How to protect yourself from ticks, protection from bites

In the spring I really want to spend time with my family, friends in nature, breathe in the fresh air, gain strength. In the summer in the forest, and even near the lake, you can escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, relax. But not always rest in nature leaves only positive emotions, ticks can spoil leisure.They live in deciduous forests, in tall grass, thickets of shrubs. How to protect yourself from ticks - the main question for all tourists.

Seasonal activity of parasites

In the forest in the spring you can "meet" the tick at the end of March. Last year, the first bite was recorded on March 7th. This suggests that pests wake up very early when the air temperature reaches +2 degrees Celsius.

On a note!

The peak of pest activity is at the end of May, mid-June. During this period, hiking in the forest is especially dangerous for humans.

Mites prefer deciduous trees, shrubs, tall grass. They love moisture, but are more often found on a sunny meadow at the edge of the forest, as well as in the grass thickets. Pests do not rise above 50 cm above the ground, therefore the statement that parasites fall on humans from trees is incorrect. The probability of picking up a tick increases when you are among the bushes in the grass. Often parasites attack people while picking berries.

In July, the activity decreases slightly. Contribute to this climatic conditions - high temperature, low humidity, as well as the activity of natural enemies.In August, a young generation of ticks appears, so you need to be alert again.

On a note!

Pests disappear with the onset of persistent cold weather. With a warm, moderately rainy autumn, parasites can be found even in early November.

Precautions - correct color

In order not to pick up a tick, you need to choose sunny glades in an open area for rest. Avoid close proximity of shrubs, thickets. If the trip to the forest is associated with constant movement - picking berries, mushrooms, and proper clothing will help to protect yourself from ticks.

There is one proven method to detect ticks. Moisten a light piece of cloth, spend slowly over the grass, leaves of shrubs. If the parasites are in the thickets, be sure to crawl on a white canvas. To avoid such a situation, not to provoke pests, you should not wear light-colored clothing to the forest.

Too dark outfit is also not suitable, because it is difficult to consider a parasite that only intends to dig into the skin.

Tick-proof clothing
Tick-proof clothing

On a note!

The best option - clothes in shades of green. Such a disguise can protect yourself from ticks, avoid bites, unpleasant consequences.

How to dress in the forest from ticks

In the hot summer, I don’t really want to wear a frock coat, thick cloth pants, and mittens. But do not do it, you can choose the clothes for the season from a thin fabric. The main rule is that the body should have as few open spaces as possible.

  • Shirt, jacket with long sleeves, tight cuffs. If air temperature permits, wear gloves.
  • Pants with cuffs, always socks.
  • On the head of Panama, hat, cap, scarf. Or wear a hood.

On a note!

Once on the human body, the parasite for 3 hours just examines the situation. If it does not find open areas of the body, simply falls to the ground. Simple safety rules will allow you to fully enjoy nature, to avoid the tick bite.

Folk remedies

To know how to protect yourself from ticks on nature, you should explore their weaknesses. Pests do not like harsh smells, do not attack people who do not smell of sweat. People's councils propose to carry out prevention of certain odors.

  • Going to the forest, on a meadow, a river, you must first use an antiperspirant to eliminate the smell of sweat. However, the flavor must be neutral or absent altogether.Otherwise, the sweet notes of deodorant will attract more ticks.
  • In Soviet times, protection against ticks provided a persistent odor of cologne. Try to find something similar or just use alcohol, vodka - spray on clothes.
  • Effective remedy for the protection and prevention of ticks - essential oils. Scares off pests citronella, lemon, lime, lavender, peppermint. Oils may be applied to open areas of the body, soak accessories. It is well protected from ticks by an oil-soaked ribbon or rope tied at the wrist, leg. In a similar way make collars to protect pets.

Immediately after returning home, throw the clothes in the laundry, carefully examine the pets, comb through the wool, and take a shower. In this way, you can be warned against bites, dangerous diseases, even if the parasite managed to get on the body.

Special preparations - repellents

Aerosols for protection against ticks
Aerosols for protection against ticks

Prevention of ticks with the correct selection of clothing remains the main rule, repellents increase the chances of being unharmed. In order not to catch the tick in nature, you must pre-process things with a special spray, aerosol, solution.

On sale is a wide range of products.Sprays, broad-spectrum aerosols help from many blood-sucking insects. Protective properties last from 4 to 8 hours. Per day is allowed to carry out 2 treatments. Spray treated clothes in the open air to a state of moisture. Put on after drying. Sprays may be applied to exposed areas of the body.

On a note!

Separately produced a safe line of products for children. It is allowed to use from 1-3 years. Effective means - Moskitoll, Off, Gardeks. Drugs smell good, protect a maximum of 4 hours. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. When choosing the right product, you must take into account the age of the child.

Effective means for the whole family:

  • Taiga;
  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Off;
  • Det.

Price of protective equipment from 100 rubles. up to 350 rubles Sprayed from a distance of 20 cm from the treated surface. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth.

Heavy artillery checkers

Smoke checkers from ticks
Smoke checkers from ticks

If you are going to rest in nature with an overnight stay or spend more than 5 hours spending time, you can prepare the area in advance and prevent negative consequences.Special checkers from ticks operate in a radius of 250 square meters. Retain protective properties for about 20 days. When igniting checkers, acrid smoke is released with the content of permethrin or another toxic component.

It is necessary to install a preventive checker at a distance of 15 m from the intended resting place, to arrive 2 days after the pest baiting. Effective proven funds - Silent evening, Fomorie, Permethrin. The price of one checker from 250 rubles.

Useful tips - what not to do

There are situations when everything is done, as experts advise, but the result is not encouraging. What not to do:

  • Apply repellent under the sunscreen. Initially, the skin should be treated with sunscreen, wait 5 minutes, spray repellent.
  • Splashing too much money. Enough moderate moisture.
  • Apply a spray that is designed to handle things, directly on yourself or indoors. It should hang things on the clothesline, process, wait until dry.
  • Use repellent only during the "smoke break". In the process of movement, the tick is also able to climb onto the body, clinging initially to the leg of the victim.To carry out the processing of clothes before going to the forest, after 4-8 hours, several zilchs are reapplied to enhance the effect.

Animals wear special collars, put drops, spray the coat. It is necessary to carry repellents with you always, recovering in nature. Bite pests can even while walking in the city park. To protect yourself from attacks, you should always remember about prevention. If the tick managed to penetrate under the skin, you need to gently hook it with tweezers, unscrew it in a clockwise direction. Treat the skin with alcohol.

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