis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis in the Leningrad region, St. Petersburg are carried out in the laboratories of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Leningrad Region. Located at St. Petersburg, st. Olminskogo, 27 (metro station "Elizarovskaya"), contact phone: (812) -448-05-11.
After a tick bite, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. Even removing the parasite is better to carry out at the sanitary inspection room of St. Petersburg in order not to damage the body. Medical care is provided in the state budgetary healthcare institutions of the region, in St. Petersburg. Items work around the clock.
- “Boksitogorsk Interdistrict Hospital” 187550, Boksitogorsk, ul. Komsomolskaya, 23;
- “Volkhov Interdistrict Hospital” 187400, Volkhov, Derzhavina Ave., 60;
- "Volosovsky Interdistrict Hospital" 188410, Volosovo, ul. Khrustitsky, 76;
- "Vsevolozhsk clinical interdistrict hospital" 188710, Vsevolozhsk, Koltushskoe highway, 20;
- Gatchina Clinical Interdistrict Hospital 188300, Gatchina, ul. Roshchinskaya, 15a;
- "Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital" 188800, Vyborg, ul. October, 2;
- "Kingisepp Interdistrict Hospital. PN Prokhorov ”188480, Kingisepp, ul. Vorovskogo, 20;
- “Kirov Interdistrict Hospital” 188690, Kirovsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 3;
- “Kirishi Clinical Interdistrict Hospital” 187110, Kirishi, ul. Sovetskaya, 4;
- "Lodeynopolsky Interdistrict Hospital" 187710, L. Pole, ul. Gagarin, 1;
- “Luga Interdistrict Hospital” 188230, Luga, Leningradskoye shosse, 7;
- "Podporozhye Interdistrict Hospital" 187740, Podporozhye, ul. Isakova, 24;
- "Lomonosov Interdistrict Hospital. I.N. Yudchenko ”189512, Lomonosov, ul. Eleninskaya, 13;
- "Tikhvin Interdistrict Hospital. A.F. Kalmykova ”187500, Tikhvin, ul. K. Marx, 118-a;
- "Priozersk Interdistrict Hospital" 188760, Priozersk, ul. Kalinin, 35;
- "Slantsevskaya Interdistrict Hospital" 188540, Slantsy, st. Gagarin, 2;
- “Tosno Clinical Interdistrict Hospital” 187020, Tosno, Barybina Highway, 29.
Ticks in St. Petersburg this year pose the same danger as in 2017. We must always remember about prevention, be careful. For its part, the state guarantees the processing of the most dangerous zones in St. Petersburg, provides the vaccine.
Ticks in the Leningrad region in 2018 in comparison with 2017
The Office of Rospotrebnadzor informs that from March 15, daily monitoring of the situation regarding the tick season in St. Petersburg 2018 began. Until May of this year, residents of 15 districts of the Leningrad Region, St. Petersburg, in total 369 people, 88 of whom children. In comparison with the previous year 2017, for the same period, 192 people suffered from tick bites, including 92 children.
The map of ticks in the Leningrad region in 2018 covers the following areas where sucking pests were recorded:
- Tikhvin 60;
- Kirishsky - 58;
- Luga - 33;
- Kingisepp - 32;
- Vsevolozhsk - 29;
- Slantsevsky - 29;
- Podporozhsky - 27;
- Gatchinsky - 25;
- Volkhovsky - 21;
- Tosno - 20;
- Boksitogorsky- 12;
- Kirovsky - 12;
- Volosovsky- 5;
- Lodeinopolsky - 4;
- Lomonosovsky -2.
On a note!
Most ticks in St. Petersburg in Tizvinsky district, less dangerous is Lomonosov. The specialists of the Department have begun the implementation of a preventive, anti-epidemiological program. Provides for the treatment of parks from ticks, recreation areas in St. Petersburg.
Ticks in St. Petersburg 2018 - plots processing
Local authorities planned in 2018 the insecticide spraying of a total area of 2,275 hectares. The same indicator was last 2017 in St. Petersburg. Began processing of the site from ticks on the territory of gardening, childcare facilities, bases, recreation areas.
For the treatment of private land, backyard, suburban plots in St. Petersburg, insecticidal agents with a broad spectrum of action, checkers are used. The cost of drugs from 200 rubles. up to 1 thousand rubles You can handle the means of the Executioner, Geth, Tetriks, Karbofos. Actions are enough for 1-2 months. Also use the services of specialists. St. Petersburg City Service for the treatment of the territory of less than 10 acres takes 280 rubles. for every hundred. For large areas make a discount. Private companies of St. Petersburg for 2 hours of disinsection, spraying 10 acres of territory take 5900 rubles, guarantee protection for the whole season.