Instructions for use Cifox from ticks

Digox is an effective remedy against numerous domestic and not only parasites. It has been actively used for decades. During processing, it should be noted that the instructions for use of Cifox from ticks, mosquitoes and other insects may differ.

Drug description

Tsifoks - means for processing from pincers, fleas, mosquitoes, flies and many other parasites, insects. Since the 90s, it has been used by professional disinsectors. Cyfox is a moderately toxic drug and, if used correctly, does not pose a danger to humans.

Its action is based on a high concentration of a special substance - cypermethrin 25%. To use it will need to be diluted with water. The emulsion has a light yellowish tint.

Immediately after the treatment, the active substance of the agent enters the organism of the pest through the oral apparatus or, penetrating through the chitinous membrane. Further, cypermethrin paralyzes the nervous system, leading to complete paralysis and death of parasites.

Digit mosquito and tick retains its effect:

  1. 1-3 months indoors.
  2. On the water surface - 1-3 weeks.
  3. In open areas - 1-2 months.


It is strictly prohibited to use for the treatment of natural water bodies.

The tool can be used not only to fight, but also as a preventive measure.

When used

The tool is used not only for personal purposes, but also to ensure security in public places.Digox is widely used for:

  • disinsection in the premises where the centers of the spread of lice were found;
  • destruction of ticks, which are carriers of dangerous diseases;
  • processing of the subway and railway facilities;
  • insect control indoors;
  • plots processing.

Cost depends on the volume sold:

  • 50 ml from 200 rubles;
  • 500 ml from 1000 rubles;
  • 1 liter - 1500 rubles.

On a note!

Analogs of Cixox are Tetracin, Cyradon, Fas, Cipromal, Biocifen. These drugs are also based on the action of cypermethrin.

In each specified case, the solution is prepared in different ways. The dosage and method of preparation is indicated in the instructions for use.

Ticks digox
Ticks digox

How to prepare a solution

Tsifoks is issued in the form of the concentrated solution which needs to be dissolved with water. For 1 liter of water use 2-4 ml of the product. The concentration of the finished fluid depends on the treated area, the type of insect and the degree of infection.

Detailed instructions for the use of tifox from ticks:

  1. Pour water into a bucket or other container. It is better to use warm.
  2. Add tifox in the right quantity.
  3. Stir for 5 minutes until completely dissolved.


Store ready solution for no more than 8 hours.

Give a means to act and after 10-12 hours to carry out wet cleaning. After that, the room can be returned to children and pets. It will be safe in it.

The table below provides recommendations for breeding ticks and other pests:

Scabies Ticks0.05
Bed bugs0.05

So as to prepare 5 liters of working fluid:

  • at a concentration of 0.1 it is necessary to dilute 20 ml of the concentrate;
  • to obtain a 0.05% solution, you need to take 10 ml of the emulsion;
  • 2 ml to obtain a finished insecticide at a concentration of 0.01%.

On a note!

Smooth surfaces can be treated with a brush moistened with a solution. For the rest of the sites using a spray.

Territory treatment of ticks with the drug Digox
Territory treatment of ticks with the drug Digox

Advantages and disadvantages

Finding a really effective tool to combat parasites can be very difficult. This is due to the abundance of offers. Zifoks has been released for a very long time, and during this time users have noted its numerous advantages:

  1. Wide range. You can use the tool not only against ticks, but also to destroy fleas, flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, cockroaches.
  2. A high concentration of active ingredients has a detrimental effect not only on adults, but also on their larvae.
  3. It is possible to process with Tsifoksom in the enclosed space and on open sites.
  4. Low consumption of funds. A small amount of the drug will be enough to handle a small apartment.
  5. Safe for surrounding household items. It leaves no marks on furniture, floors and other surfaces.
  6. Quick result. You can evaluate the effectiveness within 30 minutes after treatment.
  7. The concentrate does not lose its properties during 5 years of storage.
  8. Long-term effectiveness. Digox will protect the premises for 30 days after processing.

On a note!

In most cases, you can get rid of parasites after the first use. When the spread of pests is greatly increased, re-treatment may be required.

Before buying, you should carefully examine the available disadvantages:

  1. The prepared solution can not be stored. Therefore, the surplus will simply have to be disposed of.
  2. Most insects and mites get used to cypermethrin, which is part of Cixox. This greatly reduces the effectiveness of subsequent uses.
  3. Careless handling can cause health problems, especially in people prone to allergic reactions.

The manufacturer claims that correct handling and compliance with the recommendations will eliminate the manifestation of side effects.

The effectiveness of the drug Tsifox from ticks
The effectiveness of the drug Tsifox from ticks

Precautions and side effects

Tsifox against ticks is a moderately toxic drug, and violation of the rules of use can lead to undesirable consequences. Ignoring safety precautions while working with the product can lead to the development of poisoning. You can determine it by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Loss of strength and drowsiness.
  5. Spasms.
  6. Abundant salivation.

The presence of these symptoms is a dangerous signal. A person needs to urgently stop treatment with the drug. Take off protective clothing and get fresh air. Process the oral cavity with a weak soda solution and drink plenty of warm water.

Extremely undesirable hit of Cixox on mucous membranes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. If accidental ingestion occurs, drink 3 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting.Next, take activated carbon in recalculation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight and drink 3 glasses of water.

Safe use of Cixox is to comply with the following rules:

  1. Use of special protective clothing. Long dressing gown in the floor of dense natural fabric, gloves, headscarf, respirator glasses.
  2. In the place of processing should not be animals and children.
  3. Hide all food, dishes.
  4. Leave the windows and vents open while spraying indoors.


Do not use the tool for pregnant women, minor children, as well as people with hypersensitivity. Do not smoke, drink or eat during work.

Cyfox Reviews

I bought for 220 rubles in the ordinary market. I wanted to get rid of mosquitoes in the country, last year there were especially many of them. Concentration decided on my own a little increase. The result was not long in coming, but a week later the bloodsuckers again began to bother. Repeated processing decided this question.

Arseny, Barnaul

Tifox is used very often and each time against different pests. Parents are saving them from flies, sister from mosquitoes at the site, and we took to fight ticks.The tool has never failed. I am glad that enough for a long time.

Victoria, Moscow

Good, but against eggs he is powerless. I had to mix Zwixo and Forsyth. 15 minutes after treatment, the flaccid parasites began to crawl out of all the cracks. After 40 minutes, no movement was noticed. After processing, we withstood the necessary time and wiped everything with a soap-soda solution.

Agniya, Belgorod

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Bed bugs

