Where in Moscow to hand over a tick for analysis and where to turn if bitten by a tick

You can take a tick for analysis in Moscow to the laboratory of public medical institutions and private clinics. The technique is used identical, the terms of obtaining the result, the cost differ. If a tick has bitten, you also need to undergo an examination yourself, but you should donate blood no earlier than 10-14 days after the incident.

Where to go for tick bites in Moscow

After the detection of the parasite, the question of what to do next is acute. You can remove the tick yourself, but if you do something wrong, the body may be damaged - the head remains inside. The risk of tick-borne encephalitis infection increases instantly; the damaged tick will not be taken to the laboratory for analysis.

Initially, you should call the district, city clinic at the sanitary inspection room, registry. They will say where to go. You can also go to the nearest clinic on your own. A tick in Moscow can be pulled out in any emergency room, surgeon's office, at the sanitary inspection room. Almost any Moscow hospital provides services around the clock.


If you wish, you can seek help from private clinics, where they will immediately be asked to make the appropriate tests. Addresses of clinics in Moscow:

  • Medical Center MultiMed, metro Volokolamskaya, Pyatnitskoe Highway, 15. Tel. +7 (495) 111-63-88.
  • ZELT Medical Center, Perovo Metro, Entuziastov Highway 62. Tel. +7 (499) 705-97-91.

Detailed information about the addresses and services of clinics in Moscow can be found on the Internet. Remove ticks can be a few seconds. Experts use tweezers or special tongs. Unscrew clockwise or counterclockwise.The same manipulation can be done independently, if you have the skills, you had to extract the parasite before. Remove carefully.


It is worth noting that it is possible independent fall of the parasites after saturation. It occurs within 1-3 days. An important point - to find the parasite, to carry to the survey. Often searches end in failure, because you need to remove ticks immediately.

Where to take a tick for analysis in Moscow for free, for a fee

On the official website of Rospotrebnadzor, information about clinics, laboratories, where the tick is taken for analysis in Moscow, is constantly updated. In most cases, tests are paid, but information can be clarified in advance by telephone. And also in what form take the parasite. Some experts agree to conduct research only if the tick is alive.

Hand over tick for analysis
Hand over tick for analysis

Names, addresses of private clinics, where you can contact with your problem:

  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, Western Administrative District. +7 (499) 144-00-42, Moscow, Bolshaya Filevskaya, 33;
  • Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare +7 (495) 954-45-36, Moscow, Warsaw highway, 19a;
  • Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD 8 (800) 707-78-81, Moscow, Dmitrovsky Pereulok, 2, p. 1;
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, Northern Administrative District. +7 (495) 452-19-74, Moscow, Admiral Makarov, 10;
  • Invitro 8 (800) 200-36-30;
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, South-Eastern Administrative District +7 (495) 919-36-32, Moscow, Volgogradsky Avenue, 113 K5;
  • Gemotest 8 (800) 550-13-13;
  • Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, +7 (495) 687-40-47. Address: Moscow, Grafsky Pereulok, 4, building 2.

Where to take a tick for analysis: to a private or public laboratory - an individual decision. How much it costs to take a tick for analysis depends on the financial policy of the clinic, the level of specialists, equipment, as well as the number of infections that need to be examined.

Tick ​​removal
Tick ​​removal

On a note!

Analysis of tick encephalitis is carried out in parallel with other diseases, which also spreads this parasite. Some infections are transmitted through the blood, others - saliva. The probability of infection is always there. Check tick on encephalitis in Moscow, as well as borreliosis can be for 800 rubles. A complete study of ticks for 4 infections - encephalitis, borreliosis or Lyme disease, GAC, MEC will cost about 1 thousand.rub. For analysis by PCR for borreliosis, a live, dead tick is suitable, but it is whole.

Budget analysis laboratories:

  • Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor". Working hours 9.00 to 16.30 daily on weekdays. Moscow, Warsaw highway, 19 a., Phone: +7 (495) -952-40-98, (PCR, 4 infections). Laboratory research of ixodic ticks.
  • FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Moscow Region". Acceptance of ticks from 9.00 to 16.30 on weekdays. Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi, ul. Semashko, d. 2., Laboratory of especially dangerous infections. Tel. +7 (495) 582-96-55. Analysis for 4 infections by PCR.
  • FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow." Tel: +7 (495) 687-40-47. Opening hours 9.00 am to 3.30 pm daily on weekdays (lunch break from 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm). Address: Moscow, Grafsky Pereulok, 4, building 2 (entrance from the courtyard, past the barrier). The analysis is carried out by PCR for 4 infections - CE, BL, MECh, GAC, the price is 1640 rubles.

Check tick, you can do the analysis within 3 days. Each laboratory works individually. Acceptance of ticks is carried out only in appropriate containers - often glass jars. Before going to the clinic you need to contact the staff. Where to do a tick analysis of piroplasmosis, other infections can prompt in the emergency room after removing the parasite.Extraction service is free, material research, analysis costs money.

Where and where to donate blood for analysis

Blood test after tick bite
Blood test after tick bite

In order to timely respond to the problem, to prevent complications, it is recommended to donate blood for borreliosis, encephalitis. To get reliable information, you need to seek help no earlier than 14 days after tick sucking. The cost of blood tests from 700 to 1000 rubles. Results are ready within 32 days. With an extra charge for urgency - 4 hours.

Clinic addresses:

  • Laboratory FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Moscow Region", Mytischi, st. Semashko, 2 (entrance from the right end of the building, porch - 1st floor). Phone: +7 (495) 582-96-55, +7 (495) 586-12-11. Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 15:00; Sat, Sun - non-working days. A simultaneous study of a tick, blood for 4 infections costs 1055 rubles, for the detection of antibodies IgG, IgM - 345r (of one class for one infection). The analysis is carried out 1-3 days.
  • “Institute of poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis”, Vnukovo, pos. Moscow Phone: +7 (498) 540-90-96
  • FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow." Address: Moscow, Grafsky Pereulok, 4, building 2 (2nd floor, through the main entrance).Tel .: +7 (495) 687-40-30. Mode of operation: Monday-Wednesday from 9-00 to 12-00.
    As well as Moscow, Warsaw highway, 19 A. Tel .: +7 (495) 952-40-98. Opening hours: Monday-Thursday from 9:30 to 15:00, 9th floor, office 925 (lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00). Information on the results is available from 15:00 to 17:30. Blood tests for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis, anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis are carried out in the laboratory.

The most accurate picture allows you to get an immunochip for borreliosis. The cost of the method for the detection of antibodies on average 1400 rubles. The analysis for demodicosis is carried out in the same laboratories. The cost of about 450 rubles. The appearance of this disease is in no way connected with the suction of the Ixodes tick. Checking the reaction to encephalitis virus is mandatory for all.

Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin

Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin
Tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin

In some private, public clinics, after an attack by a parasite, they propose to supply an immunoglobulin in order to avoid the serious consequences of the disease. Children in some public institutions it is entered for free, the information needs to be clarified on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. Adults are advised to seek help from a private clinic or buy the vaccine yourself.The average price of a 1 ml ampoule is 650 rubles.

On a note!

Initial consultation on further action after the attack of the parasite can be obtained by phone, calling an ambulance. Hotline in Moscow and the regions 03, mobile 112.

After removal of the tick for seroprophylaxis, the introduction of adult immunoglobulin is sent to the Sklifosovsky institute (Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Care, at Moscow, B. Sukharevskaya Square, 3. Tel. 8 (495) 680-41-54, 680 -93-60. Children in the Children's City Clinical Hospital N 13 named after NF Filatov. Address: Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street, 15. Phone: 8 (499) 254-34-30. Services are free, at the expense of budget funds. Often offer to seek help in private clinics. Immunoglobulin put the following centers:

  • State Research Institute of Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations (LA Tarasevich GISC). Address: Moscow, trans. Sivtsev Vrazhek, 41. Phone: +7 (495) 241-39-22, 241-99-78, 241-31-77.
  • State Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamalei RAMS, Moscow, st. Gamaley, 18. Phone: +7 (499) 193-30-01.
  • “MEDEP. Center for Immunoprophylaxis ”, Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospect, 33. Phone: +7 (499) 147-90-03.
  • American clinic, Moscow, Grokholsky lane, 31. Phone +7 (495) 937-57-57.

In most cases, trips to clinics are completed on this, however, it is possible to obtain information that does not provide a complete picture, it is necessary to repeat the study again.

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