Leopard against ticks for dogs and cats

Modern veterinary medicine does not stand still and every year new means for pets from blood-sucking individuals appear on the market. One of the most dangerous parasites for cats and dogs is the tick.A small creature from the order of arachnids can cause serious harm to the health of pets. Animal owners often prefer the preparation Leopard from ticks for dogs and cats.

Description and composition of the drug

The Bars anti-tick remedy has a dual effect on parasites: repellent and insecticacaricidal, that is, it repels them and destroys them simultaneously. The drug can be used against a specific bloodsucker, which has already adhered to the pet, and apply the agent as a preventive measure. Universal Bars is also used against fleas, lashing, lice, scabies and ear mites.

The composition of the drug includes several active ingredients:

  1. Fipronil is the main active ingredient of the product. Its tasks include blocking parasite receptors, disrupting the functioning of their nervous system, which further provokes paralysis and death of ticks.
  2. Dicarboximide acts as an insecticidal enhancer. It prevents the detoxification of the insecticide and prolongs its action.
  3. Diflubenzuron has a destructive effect on the vital processes of parasites: their molting, egg-laying, larvae excretion, the formation of chitin.The action of this substance prevents the development of offspring and reduces the number of parasitic fauna.

The simultaneous impact of all three components, even with a small concentration of them, gives a stable good result in protecting pets from ectoparasites.


The leopard differs from the ticks for cats from the similar preparation for dogs by the percentage of active ingredients. To apply the same remedy for different types of animals is unacceptable.

In addition to the active ingredients, the preparation contains auxiliary components: citronella and lavender essential oils, castor oil, glycerin. The protective action of the Bars agent lasts from 1 to 2 months, after which it is possible to repeat the procedure, but not more than 1 time in the current month.

Means Bars from ticks for pets
Means Bars from ticks for pets

Instructions for use

The preparation the Leopard from ticks is developed for cats and dogs. The product is not suitable for rabbits, rodents, birds and other pets. For ease of use, Leopard is available in the form of drops, spray, collar. The owner of the animal can choose the most suitable form of release.

On a note!

In addition to the usual drops and spray is a version of the Forte.Drops and spray Bars Forte differs in dosage, duration of protective action and different composition of essential oils as additional components.

Drops for dogs

Dogs are more likely to be attacked by ticks. They can pick it up while walking on a walk in a park, a public garden, on the local territory, in a forest. If a tick appeared on a dog, you cannot immediately pull it out with your bare hands. It is necessary to drop 1 drop of funds directly on the parasite that has sucked in and wait 30 minutes. The tick itself usually crawls out from under the skin under the paralyzing effect of the drug. If this does not happen, you need to gently pull it out with tweezers.

Drops the Leopard for dogs are packed in special capsules in the amount of 3 or 4 pieces per pack. Capsule volume is different: 1.4; 2.8; 4.2 and 5 ml. To protect your four-legged friend from the risk of being bitten, you should read the instructions for using the Leopard remedy for ticks for dogs:

  • get a pipette with an oily liquid out of the package and open it;
  • apply a few drops on the dry skin of the dog at the withers, spreading the fur apart;
  • put a few drops along the back so that the pet could not reach this place and lick the tool;
  • after the procedure, wash your hands with soap and dispose of the used pipette;
  • Do not bathe the dog for 3 days before treatment and 3 days after.


During the day after applying the drug can not pet iron, hug, wear dog overalls. These actions can disrupt the protective layer on the dog's skin and coat.

The amount of the applied drug varies depending on the size and weight of the pet. With a dog weighing from 2 to 10 kg, use the contents of one capsule of 1.4 ml. Two pipettes of the same volume or one 2.8 ml will be needed to process an animal weighing from 10 to 20 kg. Then for every 10 kg of pet's weight, you need to add one dose of 1.4 ml.

Drops the Leopard from ticks for dogs
Drops the Leopard from ticks for dogs

For the treatment of dogs of small breeds whose weight is less than 2 kg, Bars Forte drops have been developed. Their difference lies in the volume of capsules: 0.5; 1.0; 1.8 ml. Pipettes with a smaller amount of the drug are suitable for small pets.

The price of one pack of Bars drops with a 1.4 ml pipette is 120 rubles, with four 1.4 ml pipettes - 180 rubles. For large breeds, a package of two pipettes of 5 ml at a price of 200 rubles is provided.

Spray for dogs

The spray contains the same composition as the drops, and is no less effective. It is produced in bottles of 100 and 200 ml.When processing the pet, according to the instructions for the spray, you need to follow the steps:

  • Before you start using the spray, you need to put on protective gloves and shake the bottle with the contents;
  • spray recommended to be applied outdoors, away from children and other pets;
  • during spraying means to keep the bottle in a vertical position at a distance of 25 cm from the animal;
  • to spray the Leopard from ticks you need on those areas of the body on the back, withers and the back of the head where the dog cannot reach;
  • then it is necessary to distribute the applied agent with hands and rub it against the fur directly into the pet's skin;
  • after 20 minutes you should comb the dog's hair with a brush;
  • Do not expose your pet to water procedures 3 days before treatment and 3 days after.

On a note!

Advantages of spray in its convenience of application and the ability to use it on the street. One procedure is enough to protect the dog from ticks for 2 weeks. When using the Bars Forte spray, the protection period increases to 4 weeks. They can also handle animal litter.

The cost of a bottle of 100 ml 180 rubles, 200 ml - 300 rubles. Spray from ticks Bars Forte in a bottle of 100 ml will cost 330 rubles.

Dog Tick Collar

Collar the Leopard from ticks for dogs
Collar the Leopard from ticks for dogs

Another way to protect a four-legged friend from dangerous parasites is to use a collar from ticks for Leopard dogs. The product is made of flexible material, impregnated with the active ingredient fipronil, which gradually penetrates the skin in the neck and is distributed throughout the body of the pet. Wearing an accessory provides protection against fleas, ticks and other skin parasites for 4 months.

On a note!

Simultaneous use of a collar and any other remedy for ticks is prohibited. This can cause an overdose of the drug and poisoning the pet.

The collar is suitable for dogs of different breeds and sizes. Available in lengths of 35, 50 and 80 cm. This allows you to choose the right option for your four-legged friend. It is necessary to fasten the product on the neck of the pet so that there is a gap between the collar and the neck 1.5 - 2 cm. After fixing the product, the excess residue of the collar needs to be cut off. The material is waterproof, and impregnation when bathing a dog is not washed out.

The price of the collar depends on its length. The shortest, designed for dogs of small breeds, will cost 150 rubles.For medium and large breeds, the price of the collar will be 170 and 190 rubles, respectively.

Cat Drops

Cats can also fall prey to parasites, just like dogs. Very often, their furry pets owners take out to country houses or cottages, where curious animals begin to inspect the territory. At this point, they become vulnerable to tick bites. To protect the representatives of the cat family, you can use drops Leopard for cats. Cat droplets differ from dog drops in a lower concentration of active ingredients and capsule volume. In packaging, pipettes have a volume of 0.3; 0.6 and 1 ml.

For the treatment of cats with the preparation Bars, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage in accordance with the weight of the pet:

  • weight less than 1 kg - 1 pipette 0.3 ml;
  • weight from 1 to 3 kg - 0.6 ml of the drug;
  • weight more than 3 kg - 1 ml.

On a note!

The cost of packing drops for cats with three 1 ml capsules is 150 rubles.

Collar and spray Leopard against ticks for cats
Collar and spray Leopard against ticks for cats

Spray for cats

Spray Bars Forte for cats is no different from a similar drug from ticks for dogs. The order of application is as follows:

  • shake the bottle and keep it at a distance of 25 cm from the animal;
  • Apply the product to the roots of the raised hair in order to maximally moisturize the skin;
  • when the coat is damp enough, you need to comb it over the entire length so that the spray is evenly distributed throughout the cat's body;
  • limit the pet's ability to lick himself on the first day after treatment, wearing a special collar.

Spray Leopard Forte for cats costs about 340 rubles per bottle of 100 ml.

Collar for cats

Leopard also produces special tick collars for cats. Their difference from the dog is that they are represented only by one size of 35 cm. The procedure is the same: put a collar on the cat and fasten it, leaving a small gap between the neck and the product, trim the excess end.


Last year, a husky dog ​​appeared in our family. After a trip with the dog to the village, they found a tick behind his ear. At first they were very scared, but then they decided to ask their friends what to do in this case. We were advised to buy a drop of Leopard and drop it directly on the parasite. So did. After some time, he himself unhooked from the dog. Then he treated all of Jack with these drops. More cases of tick bites were not.

Marina, Ulan-Ude

I have a dog breed setter.Very active dog Moby. He constantly runs without a leash in the park. To protect it against ticks, I decided to look for drugs on the Internet. After reading the positive feedback about the Leopard tick remedy for dogs, I decided to try the spray. I apply it for the second summer in a row. Not a single tick is not found on Moby. I recommend all dog lovers to buy Bars.

Catherine, Perm

Every year in the summer I leave the city to the country and take my cat Rus with me. He walks around the dacha settlement and is naturally in danger of catching a tick. Therefore, before each summer season, I buy Bars drops for cats and process them to Russia once a month. There were no problems with parasites. I am calm about the health of my furry family member.

Konstantin, Omsk

Contraindications drug Leopard for cats and dogs

Insecticide acaricide against ticks Bars has a number of contraindications. It consists of active chemicals that can have a negative impact on the health of the pet. Contraindications:

  • Bars from ticks for puppies and kittens under 10 weeks of age should not be used;
  • do not use the tool for pregnant and lactating females;
  • if a pet has recently suffered a disease, it is necessary to limit its contact with chemical agents;
  • in case of an allergic reaction of the animal to the drug, you need to wash the coat with shampoo and give your pet an allergy medication;
  • if during the use of Bars means ticks appeared on the animal, then you need to change the tool to another.

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